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File: 167 KB, 529x705, 26-dfw-2.nocrop.w529.h746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9886294 No.9886294 [Reply] [Original]

How would he have felt about the internet as it is today, and particularly new entertainment formats it brought in such as YouTube

Is it worse cancer than TV

>> No.9886305

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in his head, we don't know.

>> No.9886319

A piece of shit that has brought my attention span down to a few seconds and is probably scanned straight to the FBI for blackmail purposes, but I'm addicted and can't quit for more than a few days no matter how hard I try

>> No.9886366

I can feel my intellect fading away the more time I spend online
esp sites like yt where you can get stuck for hours with absolutely retarded shit
the worst thing is that I know exactly how bad it is, but I cannot get myself to leave

>> No.9886391

DFW died in late '08. Youtube and Netflix streaming were both things by that time. Other than smartphones that are definitely faster and better, 08 and 17 are pretty damn similar.

So he surely had an opinion about them.

>> No.9886394


I stopped watching porn recently and my sexual imagination has accelerated. I can't imagine the benefits of no internet for creativity in general.

That said, fuck it. I'm going to study a masters in mass communications because i'm fascinated by the psychology of the internet.

>> No.9886398


>08 and 17 are pretty damn similar

You can't compare the ubiquity of blackberries to iphones like now. I knew like one dude with an iphone in 2k8. Everything is mobile orientated. Like having a slot machine in your pocket. Just one more quarter...

>> No.9886403

nah, it may have existed, but it was wayy toned down
now that shit's everywhere, being consumed by everyone

>> No.9886406

>no internet for creativity
Kind of funny, since the internet basically killed my creativity. Nowadays I just parrot shit I heard on the net to people in real life and hope they haven't already seen it; doesn't make them think I'm any less funny however

>> No.9886415

Who cares

>> No.9886419

that's the case for a lot of people imo and why memes are so popular
they just endlessly parrot memes and shit
the internet kills originality

>> No.9887007

And what is this retarded shit exactly?

>> No.9887082

Funniest thing is that youre probably between 18-22 which means you were young as fuck in 2008 which means like you.even remember. I'm literally almost and im telling you it was basically the same shit. My dorms internet was like 100megs even back then.

>> No.9887114

if you didn't have the Internet you would have parroted shit you've read in books or heard people IRL say

>> No.9887128

If you believe this you're a fucking dimwit.

Proliferation of mobile internet and smartphones have completely changed the world over the course of this decade. In '08 a tiny portion of people had smartphones and as such the internet wasn't in the shape it is now at all. My 70 year old aunt has a facebook page for fuck sake. That would have been almost completely beyond the realms of imagination in '08.

>> No.9887142

but you'd be parroting shit you heard other people say that they weren't parroting from the internet.

>> No.9887150


>> No.9887155

maybe in the US (though i have my doubts about that), but certainly not in other parts of the world, even 'western' parts

>> No.9887159

literally whatever crap pops up in the suggestions

>> No.9887214

Except you would be parroting shit you've read from more credible sources instead of loudmouth opinionated retards.

>> No.9887222

Isn't this the whole theme of his book? That people have access to infinite pleasure(stimulation) and how we all become infantalized by it.

>> No.9887247

Or even, reading is a more active process requiring something of the listener, and can be more akin to a personal dialogue than simply listening to somebodyz so reading allows you to at least partially express something that is your own.

>> No.9889104
File: 856 KB, 2560x1706, 1496507927946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie from A24 was made to address the very question you just asked.


It wasn't bad. It's not like anybody here knew the man personally, anyway. The VVitch was better.

>> No.9889176
File: 47 KB, 528x659, 4589a95490918e1c8597492303bd5a98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize snapchat filters are the videotelephony masks from IJ

>> No.9889634

I'm tired of hearing about the internet and its detrimental effects from people who seemingly make no effort to cut it out of their lives. Like do you guys really spend hours watching youtube videos?

>> No.9889649

The introduction of new medias to a society changes social forms of consciousness. On top of that the computer is always there and always useful in any task. It's thus not just about how it effects us personally but as peoples

>> No.9889653

Fuck off normie retard.

>> No.9889655

at least at my office, all anyone does anymore is watch youtube and program. this is the future we chose.

>> No.9889784
File: 24 KB, 170x226, 170px-Unabomber-sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet was a mistake.

>> No.9889935

He would have found it all terribly banal and cute and sad

>> No.9890216

Probably he would fail to cope with it while edging closer to debilitating mental illness

>> No.9890309


desu he predicted snapchat filters

>> No.9890481

Yesterday morning for instance I watched YouTube shit nonstop from 7am to 3pm
Weather outside was very nice

>> No.9891481

But how? If you know it's garbage and you'd rather do something else, why not just stop? The kind of content that typically gets posted on youtube (i.e. meme shit and amateur punditry) was never able to hold my attention, even when it was still a novelty. And yes, I know tech addiction is a thing, and sometimes I feel like I struggle with it myself, but if I reach a point where I hate what I'm doing with my time I go do something else.

I kind of agree, but there are a lot of practical benefits to using the internet. Though for some reason we lack the restraint necessary for responsible use.

>> No.9891506

>But how? If you know it's garbage and you'd rather do something else, why not just stop?
thinking your will can overtake addiction whenever you want. There's a reason it's called an addiction and not just a hobby!

>> No.9891527

Maybe I'm not addicted then. But it's not like we're talking about heroin here. The payoff for watching a meme video or something is small, and from what I've gathered the revulsion people feel from pissing away their time on the internet can grow to be pretty large. Not saying that it doesn't take work, but is it really so hard to do something instead that you'll and enjoy and won't leave you feeling like shit afterwards?

>> No.9891554

You'd be surprised

>> No.9891590

That's because you are a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.9891678

I don't deny that

>> No.9891760

The fuck? We're talking about 2008 bro. how young are you? The internet was in everyone's pocket by 08

>> No.9891810


Wrong bruh: http://www.pewinternet.org/fact-sheet/mobile/

>> No.9892943

Smartphones were a mistake

What is even the purpose of going outside when some teenypopper 14 year old girl or fat neckbeard redditor is going to take random photos of you w/o consent and flood the internet with them?

>> No.9893064

Maybe it's just because I haven't kept up with the times, but my experience online etc. was very similar in 2008 as it is now. Same with other forms of media – 2008 is solid Xbox One / PS3 -era, and the games them were pretty much the same as now.

>> No.9893588


OP is the cancer

>> No.9893595

Wrong. Nobody called you a cuck in 2008.

>> No.9893784

The internet had the possibility of being a force for good, but that's not how it ended up. Maybe if people weren't the way we are.

>> No.9893846

In my freshman year of college in 2008, almost everyone I knew had a smartphone, and I went to a mid-tier university.

>> No.9893995

I use youtube for music while I workout.

I torrent ebooks I want to read.

I use snapchat and facebook messenger to talk to friends who are thousands of miles away.

I order groceries that are hard as fuck to find on amazon.

I can find any information I want on almost any topic within 5 seconds by using google.

I can go on coursera, Khan academy, and edX and take structured college level courses for free.

I can buy internet funny money and watch it double in price in a month, then sell it back to real money.

I can go on /lit/ and shitpost about John Green

>> No.9894325
File: 764 KB, 1920x1236, 1920px-Feskekörka-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the best response for you op

>> No.9895550
File: 519 KB, 650x1000, UlyseesCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What books do I need to read to understand James Joyce's Ulysses?

>> No.9895853

who gives a shit?

>> No.9895934

Be serious with your academic studies, please. Go for a PhD. A master's in communications is literally worthless unless the you want to be in PR or a journalist.