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/lit/ - Literature

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9896646 No.9896646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has literature ever got you laid anon?

>> No.9896655

>inb4 a Chad fooled himself to think his self inflating pseud diatribes got him laid

>> No.9896662

Twice, but both times were the type of literary girl who is easily impressed by someone who knows the slightest thing about pre-1850 work that isn't Shakespeare.

>> No.9896668

I have never touched a woman

>> No.9896670


>> No.9896679

Once actually, yeah. My mom gave me a bunch of her old Shakespeare collections and I kept them on my shelf and this girl thought it was the cutest thing. It was the closer. Thanks, Ma.

>> No.9896680

"You like Dicken's? I've got a copy of one of his at my place. You should come over and I'll give you Hard Times."

That lines free, but the next one is twenty bucks.

>> No.9896681

Their breasts are nice, but everything else is overrated. I honestly prefer jacking off.

>> No.9896683

no lol

>> No.9896691

Vajj isn't good?!?

>> No.9896703

My willingness to read has gotten me laid. But, ironically, abiding to my own philosophies has gotten me laid by a few literature majors through their desire to pick my brain and relate it to their philosophical studies. Can't beat the sex between two nihilists aware of their own psychologies.

>> No.9896713

I got a date from reading Pynchon.

She flaked.

>> No.9896728

No, they're slimy and gross.

>> No.9896729

I got a date from reading Nabokov.

I was arrested.

>> No.9896731

>sex between two nihilists
That sounds fucking horrible

>> No.9896735

So you didn't get a date.

>> No.9896738

Same here. 24

>> No.9896749
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I imagine anon was trying to say something about two people aware of their own desires, with an interest in experimenting and few things holding them back. But really it just made me think of these guys.

>> No.9896754


You sure read that guy's post, all right!

>> No.9896755

>be me
>first year in college
>be quite lefty
>attend a """socialist""" meeting at campus
>it's actually a bunch of SJW discussing the objectification of the black phallus in Western society
>be bored but still want to make some friends since I'm new
>bullshit my way into discourse with lacanian terminology
>SJW upperclassman cutie with light purple hair actually takes interest in me
>she gives me her number
and before I knew it, after two days of texting and casually hanging out to get coffee, I got myself my first girlfriend

>> No.9896766

>objectification of the black phallus
I hope you're memeing. I really do.

>> No.9896783

yeah quite a bit

>> No.9896807

>purple hair
All these mental health warning flags.

>> No.9896893

I'm not, they were discussing how fetishes such as BBC and especially cuckoldry serve to reduce the black man into a sex object, I don't even know why it was called a socialist meeting.

Once you get past the politics they're not as crazy as the average /pol/ bloomer would have you believe
>inb4 I get accused of shilling for leftists

>> No.9896904

It's the only thing that does get me laid 2bh

>> No.9896907

Sort of, my ex was a huge book nerd, she has a huge bookshelf and ran a booktubing channel, it's kind of what got me on her, and we dated for 2~ years. We're still close friends, but only because I'm a bitch who can't break something like that off.

>> No.9896908

why are leftists always willing to have sex so easily, whatever happened to love and intimacy?

>> No.9896931


post channel

>> No.9896951

I'm more concerned about the purple hair. I've never met a sane woman with colored hair.
t. dated multiple women with blue/green/purple hair

>> No.9896962

I got a date from reading Wolfe
it was my sister

>> No.9896964

>cucked anon goes to a so called socialists meeting because he's a friendless 18 year old autist who's never lifted a weight or played a sport in his life
>all that's discussed is BBC reducing black men into sex objects
>some sperg female thinks she's found the perfect cuck in our friend anon here
>becomes cucked boyfriend to purple hair who is fucking jamal on the side and squirting thinking about going behind her retarded boyfriend's back
>and yet he's still so retarded after all that he says something like, "Once you get past the politics they're not as crazy as the average /pol/ bloomer would have you believe"
>all because some purple hair sucked his dick once
behold the power of the pussy.

>> No.9896978


>> No.9896989

Stop, not again

>> No.9896994

I don't like these posts either, but sometimes you need to be reminded who's in charge.

>> No.9897010


must be one of those fat, ugly, 12 view girls

>> No.9897026

/lit/ has proven it's not responsible enough for booktuber wifus multiple times now

>> No.9897027

Why are tards only willing to see lifes intricaties as a left/right issue

>> No.9897038

I started my sentence with "And but so" and that daughter of a brewery owner invited me to spend a weekend at her family's residence.

>> No.9897097


I got a date from reading Nietzsche

I got whipped

>> No.9897161

Its not a left thing, it's an everybody thing. It's all dead. Nothing left. Was it ever real before? Maybe, but that doesn't matter if we can be lead to believe it did.

>> No.9897172

Whatever you need to tell yourself

>> No.9897174

My first real gf was definitely partly attracted to me because I read, but no, I am too autistic to pick up some hipster girl in public simply because I read books. A waitress once commented while I was reading In Cold Blood but unfortunately my life is not a movie where the next scene cut to me plowing her

>> No.9897177

From a girl who I already had a sexual rapport with, yes, after reading poetry aloud. That's all there is to it.

>> No.9897190

>believing in love and intimacy

>> No.9897205

i dated a girl, who studied literature for one and a half year. it was really depressing, how little she knew about literature. she literally got the best books from me, until we split, because i couldn´t stand her pomo-attitude.

>> No.9897220

Yup. My first girlfriend after high school was primarily based on our mutual appreciation for Joyce

>> No.9897242

Neither have I. I'm 26.

>> No.9897250

bro chicks think im deep ok

>> No.9897269

Best freak I ever dated was a lit student. We met by talking about Beowulf. She was a real Grendel in the sack.

>> No.9897309

Viscerally disgusting

>> No.9897347

hum... my gf likes when i study(?)

>> No.9897362
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>> No.9897416


>Be me
>Senior year of college
>Join student reading club because i had fuck all else to do
>Lots of SJW types
>Read The Road
>Give good analysis of it in group discussion
>After club session, qt3.14 wants to have a chat
>End up with a fuck buddy


>> No.9897679

>Once you get past the politics they're not as crazy as the average /pol/ bloomer would have you believe
Yeah beyond this they are average boring hypersensitive people.

>> No.9897747

Holy shit this

>> No.9897764

I got a date from reading Lovecraft.

Turned out it was my dead father-in-law.

>> No.9897768

Lots of times.
>haha oh anon you're so smart, I wish I could be like you!
But then again I have a bunch of other things going for me too, so I think it's a combination of all that.

>> No.9897817

>i couldn´t stand her pomo-attitude.
Define pomo attitude

>> No.9897826

>t. brainlet

>> No.9897834

Now that I think about it, The Art of Love by Fromm got me laid as a teenager.

...Perhaps I should reread that.

>> No.9897849

Same, I'm 54, anon.

>> No.9897851

Prove it.

>> No.9897874

How the fuck am I supposed to do that you idiotic millennial?

>> No.9897883

Show the year of birth on your ID, covering anything important.

>> No.9897887

this is pretty much me and my girlfriend

sex is pretty great

>> No.9897894

Same, 22

>> No.9897897

you must be great around well adjusted, intelligent people
I mean they must adore you, I'm sure your ramblings are great at parties

>> No.9897908


Once but it was ultimately unfulfilling.

>> No.9897938

25 but I cuddled a girl while watching a movie once. My high functioning autism kept it from proceeding.

>> No.9897962


>who is fucking jamal on the side and squirting

This is what happens to your psyche when you lurk /pol/ for a extended time.

>> No.9897964

nah, it made people generally dislike me because I go off on tangents that they don't understand.

Most conversations just seem like meaningless drivel to me. Jesus, I sound like an angsty 15 y/o that has read Poe once

>> No.9897965

I had sex with 3 girls in my life. One was a long relationship, one was a romanian whore, one was a one night stand blondie from london met her at a bar

>> No.9898026

Wow nice

Tfw no qt Joyce stanning gf

>> No.9898027

how can one reverse this? I'm afraid of doing the same thing

>> No.9898100

Imagine every group like you are meeting some newly discovered ethnic group.
That's technically true anyway. The best kind of true.

>> No.9898103
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>mfw even *if* I were to ever have sex I would probably be so bad at it that I would never attempt having it again

>> No.9898138
File: 30 KB, 459x252, VdtIZTo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the last time I tried to had sex, it had been so long that it genuinely felt like my first time again
>and not in the good way

>> No.9898149

Talk about school or local sports, recent pop culture events, and general hobbies. You don't have to sacrifice your intelligence but realize the grease of a conversation is mutually discussable topics.

>> No.9898199

i used to lurk there and occasionally stir the pot but fuck that place does actually take a toll on you. think hyperactive fox news plus pop up nightmares induced through rated r movies and fetishes. and every single one of your paranoid aging relatives' chain emails but intensified and distilled into an occult like worship of a cartoon frog.

i can see how someone could go crazy browsing there. it really is a dark place.

>> No.9898208

to get into the major leagues, you need more than one at-bat

>> No.9898220

If you're fucking gay, sure.

Not every good artist is a pervert, but every good pervert is an artist.

>> No.9898272

Was her name Christina?

>> No.9898396

Literature got me laid once, but with another guy. I'm not even gay.

>> No.9898456

only when i talk about infinite jest

>> No.9898761

I remember chatting up a friend of a friend and she likes ASoIaF a bit and she though Wind of Winter was going to be the last book but I was like no A Dream of Spring is and she was like noooo fuck he's going to die that fat bastard why is he so slow and we had a nice chuckle so I grabbed her hand and dragged her into the rain to makeout. We fugged straight after that, it was a good excuse to talk GoT while undressing her and drying her with a towel/my tongue. Was fun.

>> No.9898775


>> No.9898844

No. Anons, how are readers in your country? At least in mine they are wimpy introvert people, that with males; females tend to be posers, some are hot, but the average real female reader tends to be nerdy, not ugly, but averge

>> No.9898858

Angry virgin detected.

>> No.9898863


A girl once slept with me because she was impressed by my bookshelf.

>> No.9898867

19 and same

>> No.9898879


>> No.9898887

The amount of shitty sex I've had far out numbers the amount of good sex I've had

>> No.9898930

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

>> No.9899043

Not missing much

Western society breeds weak women, petty overlords who threaten to leave as soon as the first sign of conflict arises

The more attractive, the more entitled they feel to their insanity, our culture worships beautiful women (really its just women objectively comparing one another blaming it on men saying shit like oh you think shes prettier than me)

Either stupid or weak willed pick your lot, desu women are not worth the trouble. The ones who dont want to netflix and chill are fighting for womans rights and still upset that men are genetically intellectually superior (no one questions why men have produced 99% of the great achievements in the last thousands of years)

Thus the cabal forms, women hate sexism yet form womens rights groups much in the same way blacks hate racism yet form black lives matter

They really are just fucking stupid, you dont have a choice. Every now and then you find a woman who has deviated so far from womanhood (read: complacency+mediocrity) that she actually pushes the intellectual envelope. Im not talking Susan B Anthony, more like Ada Lovelace

Of course the modern Western man should be left worshipping the pathetic feminine cult lol fuck off, im going to a programming bootcamp where the program manager is a black female who just so happens to have chosen 9/13 of our cohort as women. In a field where 90% are men.

Keep dreaming bitch so she puts me on the final project group with 3 other women, (1 started off our final project telling us she has been lost for 8 weeks now as she didnt do the prework lmao). The other is a bitchy whale. Final one actually contributes, but not code. At least the whale has male friends who can help her.

And im responsible when these dumb fucking cunts cant C#/.net worth a damn fuck on from here (coulda put me in the group with the 3 MEN who all know what they are doing, nah senpai)

Im not racist nor sexist just hate the double standards anyone who isnt white or a male pulls

>> No.9899079


same, 21. I am mentally ill, so that's never going to get me laid.

>> No.9899129

I have never had a woman consent to me touching her

>> No.9899379

yeah all the time. in college it's easy dude. i swear 18 yo girls are impressed by the dumbest shit

>> No.9899419
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>not having them straddle you with their thick soft thighs
>not grabbing that fat ass and bouncing her wet cunt on your dick
>not sucking on her lips


>> No.9899438

>not grabbing that fat ass and bouncing her wet cunt on your dick
Came hard as fuck last night doing this. Tits are shit, ass is where it's at.

>> No.9899440


I recited a Shakespearean sonnet to some girl on chatroulette back in the day, and she took her clothes off and masturbated with me. So to that extent, yes. Though past that, nope.

>> No.9899469

>What do you like to do, anon?
>I mainly read in my free time
>You read? I haven't read since middle school

gets me every time

>> No.9899484
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I like to grab the thighs myself and ride those bitches hard. But if they're on top I grab that ass.

>> No.9899599

Beer and pussy are the two greatest disappointments of my early life. Yes, they are good but not nearly as amazing as everybody talked them up to be.

>> No.9899621

No, unlike videogames or films

>> No.9899651

same, 23

I look decent which arguably makes it worse because everyone expects you to be "normal"

>> No.9899655

t. virgins

>> No.9899657

Once, but i'm gay

>> No.9899658

You masturbahed together in the same room?

>> No.9899659
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nice dubs

i've fucked, i've eaten pussy, i've sucked cock. sry lad.

>> No.9899667

That nut in the cunt was real lad, sorry about it.

>> No.9899673

>being good looking makes it worse
>people want normal
You are SO out of touch, anon. Why are you so committed to being isolated? Just come on down from up there and join the human race, welcome to the club etc. Etc... You're TRYING to make life "harder" for yourself because that's safer. Stop it. You're like us all, part of the human condition, get over it and have some fucking fun with us.

>> No.9899687

rapey state school fraternities and sororities beg to differ

>> No.9899717

You miss up to 100% of the shots you take.

>> No.9899729

Literature has started to take away my need to get laid actually. I don't want to be celibate, but I certainly do not want to be a dog like I used to be. Fucking that 40 year old I met at the bar was a big eye opener for me.

>> No.9899759

Petting a cat feels nicer. They're also similar, yet usually more pleasant personality-wise

>> No.9899760

I taught a young girl English through reading to her and that caused her to crush on me, so I guess by extension yes.
NOTHING is good about old hags.

>> No.9899849

>wow let me dissect your brain!

I cringed and walked away and talked to a different girl

>tfw accidentally alpha when drunk and feel bad about it

>> No.9899853

you got caught misusing words you don't understand the meaning of.

>> No.9899890

You are now.

>> No.9900059

Never met a woman as well-read as me.
50 shades of grey doesnt count.

>> No.9900123

Sex is overrated and v. messy. Women don't really know what they're doing down there and most of the time guys don't either.

>> No.9900146


I got a date from reading Sade.

She's dead. I'm going to jail.

>> No.9900442

i got a date from reading Poe.

our family thinks we're weird

>> No.9900444

I got a date from reading Alice in Wonderland.

Now I have to introduce myself to all my neighbors whenever I move to a new city.

>> No.9900483

go outside and talk to well adjusted people my man

go be friends with women

>> No.9900540

Beer was better than I imagined it. You clearly haven't drank enough in one session

>> No.9900579


No only my good looks

>> No.9900603

Maybe you'd prefer cocktails and cock.

>> No.9900615

WHY IS LIT SO FUCKING NORMIE? It's more normie than even /mu/. Ask this in any other board and every poster would be a virgin

>> No.9900617


>> No.9900621

It's a serious question. Why is lit so normie compared to other boards?

>> No.9900625

The normie concept is a false dichotomy.

>> No.9900626

what boards are you referring to? /ck/? /n/? or /b/ /pol/ and /r9k/?

>> No.9900629

Most that aren't the one's that are professedly social or dominated by women. It's not just a 4chan thing, young male sexual inequality is a problem now. Yet somehow it doesn't seem to affect /lit/

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r8uzznb7U0

>> No.9900634

Turns out if you're not obsessed with 'young male sexual inequality' it doesn't happen to you. Weird.

>> No.9900635

I still don't know what boards you're referring to, but I wouldn't take a few anonymous anecdotes from a single thread to mark a substantive trend

>> No.9900639

It's an observable and provable phenomenon. The notion that sexism is what leads to sexual failure is a myth that people tell themselves so that they can bash the sexually unsuccessful without the guilt that would normally result after bullying someone for something they can't control.

>> No.9900644

>sexism is what leads to sexual failure
who says this

>> No.9900645

/tv/, /v/, /pol/, /r9k/, /b/. I mean I haven't done a thorough survey of every board, it's just something I've noticed.

>> No.9900650

It's an observable and provable phenomena that people who spend time trying to prove these things are less successful with the opposite sex, absolutely.

>> No.9900655

probably because those are the most popular boards and those whose userbase suffers the delusion that 4chan is still /b/ circa '06 and thus exaggerate their own non-"normie"ness in case they're beaten like ladder monkeys

>> No.9900657

The implication of your post was that if were weren't a loser who obsessed over sexual inequality that you'd get laid. You see the same thing when it comes to how mainstream publications deal with incels. They think that it's their misogyny that leads to sexual failure, and not the other way around.

>> No.9900664

They try to prove those thing because they're unsuccessful, they're not unsuccessful because they try to prove those things. The failure is the impetus. And if the failure is occurring more frequently than it has ever been, then it's a social problem that has to be addressed.

>> No.9900665

that wasn't me but could you name some examples of mainstream publications who espouse those ideas. It seems you just linked an example of the opposite with the Angela Nagle video.

>> No.9900666

>And if the failure is occurring more frequently than it has ever been,
this is categorically untrue. women have always been the determinate of sexual proliferation, unless you count rape

>> No.9900673

Everyone's unsuccessful sometimes, but the only ones who blame it on other people are them. Then the other people sense that toxic attitude and avoid it, feeding the sense of martyrdom they feel. The only way to break the cycle is to take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions.

>> No.9900674

Nagle isn't mainstream, and she's the exception. I would just google "incel" and search for news articles.

>> No.9900675

You make it clear that you are being sarcastic, but it's not so obvious. Loads of people are active in causes that don't affect them. It make such a ctivities noble in the first place, unlike union-strike-like activism.

>> No.9900683

This is nonsense. Like Angela Nagle said, the cultural destruction of monogamy created an environment where a minority of highly desirable men could sleep with as many women as they wanted to. In a culture that enforced monogamy through a taboo of promiscuity, the disparity would be much less extreme.

>> No.9900685

except those publications are not espousing this sort of causality reversal you're stressing. It's mostly sensationalist tripe about their association with mass shooters like Elliot Roger

>> No.9900694

Now you have it backwards, the erosion of sexual taboos created a situation in which women can sleep with as many men as they want. Men previously found other avenues for sex.

>> No.9900697

The failure is often genetic inferiority. You can't really take responsibility for a burden you had no part in choosing. The truth is that nature is the problem, and centuries of cultural critiques that lead to the end of monogamy. Not saying that bitching makes it better, but the complete lack of sympathy or understanding is extremely alienating. It's especially alienating in a culture as outwardly sexual as ours.

>> No.9900699

then the only solution is to not play

>> No.9900705

Genetic inferiority? I thought you were saying it was a cultural problem?
>complete lack of sympathy or understanding
It's hard to be sympathetic to someone who won't stop telling you that everything is women's fault for not having sex with them.

>> No.9900707

you're a serial killer, aren't you

>> No.9900708

Do you understand how this works? In monogamy one woman for one man. In polygamy, male and female sexual attention is more diffuse, but because men are inherently less choosy when it comes to partners, the more valuable men monopolize more female sexual attention. If king Solomon really had 1,000 wives, that would mean that 999 men went without wives.

>> No.9900711
File: 1.59 MB, 1687x3295, More_Single_Guys_Are_Turning_to_Surrogacy_to_Become_Dads_Parenting_-_2017-07-15_18.36.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relationships with women are obsolete.

>> No.9900722

Wanna know the problem? See>>9900707

We're blamed and bashed for our own sexual failure, even if that failure was the result of something we didn't choose. For some men (not me I don't blame individual women) that naturally leads to resentment. How would you feel if your hormones and your culture desperately wanted you to have sex, but you couldn't?

>I thought you were saying it was a cultural problem?
Monogamy is against nature. In a state of nature a few men have most of the women, and men fight and compete for them. Cultures developed monogamy to avoid this situation.

>> No.9900730

don't use me in your stupid goddamn argument. I'm just joking around.

>> No.9900731

Except we don't live in a culture of institutionalized polygamy. If monogamy means one woman for one man that also means one man for one woman, and in the past that wasn't the case. The effects of the sexual revolution were an flattening of the playing field for both sexes. Men became more competitive, women became LESS choosy, as they wouldn't have to marry the first man they had sex with. Also, like most unfuckable dullards, you seem to think that sexual attraction in women is some homogeneous thing, rendering all sexual relations into economic exchanges, using words like "monopolize" and "sexually valuable". This is what people find so egregious. The fact is most people plan to settle down with a single person at some point, (marriage) and screw around when they're young, which is why you see so many young men whinging on the internet about how they can't get laid. Would you like to know what men in your romanticized past of strong monogamous relations when they were horny? They went to the brothel. Maybe you should consider if it is such an important part of your identity to be noncelibate.

>> No.9900733

No fuck you. "I'm just kidding bro" isn't a good excuse

>> No.9900736

I don't give a shit what you think asshole. I'm shitposting on fucking 4chan, not making any deep socio-political statements. I'm 27 and virgin too, so you can get off your fucking high horse.

>> No.9900738


>> No.9900742


>you need an excuse to make a shitpost on 4chan now
Not that guy but how about you fuck off back to Pleddit with this shit.

>> No.9900750

>Except we don't live in a culture of institutionalized polygamy
If marriage doesn't exist and dating past a certain age is free and legal then we practically have "institutionalized polygamy". You get child support independent of your relationship-based-living-situation.

>> No.9900751


This. I'm a loser aspie too and you can fuck right off if you can't handle some basic shitpost banter. Sensitive ass.

>> No.9900768

Except marriage does exist and most people prefer,at least conceptually, prefer to stay with their partners long term because dating get harder as one becomes older.
Again with the material exchanges. I don't see how this is relevant to your critique of polygamous(hypergamous I'm sure)/monogamous. If anything, a court's supposed preference for providing custody to the mother is a conservative view, which you seem to, though paradoxically, prefer. Though anecdotally, my mother paid my father child support while I was growing up, so this preference isn't absolute. I haven't read any statistics about custody decisions, but if you know of any, I'd be interested.

>> No.9900777

>we don't live in a culture of institutionalized polygamy.
We live in a culture of de facto polygamy. And it's becoming more extreme every year, given the rise of illegitimacy among women. Many women are even putting off marriage entirely. If you're a black male in the United States, you don't live in a monogamous culture.

>The effects of the sexual revolution were an flattening of the playing field for both sexes.
Except that it hasn't. As Nagle pointed out, all it lead to was a sexual hierarchy. Why do you think bodybuilding is such a big subculture now? Men are desperate to compete in a sexual environment that benefits only a small minority of them.

>This is what people find so egregious.
What they find egregious is that they think that pointing out the trend means that you want to take women's sexual agency away from them as a solution to the problem. They're frightened of it being pointed out, more than angry at supposed feelings of male entitlement.

>and screw around when they're young, which is why you see so many young men whinging on the internet about how they can't get laid.
You're proving my argument. Women have far more sexual choice than men do. A large percentage of men have to wait until a woman is ready to settle down before he has any shot of dating one, and then he has to deal with the fact that he's had far fewer sexual experiences than the woman, who's only with him to avoid dying alone. That's an extremely alienating state of affairs, and deserves more empathy in our culture.

And what makes it worse, is that a large percentage of women are avoiding having to settle entirely. They have jobs, so they don't need the money. They can just be single moms. At that point unattractive men are obsolete.

>> No.9900778

Nice strawman. The point is that bullying people for sexual failure shouldn't be as socially acceptable as it is. No one's blaming women for anything here.

>> No.9900782

yes at my fashy book club we are married now
stop being a commie and lift the girls will come to you

>> No.9900784


>Nice strawman. The point is that bullying people for sexual failure shouldn't be as socially acceptable as it is.
At this point anon are shitting on you ITT because you want to Redditize shitposting here by demanding "excuses" for it. Go and take your "awareness" soapboxing back home to queef central where it belongs.

>> No.9900785

Being a commie for me has gotten me laid way more then being a fucking plebian.

>> No.9900786

>You're proving my argument. Women have far more sexual choice than men do. A large percentage of men have to wait until a woman is ready to settle down before he has any shot of dating one, and then he has to deal with the fact that he's had far fewer sexual experiences than the woman, who's only with him to avoid dying alone. That's an extremely alienating state of affairs, and deserves more empathy in our culture.
hahaha fuck you. just because you have an inflated sense of deserving sexual gratification from the women you choose, doesn't mean you're being oppressed. Stop only wanting to date 9-10s and your problems will fucking disappear. Also, the nuclear family is entirely modern. People living "outside" of the nuclear family standard is not new or even uncommon in most other places. You're a bitter fucking virgin that's bitching about women being sluts on 4chan. It's your problem, not anybody else's.

>> No.9900788

Is it worth it?
I probably would feel awful banging a genuine lefty.

>> No.9900794

communism is the worship of the plebian

>> No.9900796

Ironically believe this to be true. I don't buy into the r9k tier bullshit but I have had eastern european, eurasian and east asian female co-workers. Have interacted with them outside of a work environment too. They are vastly superior individuals to their female western counterparts - in basically every way. The males and females in these cultures are relatively equal in competence and intelligence. Meanwhile, very few western women have the will and intellect to get anywhere in anything genuinely challenging and demanding. So you either have almost complete male domination amongst westerners or you have a bunch of incompetent and narcissistic cunts working with and handicapping the competent.

They get to positions they are simply not capable of filling, via sexism. But to make it worse they have no semblance of self-reflection or humility.

>> No.9900802

>A large percentage of men have to wait until a woman is ready to settle down before he has any shot of dating one, and then he has to deal with the fact that he's had far fewer sexual experiences than the woman, who's only with him to avoid dying alone.
Just to expound on this point a bit, the more sexual partners a woman has had in her life, the more likely she is to cheat and divorce. This is statistically demonstrable. So you have situations where a woman fucked her 20s away with dozens (maybe even hundreds) of hot guys, then settled down with someone stable when her looks start to fade. So this sexually-inexperienced man has to deal with a woman who's less attractive than she was in her prime, isn't willing to give you the same sort of sexual attention that she gave her more attractive partners, and will most likely leave him and take him children and half of his money.

This is a scenario that actually occurs. Now you can feel however you want to feel about it morally. The woman has complete agency over her body and can do whatever she wants with it. But the guy's subjective pain and alienation doesn't automatically become invalidated because it conflicts with the woman's agency. There can be a tragedy where neither side did anything wrong.

>> No.9900803


>> No.9900804

I live in the heart of Salt Lake City, lots of lefty intellectuals here, including me; so of course it's worth it. If you haven't de-spooked yourself or learn right then I'm afraid to tell you that you probably have no hope, and are doomed to a life of plebian intercourse. Maybe you'll get lucky, but there's not many right wing intellectuals.

>> No.9900807

Communism is maximizing free time, it's the worship of every man, and woman. There's no such thing as a plebian in a classless society. Nice spooks though.

>> No.9900819

you pretentious fuckwit.

>> No.9900821

the only thing spooked is communists refusal of humans inherent need for hierarchy

>> No.9900822

I had a relationship for almost 3 years and I cannot really say that it was better than being right-wing leaning. I doubt it'd be worth it masquerading as a lefty just for a gf.

Maybe it helps that I don't really need an intellectual girlfriend. I'd be fine with plebs.

>> No.9900823

Whats up with all of these strawmen. You've pegged me as being part of a particular cliche in your head, and are attacking me based on that.

I'm not bothered by the fact that I can't date 9s. I wouldn't even look at a 9. I'm talking in general terms about the particular state of affairs when it comes to mating, and how adjusting to it is difficult and results in a sort of social alienation for those who are left behind. And that people who experience that deserve our empathy.

>Also, the nuclear family is entirely modern.
The nuclear family and monogamy aren't synonymous. No one's saying anything about the nuclear family.

>> No.9900828

If your a right winger, I wouldn't masquerade for a lefty gf. I wouldn't be against the idea of masquerading for sex though, plenty of people do that. But putting on a mask for a relationship only is a waste of both parties time, and is mentally draining.

And someone who is below you intellectually is actually a good thing for the long term, I think you'll find it comfortable. And not to say there isn't right wing intellectuals, but just a smaller amount of them, and they are usually taken.

>> No.9900871

>he takes 4chan *very* seriously

>> No.9900976

Let's not kid ourselves, most girls are quite lefty

>> No.9900989

Girls go with whatever the man in her life believes i met many commies girls that went full trad once they met a decent nonbeta male

>> No.9901010

I hope you're not rich, cause one day your girlfriend might decide she's too poor to buy her lattes and starts calling all your previous sexual encounters rape. Good luck then.

>> No.9901012

Agreed, which is why "stop being a commie" has nothing to do with it

>> No.9901038

This may come as a surprise to you, but you can be well adjusted and intelligent without constantly reading! And as someone who dated an English major, I can say that those who are intelligent through books are fascinated by those intuitively intelligent without them. It's all about how well you know yourself.

>> No.9901049

Underrated comment

>> No.9901053
File: 3.04 MB, 2200x3300, 9991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9901054

Great reply.

Really, as someone who is a good looking yet high functioning autist who's had more than a fair share of women, it's all about putting yourself out there, and becoming aware of your autistic thought patterns in the moment and ignoring them. Which is weird and fucking difficult, and you get this very strange sensation when you do it. Like a high pitch ringing you feel in your head but don't really hear.

>> No.9901071

Nope. We watched eachother on webcams as we masturbated in different rooms.

>> No.9901188

Oh my bad I didn't see the chatroulette part

>> No.9901207

Nobody was bullying anyone for being a virgin until people started complaining about the fact that other people on /lit/ have sex.

>> No.9901232

I'm speaking generally. Not this thread, or the virgin/chad meme (which I think is funny), but about the general culture that derides sexual failure. This is one of the things feminists are good about. They see virgin-shaming as the other side of the slut-shaming coin.

>> No.9901349

All sexuality is abomination.

>> No.9902002

>Except that it hasn't. As Nagle pointed out, all it lead to was a sexual hierarchy.

>Women have far more sexual choice than men do.
Not really. You can fuck an ugly girl any time you want. But people don't because they're narcissist wrecks who won't be a part of any club that will have them as a member.

> A large percentage of men have to wait until a woman is ready to settle down before he has any shot of dating one
They don't have to, they choose to.

>That's an extremely alienating state of affairs, and deserves more empathy in our culture.
Agreed actually but I think you have the cause wrong.

>And what makes it worse, is that a large percentage of women are avoiding having to settle entirely.
Equally many lonely girls are alone because they can't find a man. People are just retarded nowadays, it's not the fault of sexual liberation or polygamy or whatever.

>> No.9902263 [DELETED] 

Fucked a jew bitch because both like Dosto

>> No.9902328

I absolutely hate sex, why the fuck did God make it so that sex keeps a relationship healthy? Everyone of my relationships have ended because I don't fuck. I just want a companion through life not a flesh sock.

>> No.9902336

This has to be a troll. I refuse to believe this is true.. I mean wtf!

>> No.9902413

never have s*x. female body is a rotten pit, a toilet with nine holes pouring all sorts of filth

>> No.9902438

Yea, I was talking to a English major on campus and we got to talking about literature, I quoted Shakespeare's King Lear as a joke, 'I am a man more sinned against than sinning' I think it was, and one thing led to another.