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9895530 No.9895530 [Reply] [Original]

"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

>> No.9895538
File: 1.54 MB, 1509x1250, novemberrevolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commies are Jews.

>> No.9895551

Was he woke to the JQ?

>> No.9895564

Glad to see fellow redpillers on this board. There can be no doubt that the Jews are orchestrating a white genocide right now.

>> No.9895634

>people shitpost in my "what did he mean by this"-ITT
I'd be in rage too

>> No.9895637

See how the West is being flooded with nonwhites, it's clear that this is being orchestrated by people who despise us as white men.

>> No.9895658

rly makes me thing...

>> No.9895661
File: 1.04 MB, 800x600, 1453328430998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anyone wants it in this form.

>> No.9895673

Yes, that's fine, but, what did Solzhenitsyn mean when he said that quote, do you know?

do you know?


do you, know?

>> No.9895675

I'll print this out and put it on my wall to redpill my leftist cuck friends who aren't aware of the Jewish problem


>> No.9895680

He meant the Jews are trying to destroy whiteness in Russia. Like we are seeing today with West. Don't see how a leftist can argue with this really.
The quote will make them go to extreme lengths to try to deny it

>> No.9895684

Yes. He also trolled liberals and neo-con trash after they found out he was always a deep reactionary and not just a mild conservative. He was hailed by every soc-dem and reformed socialist in eastern europe, but now they are all silent.

>> No.9895687

>not Mongrel since the Mongols

>> No.9895721

well he is just pointing out how the jew genetics and culture make them want to destroy all that is ethnically pure or tries to be something good for others. they try to destroy this because they are hateful and inferior to us

>> No.9896427

Still not any less white than most white countries

>> No.9896520
File: 63 KB, 331x402, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can look at who the theoreticians of nationalism, capitalism, socialism, etc are and you'll quickly notice a high portion of Jews.

What was the ethnic composition of the Cheka or other apparatuses which actually carried out the terror campaign? You'll see it's Russians pulling the trigger.

You can claim the Bolshevik revolution was Jewish but it's hard to square with the fact that it ended up in the hands of Stalin, who was essiently a Russian chauvinist, and he cracked down on Jewish interests throughout the USSR. If Solzhenitsyn didn't like the Jews he should have seen Stalin as a positive development.

>> No.9896581

He meant: "I am an ethnonationalist reactionary and deserve to be in the gulag, which my book exagerrates."

>> No.9896583

>You can claim the Bolshevik revolution was Jewish but it's hard to square with the fact that it ended up in the hands of Stalin
Not sure why it would be. Stalin came after and was initially trusted and promoted by jews. He just turned on them for reasons that were, obviously, quite understandable.

>> No.9896589

>nazi sympathizer spouts debunked antisemitic cospiracy theories
>what did he mean by this?
I think we'll never figure it out.

>> No.9896609

And yet USSR is molded in the minds of R*ssians with tsars figures into one big "WE WUZ GREAT RUSSIA AND SHIEEET" (see popularity polls), really does one a thinken.

>> No.9896642

It should, but keep masturbating about the meaning of meaning while the apparent is veiled before your very eyes