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9890082 No.9890082 [Reply] [Original]

Does no one see a problem with the publishing of a little girl's diary when she never consented to it and almost certainly never wished for anyone to read it, let alone the whole world?

>> No.9890091


>> No.9890093

what was published was not even her diary anyway, jews are so pathologically unreliable when it comes to recording events that you need textual criticism even on a 20th century girl's diary

>> No.9890094

I imagine stuff like that goes on all the time. I mean, I don't give a shit. If I was dead you could bang me all you want. I mean, who cares? A dead body is like a piece of trash. I mean, shove as much shit in there as you want. Fill me up with cream, make a stew out of my ass. What's the big deal? Bang me, eat me, grind me up into little pieces, throw me in the river. Who gives a shit? You're dead, you're dead!

>> No.9890102

She is dead, not much she can do about it.
Besides, Kafka wanted his works to be burned after his death. Thankfully people never did that.

>> No.9890124

a little girl never wrote it
it was written by a committee of jewish intellectuals with the purpose of eliciting as much sympathy (read: sublimated pedophiliac lust) as possible for the holocaust
let me ask if you if you've ever seen any proof outside of the handful of photos and the diary itself that she actually existed?

>> No.9890125
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>> No.9890126
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>he thinks Anne Frank is dead

>> No.9890130

She knew that there would be interest in her diary. In fact I'm pretty sure that she had heard of someone who was planning to collect and publish Jewish experiences.

>> No.9890132

And she was born in a bottle rocket, 1929.

>> No.9890134

I think you're the one with the issue when Anne Frank makes you think of "pedophilic lust"

>> No.9890141

overrated show for degenerates

>> No.9890147

From wikipedia:
>Anne's already budding literary ambitions were galvanized on 29 March 1944 when she heard a London radio broadcast made by the exiled Dutch Minister for Education, Art, and Science, Gerrit Bolkestein, calling for the preservation of "ordinary documents—a diary, letters ... simple everyday material" to create an archive for posterity as testimony to the suffering of civilians during the Nazi occupation. On May 20, 1944, she notes that she started re-drafting her diary with future readers in mind. She expanded entries and standardized them by addressing all of them to Kitty, clarified situations, prepared a list of pseudonyms, and cut scenes she thought would be of little interest or too intimate for general consumption.

>> No.9890388

You're late.

>> No.9890389
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>> No.9890393

But Anne Frank wanted the world to know about her big throbbing girl penis

>> No.9890395

Fuck off, you useless human being.
>wastes his time and /lit/'s space with such idiotic and inopportune questions

>> No.9890426

She's dead, she doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.9890601

honoring the dead is for the living

>> No.9890777


Anne Frank existed. She kept a diary. "The Diary of Anne Frank" was not that diary nor was it written by Anne Frank

>> No.9890781

Obviously has never read it. Imbecile.

>> No.9891191

>not making money off something when they could

>> No.9891308

Read it

>> No.9891313

>implying she wrote it

>> No.9891331

There's actually large sections of the diary that were never published, because they were deemed to personal. She apparently wrote a lot about sexuality, and thought she might be gay.

>> No.9891426

it is fiction though, her dad invented it for money. Look it up.

>> No.9891586
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>> No.9891609

Literal fake news spread by a neofascist Swedish organization, the SNU

Levin never had any sort of legal interaction with Frank. Frank took legal action against Lothar Stielau, an ex-HY member, who had declared the book a forgery. The court examined the diary and it was declared to be genuine

>> No.9891632


the non-fake news are here:

>Effectively, Otto split up the legacy of his daughter, which one could say has created a bit of a nice mess ever since,” said Gerben Zaagsma, a historian of modern Jewish history at the University of Göttingen in Germany who is working on a scholarly edition of the diary backed by the foundation and Germany’s culture ministry.
two years ago they were still working on another lie-free critical edition lmfao

>> No.9891653

Okay. So what about the ballpoint pen, and also you are referencing a jew with a vested interest in lying about ww2. Also NYT is literal fake news.

>> No.9891708

>The ballpoint pen

No analysis ever determined that portions of Anne Frank's diary were written with a ballpoint pen. That is a falsehood.

The "ballpoint pen" myth came from the fact that during a third party analysis of the diary in 1960, one of the researchers took some notes on a ballpoint pen on a separate sheet of paper. Some of these notes were left with the diary pages. A German report in the 1980s--which did not state that the diary was inauthentic, included a poorly worded line that said there were "Ballpoint annotations included with the diary." Holocaust deniers then jumped on this, even though the German report itself concludes that the diary is written with period correct ink and pencils, to mean that the diary itself included ballpoint pen ink. It did not. In addition, scans of these ballpoint annotations were examined in the Critical Edition of the diary, and you can see that the handwriting doesn't even resemble Anne's and that the ink quality and pressure looks vastly different than the images of Anne's handwriting in the diary.

>> No.9891751

>almost certainly never wished for anyone to read it, let alone the whole world?

I mean, she did. She was in the process of rewriting her diary for publication after the war when they were caught because of a radio announcement encouraging people to document their life during the war so it could be published afterwards.

The "Anne Frank Diary" that has been published is a mishmash of the rewritten pages which she intended for publication and the pages from the original diary before her revisions. In the original editions Otto Frank removed a vast amount of the embarrassing material (talking about her vagina, about liking girls, some of the bits about hating her mom and notes about the others in hiding, etc) which Anne herself almost certainly would have removed in her revisions. Of course, since his death, the full diary including those parts has been made public.

Whether or not it's a problem... I think it's more important that the words of men, women and children who were murdered are allowed to be read to give them a voice than to silence them forever. It helps people connect with that time period in a way that just reading about it can't.

Although the romanticization and glossing over of Anne Frank's diary is gross. School lesson plans always end with the "In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart." message, rather than her quotes where she talks about how people are evil and brutal and seek to hurt others, or talking in earnest about how Anne was then worked and starved to death along with the others in hiding. Schools should also have the kids read that journal of a male teenager in the Lodz ghetto who ended up dying from disease after years of starvation conditions.

>> No.9891794
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>> No.9891934

Alright. I'll remove this from my redpill folder. Still a Nazi and the Holocaust never happened.

>> No.9891958

>I imagine stuff like that goes on all the time. I mean, I don't give a shit. If I was dead you could bang me all you want. I mean, who cares? A dead body is like a piece of trash
Im a nazi too. The jews are destroying our white world and womens purity

>> No.9891963

>alright, I admit that anne frank's diary wasn't faked
>but the holocaust didn't happen
Stick to your fucking guns you pasty edgelord coward

>> No.9891968

try the redpill and see the truth? Are you a jew, because i can sense your lies and thirst for white childrens buttholes

>> No.9891971

I'm an angry faggot that wants to see you Nazis at the very least give us the respect of sticking to your own stupid opinions and beliefs, no matter how retarded they are

>> No.9891979

What's the name of this journal written by a male teenager from Lodz?

>> No.9892009

You can be gay and just not flaunt your disorder and disrupt society and spread aids and pretend you are normal. Admit you have a problem and get help, or stay in the closet and try to live a proper life.

>> No.9892019

This is what gets me. They really never should have published the full diary.

>> No.9892022

Diary of Dawid Sierakowiak

>> No.9892023


Every holocaust denier ever.

>> No.9892024
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>mfw I live in Amsterdam and dumbfuck tourists wait several hours in line to see the empty house where this cunt was hiding

>> No.9892041

To quote "Who Owns Anne Frank?"

> both Miep Gies ... and Hannah Goslar, Anne's Jewish schoolmate and the last to hear her tremulous cries in Bergen-Belsen, objected to Otto Frank's emphasis on the diary's "truly good at heart" utterance. That single sentence has become, universally, Anne Frank's message, virtually her motto--whether or not such a credo could have survived the camps. But why should this sentence be taken as emblematic, and not, for example, another? "There's a destructive urge in people, the urge to rage, murder, and kill," Anne wrote on May 3, 1944, pondering the spread of guilt. These are words that do not soften, ameliorate, or give lie to the pervasive horror of her time. Nor do they pull the wool over the eyes of history.

>> No.9892053

I'm sure someone here will correct you with writing something about Wikipedia being controlled by (((them))) or some such other banality.

>> No.9892057

I'm dating a woman I'm planning on marrying, pal

>> No.9892058

This image has a picture and bottom text it must be true!!

>> No.9892062


>> No.9892066
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Sorry buddy, I'm taken. Lady Liberty is my fuckbuddy

>> No.9892774

from the last diary entry

>In the evening I had to prepare food and cook supper, which exhausted me totally. In politics there's absolutely nothing new. Again, out of impatience I feel myself beginning to fall into melancholy. There is really no way out of this for us.

Although it's probably not the actual last entry, since there's a few months in between the entry and his death, and there were at least 2 notebooks which were burned in the apartment stove sometime after his death for fuel

>> No.9894701
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>> No.9896422


>> No.9896433

Trips of truth.

Her dad wrote it. Nothing like making some money of your dead kid.