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/lit/ - Literature

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9892297 No.9892297 [Reply] [Original]

>shootin' the shit with a co-worker
>mention one of my hobbies is reading
>he says "oh I do some reading, but I mainly read magazines and news articles"
>tell him the last book I read was Moby Dick
>he replies "ah man I can't get into the classics, they're just too wordy, they use so many adjectives to describe things, it's hard for me to focus on them"

>> No.9892306


I don't go outside.

>> No.9892310

>shootin' the shit
pleb encounter right here

>> No.9892313

I'm glad you feel like you're better than him.

Because it's true, you ARE so much better than him anon!

>> No.9892317

Wtf? He gave you an honest reply and admitted that he can't keep up very well in books and you have to shit on him online? He probably tries his best.

>> No.9892327

are you real good at sports anon?
how much do you know about cars?
i bet you're in really good shape too right?
and a master birdwatcher?

>> No.9892348

>Rick and Morty
Found a pleb right here desu

>> No.9892351

>uses a Reddit and Memey reaction image
>whilst trying to act superior

You're as big of a pleb as he is

>> No.9892357

>replies 8
>posters 7
I am

>> No.9892390
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>tfw I'm a former athlete with a car obsession, maintained my athletic physique, and know more than a thing or two about birds because I used to read natural science books

>> No.9892410

You only started reading the classics because you thought it would make you a superior person, probably to try and mask some glaring deficiencies in yout character. People who already have stable lives arent going to slog through that shit

>> No.9892417

This. Kind of makes you the pleb in this scenario, doesn't it?

>> No.9892435

>>tell him the last book I read was Moby Dick
woah dude you sound like a real intellectual.

i wonder why the people at your workplace don't read the classics though.

>> No.9892521

Literally a completely normal person with a non-ignorant explanation of why he doesn't read literature and you judged him.

>> No.9892668

Haha. Get a load of this pseud.
Sorry your coworker has to put up with you

>> No.9892728

Sublime bait OP.
>shootin' the shit
makes us believe you're one of the normals
you shoehorn'd that
>Moby Dick
this could've been done better. Moby Dick was hot last month, this month it really isn't.
>too wordy
>too many adjectives
>rick and morty.jpg


>> No.9892913

>Moby Dick
>not The Confidence-Man
The real pleb was you all along.

>> No.9892932

>he's feeling puffed-up about reading Moby Dick

>> No.9892974
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>mfw I work at New Directions
>mfw my coworkers read Gaddis, Gass & Hawkes
>mfw I meet neurotic Eurasian girls and fuck them in the back of my 300D
>mfw I made this all up and I'm actually a fat NEET

>> No.9893075

>tfw can't remember last time spoke to female

>> No.9893081

I'm glad we have good people like you in this world anon

>> No.9893130
File: 1.01 MB, 494x230, laughing beatles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP gets BTFO by the entire thread

>> No.9893340

>posters itt
man /lit/ is full of contrarian cucks

>> No.9893348

>unwarranted false sense of superiority
>rick and morty reaction pic
Checks out to me.

>> No.9893349

great album to read to.

>> No.9893387

>reddit and memes
you should die

>> No.9893407
File: 155 KB, 199x197, 1499181147448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On the search for some Bataille
>Only a big brand shop in town is carrying his work
>Go and pick up Literature and Evil
>qt working the register
>sees me, sees my book
>"Oh I've been meaning to read this"
>say I'd happily lend it to her
>smiles and blushes
>pay and leave
>notice on the way out the staff picks
>she picked Ready Player One
>refused to return to the store

>> No.9893556

so you didn't leave with her number?

>> No.9893561

anyone totally just not understand people having a hard time reading? it's like not knowing how to swim or ride a bike

>> No.9893603

shut up faggot

>> No.9893604

>lying on the internet

>> No.9893742

>making fun of someone because they don't read classics
>having just read a classic patrician readers have read years ago

>> No.9893757

You know big brand shops sometimes dictate what the staff picks can be, right? A friend of mine worked at Barnes and Noble and she could only put recommendations up from a select list of books, most of ehich is pleb shit.

>> No.9893808
File: 127 KB, 500x377, nenene9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is reading really a "hobby"? to me hobby implies some form of creation or physical exertion. examples: playing an instrument, lifting weights, writing a novel.

reading, watching tv, and playing video games are all just forms of relaxation (semi-passive consumption). i think it's useful to differentiate them from "hobbies."

>> No.9893889

good anime

>> No.9894346

I don't know how to swim or ride a bike, asshole.

>> No.9894348
File: 110 KB, 721x372, NAZBOL PARTY HQ BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading is lifting for the brain.

>> No.9894422

True patricians spread the word about literature by recommending plebs some entry-level stuff. Although this is going to be hard for someone who only recently read Moby Dick.