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9896423 No.9896423 [Reply] [Original]

>a girl I'm dating recommends me to read the works of Edna O'brien
>check her wikipedia article
>read pic related.
>not sure if I should read this or avoid the obvious marxist agenda

have you read her works?
is it just plain "dude men and their patriarchy is evil lmao" as aparently it seems to be?

>> No.9896444

>girl you're dating recommends you a book
>you read on wikipedia that book is about the experiences of women
>"wow such le marxism wow omg sjw agenda wow i better double check this with my 4chan friends"

Why don't you just fucking read it and see if it's good, you fucking loser? christ. i hope she figures out what a disingenuous shrew little autist you are before it's too late.

be a real fucking person think for yourself

>> No.9896542


>> No.9896618

>how do you know it's shit, it's not even out yet

>> No.9898158


You're a weak little piss baby, OP. "Sex based oppression was never real and if it was I shouldn't have to learn about it muh misandry" For fuck sake, Edna O'brien never even touches on marxism. Go back to your paranoid youtube "philosophers" and leave women who read alone.

>> No.9898167

u don't desrve qt3.14 gf

>> No.9898173

This is a woman hate thread, cucks. Post anti-women shit or fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.9898176

Just read a fucking book OP. If you don't like it, talk to her about it and have an intelligent conversation. Maybe then she'll realize what a fraud you are.

>> No.9898188

women aren't intelligent enough to have an intellectual discussion. If they talk smart, it's to impress Chad, not for authentic reasons like men

>> No.9898329
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This. The article selection focused on the perspective and cognition, not politics. Honestly, it's telling that she recommended it to you.

She wants you to learn more about, not even how women view the world, merely that women view the world. The reference frame is secondary to you understanding them as an individual human entity outside yourself, which may not be a skill you maintain.

You exploding in response to the idea that women see out of eyes and thinks things in relation to being is disproportionate, inappropriate, and moderately funny.

>> No.9898338

How long have you been dating her that you didn't see this coming? Did it not come up in conversation before?

>> No.9898400

the fact that you resort to insults just proves that op is right

>> No.9898405

probably a dumb woman who thinks she can discuss with the big boys. Go make me a sandwich, sweety!

>> No.9898416

Run away from any girl that recommends you read femishit """"literature""""

>> No.9898425

>Run away from any girl
Just this really. They're simply inferior, and you shouldn't waste your time on them. We're better off without them

>> No.9898430

Why is this board so terrible now?

>> No.9898441

Leave the guy alone you fucking white knight ingrate.

>> No.9898621

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