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9895440 No.9895440 [Reply] [Original]

I just got interested in them and am now wondering what some great books on the subject are.

>> No.9895453

Start with the Greeks

>> No.9895474

start with alberto eco's the da vinci aesthetic

>> No.9895484

Could you be more specific? Would you like to read e.g. Aristotle, Plato, Baumgarten, Hume, Kant, Hegel... or perhaps someone interpreting their works? Or are you after an introductory book?

>> No.9895517

the SEP article

>> No.9895548

Was just about to post this question.
I was thinking Hegel or Kant. I'm not sure though. They're very influential and well known, but that doesn't translate to accessible.

>> No.9895558

I'd appreciate a suggestion for something introductory.

>> No.9895560

Routledge Companion to Aesthetics

or probably just any companion to aesthetics

>> No.9895642

Introductory overall. Probably something recent so it can cover history, do it from both analytic and continental perspectives, etc.

>> No.9895648


>> No.9895787


>> No.9897546


>> No.9897652

>introductory overall
I do not know of a single introductory book (in English) that would satisfy your needs. You might want to give the articles on stanford a go and see what you find interesting. Anyways, i recommend you to read the 1st book of Hegel's Aesthetics - it's easily read, he briefly discusses all of his predecessors and lays the groundwork for the following 2 books. Needless to mention, it is an amazing read.

>> No.9897692

Syllabus for a Philosophy of the Arts class I took last semester:

Week 2: Jan 30-Feb 1
Plato, Ion; Plato, Republic, Book X

Week 3: Feb 6-8
Aristotle, Poetics

Week 4: Feb 13-15
Hume, Of the Standard of Taste

Week 5: Feb 20-22
Kant, Analytic of the Beautiful

Week 6: Feb 27-Mar 1
Kant, Analytic of the Beautiful; Analytic of the Sublime

Week 7: Mar 6-8
Schopenhauer, World as Will and Representation

Week 9: Mar 27-29
Clive Bell, Art; Roger Fry, “Art as Form”

Week 10: Apr 3-5
Tolstoy, What Is Art?; Collingwood, Principles of Art

Week 11: Apr 10-12
Dewey, “Having an Experience”; Monroe Beardsley, “The Creation of Art”

Week 12: Apr 17-19
Martin Heidegger, “The Origin of the Work of Art”; Leo Steinberg, “Contemporary Art and the Plight of Its Public”

Week 13: Apr 24-26
Frank Sibley, “Aesthetic Concepts”; Jorge Luis Borges, “Pierre Menard”; Kendall Walton, “Categories of Art”; Jerrold Levinson, “Aesthetic Contextualism”

Week 14: May 1-3
Morris Weitz, “The Role of Theory in Aesthetics”; Arthur Danto, “The Artworld”; George Dickie, “What Is Art? An Institutional Analysis”

Week 15: May 8-10
Jerrold Levinson, “Defining Art Historically” & “Refining Art Historically”; Noel Carroll, “Identifying Art”

>> No.9897697

Starting Strength

>> No.9897832

>Clive Bell
Why is 50% of the syllabus filled with second-grade thinkers?

>> No.9897838

To study a wide range of thinkers. Also, Levinson was my professor. I actually wrote my final paper critiquing his essays.