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/lit/ - Literature

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9886232 No.9886232 [Reply] [Original]

Awesome interview today in The Guardian with contemporary Jewish, privately educated, Oxbridge graduate "British" novelist Ned Beauman (son of a publishing house owner) by the Jewish journalist Hannah Beckerman!


Ugh I wish I was even half as talented (and well-connected!) as him!

>> No.9886241

>The inevitability of it: this sense that you go into the jungle to make a film about white men falling victim to tyrannical hubris and latent insanity,

stopped reading right there, nope.

>> No.9886250

White guys are like so freaking weird and oppressive. You have to agree with him lol! I hate myself because of it (wish I was black but nvm)

>> No.9886529

didn't read but

extremely hateable face

>> No.9886538

Ummm anti-semitic much?

>> No.9886547

yes but unironically

>> No.9886550

This faggoty society of rich petit bourgeois niggers preening themselves like they actually have any aristocratic virtue went on a hundred years too long

I bet this guy feels like he's a real human being when he tweets an article about refugees

Massive psychic cataclysm soon please

>> No.9886555

>being this triggered

>> No.9886556


Yes we were very tyrannical for trying to prevent a communist dictatorship from obtaining in Indo-China.

>> No.9886566
File: 10 KB, 185x272, ophisthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9886744

>zhid detected

>> No.9887471

Ned, stop shilling yourself on anonymous image boards.

>> No.9887498
File: 18 KB, 240x240, OmTidhIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s the book people would be most surprised to find on your bookshelf?
I recently paid a high price on eBay for The West Wing script books, which I feel slightly sheepish about because at this point it’s really uncool to like The West Wing. But I’m trying to get into screenwriting and there just isn’t anyone who’s better at dialogue than Aaron Sorkin.


>> No.9887546

stop that passive aggressive victimized shit man. it's embarrassing to read.

>> No.9887665

Truly cancer