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/lit/ - Literature

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9892820 No.9892820 [Reply] [Original]

I need to read something that will help me gain a perspective and perhaps a direction in life.

I don't need a book to teach me about discipline, as most of those self-help books seem to focus on, as I have plenty of discipline.

My problem is finding out why any of it matters and what my direction should be.

Generally, people recommend fiction like Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance or Siddhartha, but I'm really not looking to make any sort of parables or similar to my own life. I just want a nonfiction book that can change my outlook.

>> No.9892832

Want to join the white nationalist movement? Come to /pol/, but beware: once you realize how deep the rabbit hole goes, you'll never be able to unredpill youreslf

>> No.9892843

Fuck that noise.

I'd rather kill myself than be deluded into being a professional victim where everything is a conspiracy and nothing is your own fault.

Everything is a fucking boogeyman to you people. Learn to take fucking responsibility.

>> No.9892847


I've lived for this moment. Yes, you all, so clever, or so you thought. To think of the place where I started from! Almost no knowledge about my situation to absolutely dominating it, I am clearly the victor so far. How you laughed, how you all laughed! Are you choking on it now? Does it offend you, yes? How I laugh now! Yes, yes, is there something wrong? Well, why don't you say so? Oh, what's that? You lips are sealed? Why's that, huh?


>> No.9892852
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start with picrel

>> No.9892886

Seems like a more philosophical approach than I'd like. Then I could just as well read one of the fiction books I mentioned.

>> No.9893214

His essays are really accessible.

>> No.9893227

Starting Strength

>> No.9893943

Jordan Peterson self authoring program

>> No.9894339


You dealt me a hand and dared me to play. Now that I am, all hell's broken loose. Who am I? Someone you can't control. That's scary, ain't it? I've got no Facebook. No Twitter. No public voice, no public face, yet from the shadows I watch my handiwork. I don't even do much, that's the best part! Supposed to fold, was I? You picked a poor mark, a poor mark indeed. You can make your threats, I have too much time. Make good on them! Even if you do, the damage is already done. This is my magnum opus, and it's a hell of a work.

Dance, Dance.

>> No.9894352


I think I've found my title boyos.

>> No.9894453


Dance, Dance?

>> No.9894469


Yes, either that or "For Whom The Coin Flips". What do you think?

>> No.9894491


Get a job you hippie. So many options open up once you have money in your pocket; don't be so quick to dismiss the normie lifestyle because you haven't even tried it.

On a serious note, Antifragile is a solid book.

>> No.9894505
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>> No.9894509

Where did /fitlit/ go

>> No.9894693
File: 114 KB, 267x700, musashi miyamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some shit on mindfulness might do you some good. buddhist texts are pretty interesting in this regard, about finding meaning in everyday tasks like sitting, drinking, walking, whatever. thich nhat hanh has a series called "how to live" about doing things with 100% of your being. it's pretty good if you're looking for something practical.

if you're looking for something more religious in nature, check out the dhammapada. it's rich and flavorful and about stopping to appreciate things you otherwise would not. if you're looking for something more along the lines of art of war applied to your daily life, check out the book of five rings. both of them are more like guidebooks to life than the major abrahamic texts, and you can apply them in a secular way.

>> No.9894834

Best thing about this post is that how you've described /pol/e dancers is exactly how they view everyone else and they don't even realise the similarities.

>> No.9894840

Seconding the dhammapada. It's short and entirely aphoristic so even if it's not for you it's not a massive time sink to get something out of it.

>> No.9894971

I have a high paying job, I work out, I run, I teach myself new stuff, my problem is figuring out why any of that shit matters.

I've done mindfulness before, it never really helped me with direction, just helped me enjoy the moment more.