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9885772 No.9885772[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any fictional accounts of an all-out race war in literature?

>> No.9885776

Turner Diary. Literally race war the book

>> No.9885780

The Iron Dream

>> No.9885793

i've always been so addicted to 4chan but i think this is going to make me quit, i feel so dirty, it's only a matter of time before the nsa colludes with local enforcement using parallel construction to round up everyone on 4chan except maybe people on that pony board or the one about trains

>> No.9885801

>race war where both sides are mostly white
not even worth getting the popcorn out

>> No.9885804
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>> No.9885807

What is that supposed to be?

>> No.9885811


>> No.9885813

looks like a phone bro

>> No.9885817

Everything gets ruined nowadays. Thats why I'm here, I've been collecting and reading mostly older books that pull me away from the current this modern world.

>> No.9885820

some /pol/ster ran over and killed a fatty anarchist during a white nationalist rally today

>> No.9885821 [DELETED] 

also, one time i wrote an email where i state that i wasn't 100% affirmative action was really effective achieving equality for underrepresented groups, plz no gulag, i'm having an anxiety attack

>> No.9885822

>except maybe people on that pony board

>he doesn't know about /mlpol/

>> No.9885826

also, one time i wrote an email where i stated that i wasn't 100% convinced that affirmative action was really effective achieving equality for underrepresented groups, plz no gulag, i'm having an anxiety attack

>> No.9885828

both the left and the right tend to mistake the technocapital warmachine for 'white people' or 'western civilisation'. When 'white people' and all people for that matter are just in for the ride.

>> No.9885831

wow wtf so based

>> No.9885833

true dat, that's where marx fucked up bad, class struggle doesnt drive history, technology drives history and then our ideology and class structure changes based on the current tech, technological materialism not some dialectic between classes

>> No.9885836

White people are probably responsible for 97% of the technocapital warmachine you speak of.

>> No.9885837

>technology and capital are faceless, not tools for the wealthy, all powerful (white) elites

>> No.9885838

Wasn't his mom's maiden name (((Bloom)))?

>> No.9885846

when the technology changes the elites change

>> No.9885849

the whites have always been leaders of war technology since the first aryan war chariots rode out of the eurasian steppes to conquer half the world thousands of years ago

>> No.9885850

that doesn't make it an independent agent

>> No.9885856

plz no gulag, i know the turks where the first to effectively uses cannons in a major siege against constantinople and that genghis khan used to stirrups and mounted archers to conquer almost as far and wide as the original ayran diapora

>> No.9885887
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white leftists often have the most egocentric perspective of all. alt righters feel humiliated and are obsessed with reclaiming a lost sense of masculinity, while white liberals feel guilty and want to be redeemed. its all about their own personal redemption. which is why it can be so exhausting even talking to them. the 'white left' (baizuo) is a term found in chinese communist party propaganda campaigns against western liberal values. China, like America, is entering an era of riots and shapeless civil unrest. The party is cracking down on individualism, sublimating all libidinal energies in the party and the leader. Mao smiles. American individualism was forged in the fires of the calvinist great awakening . It is a fulminating individualism, terror guilt and humiliation before a wrathful and all powerful god, terror that persists even in the absence of said god. This is why americans have always been compelled to flee. into the wild west, doomsday sects and new age cult gurus, outer space, opiates. in the 21st century options grow scarce . there is nowhere left to run.

>> No.9885888

Idk about y'all but i hear about more terroristic homicides by white people than muslims these days. Its always some edgelord neo eugenicist. Like that white guy who stabbed three other white guys on the train. Tom metzger used to say the real enemy of the white race was other white "race traitors." Why are alt righties such low-rent cucks?

>> No.9885891

>some fat americunt died
its nothing

>> No.9885898
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Sounds like both China and America need the Mystical Body of Christ. Fortunately, they're on the case.

>> No.9885908 [DELETED] 

this shit is giving me too much anxiety the thought that google knows every single post we ever made because they provide the captchas we must verify before each post is truly horrifying, i'm never posting here again, i feel like we've done nothing wrong but the thought of being exiled to some little alt-village in montana or mississippi because no one will rent to you, sell property to you, or do any kind of economic exchange with you due to running awful of the google empire is just too horrifying, is it really worth your life to post dank memes and shitpost? hell mother fucking no

>> No.9885911

this shit is giving me too much anxiety the thought that google knows every single post we ever made because they provide the captchas we must verify before each post is truly horrifying, i'm never posting here again, i feel like we've done nothing wrong but the thought of being exiled to some little alt-right village in montana or mississippi because no one will rent to you, sell property to you, or do any kind of economic exchange with you due to running afoul of the google empire is just too horrifying, is it really worth your life to post dank memes and shitpost? hell mother fucking no

>> No.9885912

get rekt memester this is what you and your kind deserve

>> No.9885914

It's a moral loss for the alt-right, unless by some ridiculous chance the driver happens to be a lefty.

>> No.9885917
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i leave you with this

>> No.9885919

good, your actions have consequences faggots.

>> No.9885924
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Well obviously in the event of that the proactive option is to go on the warpath and destroy them before they can destroy you. Raze the world and salt the earth, Anon, and rule the ruins as a king.

>> No.9885926

he's going to say he was scared (and the video shows people throwing things at the car on the way down, and smashing it with baseball bats after) so he will only be convicted of leaving the scene of an accident, then sjws will go nuts, and the federal government will charge him with terrorism and execute his ayass... don't forget jeff sessions, despite being called a racist neo-nazi by the liberal media, is most famous for convicting and executing the leader of the kkk in louisiana

>> No.9885928

>some fat americunt died because someone drive a car into a large crowd
While people die all the time, it's troubling to see someone murdered during "peaceful" protest and counter protest (each side was undoubtedly looking for a fight) in such a dramatic fashion. It's also troubling to see /pol/fags encourage and praise violence like this. 4chan "right wing death squad" larping has come to it's logical next step.

>> No.9885930

Counterpoint: everywhere else on the internet is worse, and that's not a joke. This is one of the last truly authentic communities of honest people on the internet, and all the other ones are chans, too.

>> No.9885933

do u think i could find salvation and forgiveness in the church? they even forgive and protect pedos and i never even so much as posted a pepe, although i did say tanehisi coates sucks

>> No.9885935

yeah, "honesty" and "authenticity" is all fun and games right up until you get indicted for hate crimes conspiracy

>> No.9885946

this explains why the alt right can get so homoerotic. their masculinity is purely negative a swole aryan dude arno breker power fantasy, a n homage and a fuck you to the kids who bullied you back in middle school and the liberal managerial gynocratic hags. like many other american teen subcultures from history, the pepe kids want annihilation.

>> No.9885947
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Don't worry, Anon, we think Coates sucks too, mostly because he is an atheist. But you'll have to genuinely believe in God, and you're not allowed to masturbate. But, yes, if you sincerely repent of your sins you'll be forgiven.

>> No.9885949

As long as you're not actively organizing a race war or real hate crime on here your fine. You're even fine to talk about those things and be in those threads. The government and police would only care if you went and committed a hate crime or are the leader of a domestic terrorist organization which commits hate crimes. There's no point in putting resources behind convicting shitposters who say "all niggers should hang" or "race war when" because it's hard to prove those statements actually inspired a crime.

>> No.9885951

i was watching the baked alaska stream of the march on youtube and "moustache matt" of hwndu fame took over the stream after mr. alaska got pepper sprayed, and wow that dude is very gay indeed, i mean the moustache should have been a big red flag but like dude is such a flamer

>> No.9885955
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Oh just shut the f*** you lying piece of s***.

>> No.9885960

Those also appear to be the "since 911" numbers used to try and make us think Arabs aren't so bad so we'll take more of our greatest ally's dysfunctional neighbors/cousins off their hands.

>> No.9885963

>the most peaceful time in the history of the world
>lowest rates of death from war and violence ever
>I have a higher chance of cracking my skull open in my bathroom than dying by a terrorist attack
I'm not saying radical Islamic terrorism isn't a problem or shouldn't be contained, but I have no idea why people are so pathologically afraid of Islamic terrorism

>> No.9885966
File: 168 KB, 800x471, ecaf05d353b5a130a9d9683e104f6d8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pepe posting faggots are getting their pants full of shit

>> No.9885970

>>the most peaceful time in the history of the world
>20th century most horrific violence in the history of species

yeah if you start counting on september 12th, 2001 it's been a very peaceful 16 years, i'm sure it's a trend that will last

>> No.9885973

The thing is that we can count on a certain amount of accidental deaths per year by people falling in their bathtubs. Islamic terrorist attacks, while statistically as improbable, can occasionally manifest themselves as large-scale events. And it's random. One year we'll have 0, and then on 9/11 we'll have 3,000. It's the inconsistency that's frightening.

>> No.9885975

Ta Neshi coates is merely a calvinist who substitutes God for Racism/White Supremacy. Blacks get the fear part of calvinism. Whites get the guilt part.

gay dudes are instinctively attracted to fascism because they have been made to question their masculinity from an early age. All major media figures associated with the alt-right are at least a little queer.

>> No.9885979

stfu steven pinker the world is dogshit and we are all doomed

>> No.9885984

i like how professor pinker ignored the congolese war that involved 7 nations and claimed millions of lives only to end in 2003, some of the bodies from that slaughter probably haven't even fully decomposed and he's declaring the most peaceful time in human history, soros needs to send pinker some bux to remind him that blm

>> No.9885987

> that's right, goyim, everyone on the far right is gay and you don't want to be associated with gayness do you?

>> No.9885995

i'm not saying everyone on the far right is gay, you should watch the baked alaska stream they meet up with some back woods hill billy dudes that no one could understand, they were like "we tha backwewds ruffs" and everyone is like "wait what can you repeat that plz"

>> No.9885997

all the professional alt-right figureheads do seem to be a gay clique though

>> No.9885998


so will yours

>> No.9886002



>> No.9886004

Yeah I just deleted my twitter account because of it

Some pretty gross reactions on all sides

What peeves me most is the alt righters (of which admittedly I'm probably classed), keep saying
>hurr they're not KKK or Nazis!
The symbolism of the torches and the chanting of "Blood and soil" is so distinct and clear but these cowards still won't admit it. Is it because they feel some guilt about it?

>> No.9886009

what the fuck is even happening in this country?

>> No.9886010

Last time I checked the Mongols weren't at my doorstep burning my village or I wasn't one of the tens of thousands dying per battle in the Napoleonic wars or my neighbor wasn't bashing in my skull with a rock over a hunting dispute. My point is that this is by far the safest time to live in human history and I'm not going to buy into the terrorist in my neighborhood narrative if it's as rare of an occurrence that it currently is.
Outside of the Middle East, terrorism follows a broad pattern of focusing on major metropolitan areas at infrequent times. I have no doubt more attacks are being planned but I'm not going to hit the panic button because of Red Scare style rhetoric. It's a serious issue but it's not worth a major change in policy/values.
Millions of deaths over the billions of people alive is still negligible and still follows the trend of decreasing violence.

>> No.9886013

Doesn't Spencer have a wife and kid? Trying to smear right wing thinkers as gay seems like a very jewish thing to do.

>> No.9886021

>Millions of deaths over the billions of people alive is still negligible and still follows the trend of decreasing violence.

isn't that the same kind of sick logic churchill used when he caused a famine in bangladesh "oh who cares it was overpopulated anyways"

>> No.9886022

>It's a serious issue but it's not worth a major change in policy/values.
Literally thousands of preventable deaths in the West aren't worth policy changes?

>a single person dies of an e. coli infection
>products are recalled across the United States
>3,000 people die of a preventable terrorist attack
>well that's the nature of living in a major metropolitan center
You can't be serious.

>> No.9886026

It was definitely the same.logic the English used during the Irish Famine

I can't remember who exactly, but someone in the government described the Irish as rabbits who eventually and inevitably overpopulate. He thus concluded to feed them would be to cause even greater suffering.

Pretty sick but kind of true I guess

>> No.9886028

spencer was in an oscar wilde production in college, come on dude...

no but actually spencer's family have a bunch of money from owning plantations in the south, he's just an old money confederate asshole, not some new age charlemagne, i'm concerned about the original "high trust" vaues of the early dutch and english colonists being replaced with a culture of third world corruption, but as a northerner i have no love for confederate shitlords, fuck spencer t b h

>> No.9886031


Preventing possible new infections of e. coli means pulling products from shelves.

Preventing even only one future possible terrorist attacks means limiting the freedom of movement and association of virtually everyone

And if an attack *was* preventable, one has to ask--why wasn't it prevented? Because it wasn't actually preventable! Whoopsie!

>> No.9886033

and bangladesh is now one of the most overpopulated countries on the planet so he did have a point, plz no gulag

>> No.9886039

holy i just can't stop hateposting, fml, i just want to be a politically correct maxist believer again

>> No.9886041

Exactly. No government policy is perfect, especially with an issue as complex and multivariant as global terrorism. E. Coli doesn't learn to drive semis into crowds when you limit the supply of explosive material.

>> No.9886043

The memoir that was turned into the movie Come and See was about a race war on the Eastern Front.

>> No.9886054

A few points. First, there actually are policy prescriptions we are able to put in place that can minimize the prevalence of terrorist attacks. Part of the reason we haven't had another 9/11 is because of those policies. The problem with knowing how many terrorist attacks have been prevented due to policy prescriptions is that the people who want to commit large-scale terrorist acts tend to be dissuaded by how difficult those policy changes have made it.

The second point is that, 9/11 was actually preventable. Airline security firms proposed hardened cockpit doors prior to the attacks, and they wouldn't have taken place if their proposals were taken seriously.

And third,
>limiting the freedom of movement and association of virtually everyone
No, just Muslims.

Shut the fuck up no one's talking to you

>> No.9886056

Plantations? Wasn't he born in Massachusetts? His family is uber wasp, not sure where you are getting this information.

>> No.9886059


>> No.9886060

his mother was from the south and he grew up in texas

>> No.9886063

Bathtub deaths just don't get the exposure terrorism does. If the news had video of every person who slips in a bit of shampoo that fell on the bathtub floor and hits their head on the edge of the tub and you could see them stumbling around half conscious for a bit before collapsing, and then you got to see their spouse's reaction to finding them and the EMTs trying to save them before finally giving up and covering the body and taking it away, then some people would probably be terrified of showering.

>> No.9886064

Bathtub deaths aren't caused by other people. It's like asking why a murder gets more local news coverage than someone dying in a car accident. It's because a crime was committed.

>> No.9886067
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This whole "movement" got too popular too fast and it attracted too many stupid people, it was only a matter of time before someone got hurt for real.

Although, to be honest, there's nothing intellectual about having racial preferences (those are somewhat instinctive), but to defend those preferences to the general population you do have to be at least minimally intellectually equipped, because the general population is too brainwashed by the intense propaganda of the last ~50 years.

So this will be a loss for the white nationalists, but certainly not the death blow. If they learn from it they can come back stronger.

>> No.9886075

Being violently ethnically cleansed from your people's own territory including your nation's capital city by mass deliberate demographic replacement immivasion is much more concerning than people slipping in the bathtub you twat.

>> No.9886080
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So, yes and no. The reason we haven't had another event like 9/11 is analogous to the reason why we haven't had another event like Pearl Harbor. Or...wait! No, the reason we haven't had another event like 9/11 is that, for the time being, 'preventing terrorism' is synonymous with 'blowing the fucking shit out of identifiable threats in predominantly Muslim countries'. But the direction of the threats are open to change--or perhaps multiply--especially in what is becoming an increasingly fraught and contentious domestic situation.

Muslims really aren't the only ones that commit terrorists attacks; they've just been the most successful--so far.

How many 'native son' militias are there in the United States? How many more are we likely to see in the coming years? How long until they grow tired of 'peaceful demonstration' and decide it's time to take 'real action'?

Seems like it's already happening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_the_Malheur_National_Wildlife_Refuge

But we don't call these 'terrorist attacks'. Or not yet.

Where will your civil liberties be, then?

>> No.9886088

>Muslims aren't scary
>you should be afraid of white people

Please kill yourself.

>> No.9886089

Bathtubs with potentially slippery floors made out of dense material are made by people, soap that can become a dangerous lubricant is made by people, the habit of taking a shower has to be reinforced by people.

>> No.9886090

>How many 'native son' militias are there in the United States? How many more are we likely to see in the coming years? How long until they grow tired of 'peaceful demonstration' and decide it's time to take 'real action'?

Hopefully sooner rather than later. Whites have gone from 90% of the population to 60% since 1965. We are dealing with a population replacement plan that's being coordinated by our own government, and we must fight back against it and regain control of the levers of power before it gets any worse.

>> No.9886091

>Seems like it's already happening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_the_Malheur_National_Wildlife_Refuge

we don't call those "terrorist attacks" because the only death in that incident was when a federal agent killed a demonstrator, the only "attack" was by the government on it's own people

>> No.9886093


You should be leery of any group that is willing to commit violent acts against groups of innocent people for political ends.

>> No.9886095

the difference is when an elderly person has a railing installed in their shower so they don't die they aren't called a racist

>> No.9886098


Please extrapolate. Here >>9886090 is a serviceable data point to start from.

>> No.9886099
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>> No.9886100



You could also do well to review the history of the Civil Rights Movement

>> No.9886101

>elderly person
>not racist

>> No.9886103



>> No.9886105

>But we don't call these 'terrorist attacks'. Or not yet.
Shut the fuck up dude. WE DO CALL THEM TERRORIST ATTACKS. The media is leaping over each other to be the first to call these instances terrorist attacks.

The social and political aims of Islamic terrorism aren't desirable. The political aims of the Bundys were milder, and i'd argue even agreeable. This distinction matters. If the goal of the IRA is to wrench themselves away from an oppressive regime, then that's fundamentally different from the goals of ISIS, which is to establish an oppressive Islamic empire. Not making this distinction and comparing harmless old white guys who want less government to people who crucify children demonstrates how much of an obnoxious ideologue you are.

>> No.9886108

I'm pretty sure leftists have called every person living, dead, or unborn "racist" by this point. The word has no meaning.

>> No.9886109

Who doesn't call this a terrorist attack? Who are you arguing against?

>> No.9886114


>the only terrorists we gotta worry about are Muslim terrorists!

You, you stupid cunt.

>> No.9886117

Only ostensibly smart people can equivocate like this.

The reason murders scare us more than accidents is that they're carried out by agents who can continue to consciously choose to harm you. There's a force out there that actually wants to harm you, as opposed to being a victim of circumstance.

>> No.9886121

You might actually be retarded. No one in this thread said that only Islamic terrorist counts as real terrorism, nor that non-Islamic terrorism should be ignored entirely. This is a figment of your ideologically-possessed imagination.

>> No.9886123

>WE DO CALL THEM TERRORIST ATTACKS. The media is leaping over each other to be the first to call these instances terrorist attacks.

Then we're already a few steps toward what I was talking about earlier.

As for the Bundys. They were an armed group that took hostile action against it's own government. They didn't want 'less government'; they wanted access to government (i.e. public) property--for profit-without having to pay for the privilege. They were not successful because they were ineffectual. The same could be said for any the other failed terrorists that our military and security apparata have prevented or dissuaded.

>> No.9886126

>As for the Bundys
...Who were involved in a situation you obviously weren't paying attention to. The government had been trying to get them off their land for years and was the aggressor.

>> No.9886128


Some white people have this problematic attitude that makes them think that the occasional massacre is not an acceptable price to pay for Diversity.

>> No.9886130

calling everything terrorism can only benefit the security state. it is foolish for the left to adopt the language of its enemies. the state will call you a terrorist as soon as they are able to.

>> No.9886132

the washington post has a great quote from some alt-right guy from the rally, goes:

we're our here to represent our republican values which are number one standing for white identity, number two free markets, number three killing jews

you really have to wonder if that dude was for real but he did seem serious

>> No.9886133



>And third,
>[Preventing even only one future possible terrorist attacks means] limiting the freedom of movement and association of virtually everyone
>No, just Muslims.

What did I misinterpret about your meaning? If we are to prevent terrorist attacks, we have to prevent the movement and association of potential terrorists. But if Muslims, according to you, are the only people whose freedoms we need to limit in order to prevent terrorist attacks, that seems to suggest that you believe it is only Muslims that pose a credible threat.

No? Is that not what you meant?

Show me how you equivocate.

>> No.9886137


That. Is. My. Point.


Ah. Glad that's cleared up.

>> No.9886143
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>tiki-torches, hawaii shirts and pina coladas for a goddamn political march

Why does nothing feel "genuine" nowadays?
It's just autism everyone.

>> No.9886144


Follow your bliss, anon.

>> No.9886149

>They were an armed group that took hostile action against it's own government.
The distinction i'm making is that terrorism per se is a tool, not a moral catastrophe in and of itself. It's not like rape or murder. It's political protesting at its most extreme.

>> No.9886153

Americans have never had aesthetic taste. They always dress like clowns.

>> No.9886155

Allowing diversity != accepting massacres. Most people don't really care about promoting diversity other than curbing brainless, unwarranted racism. White people aren't the only people opposed to terrorism you dumb fuck. Scapegoating nebulous "diversity" isn't getting to the root of the problem.

>> No.9886158


What I am saying is that when you are calling for the curtailment of the rights of all 'potential terrorists', you are tying your own noose. Because the people being declared terrorists won't always look so predictably surly, brown and frightening. They'll start to look a lot like your pasty boipucci.

>> No.9886159

post-modern epoch, nothing is authentic anymore, and now with social media where everyone is putting on a show for youtube/instagram/whatever it's even worse, people hoping post-modernity will end are going to be waiting a long time, this could last for centuries

>> No.9886161

How is this synonymous with saying that only Islamic terrorist attacks are real terrorist attacks? I want less Muslim immigration (immigration is a privilege, not a right) and a security apparatus that targets people who are more likely to commit terrorist attacks (which would include young men like you and me). Muslims are a statistically bigger concern than any other group, so we should target them in particular.

>> No.9886163

do they say they're not nazis? i mean they're nazis and they pretty much say they're nazis

>> No.9886164

Yeah, let's get back to parading in bedsheets and black leather jackets like the good ol' days. Our race riots need more /fa/ flair in them.

>> No.9886167

if i say i'm a spartan soldier it doesn't make it so

>> No.9886172


You haven't been following my argument at all.

You want a strong security state. That's fine. You'll get it. You already have it.

I don't want it. But that's too bad for me.

>> No.9886173

If you invoke Spartan imagry, share Spartan values, and try to act as Spartan as possible you may not be a Spartan but some kind of neo-Spartan

>> No.9886175

the most interesting part of all these events is that the left's role is purely reactionary in the sense that they are just reacting to the right's moves, the left has been completely neutralized since occupy wall street

>> No.9886176

Some are Nazi larpers, many are not and I'm guessing the vast majority do not align with Nazi ideology. What do you gain from using this label so loosely? Trying to make people look bad? Newsflash: Actual Nazis/Hitler are less and less seen as "pure evil" by new generations, it's becoming ancient history.

>> No.9886181


It is hauntingly reminiscent of the Late Weimar years, right down to the street clashes.

Too soon for that, even so.

>> No.9886182

before hitler, napoleon was the badman for everyone to hate, does anyone have a strong opinion on napoleon today?

>> No.9886183

I'm not white you fucker. I'm capable of looking like the sort of people who carry out these attacks, especially when I grow my black bushy beard.

>when you are calling for the curtailment of the rights of all 'potential terrorists', you are tying your own noose.
I've never understood this argument. If the government wanted to target people like you and me, then whether or not they once targeted Muslims wouldn't bear any connection to that objective.

>> No.9886184


The French, the English, the Spanish, the Italians, the Egyptians, the Russians...

>> No.9886187

>especially when I grow (((my black bushy beard))).

now the truth comes out

>> No.9886191

This is all the result of people spending too much fucking time on the internet. If there were decent jobs out there that weren't impossible to get and you could live a comfortable life, none of this shit would be happening.

>> No.9886194

kek human is fighting each other since the dawn of civilization, like only white people is the only bloodluster

>> No.9886198

i live in an egptian community, i've never heard anyone ever mention napoleon in a good or bad light (did hear someone say hitler did nothing wrong once) and mostly if they are muslims they don't like israel and if they are coptic they don't like muslims, no one even bothers to bitch about the british never mind the french

>> No.9886202


>If the government wanted to target people like you and me, then whether or not they once targeted Muslims wouldn't bear any connection to that objective.

It's about the available legal regime and the recourse available to those targeted by government actions. When you change the laws to allow for enormously proactive and invasive executive 'interventions' in the lives of citizens, without consequence, you severely limit the possibilities of counter-action. Things have NOT always been this way. The executive branch has NOT always had the powers it now possesses. These are VERY RECENT developments, which you are apparently too young and too ignorant to know, understand, or appreciate.

>> No.9886204

this. you see bourgeois boomers posting in nytimes comments like "those young men will never get good jobs again! enjoy working fastfood the rest of your life!" and it's like dude, that is why they don't care about showing their face because they know they are never going to have "real jobs" or houses or families or anything else

>> No.9886207

Literally the first objective of a state is to protect its people from outside threats. Hobbes pointed out that basically since the state's inception that was its purpose. You wanting an enervated security apparatus isn't just your political choice. Lack of security concerns from powerful people who think like you make me and my family less safe.

I'm 1/4 injun, and my European 3/4 is mostly Spanish, Italian, and French. Not a Jew.

>> No.9886208


>I'm not white you fucker.

Also, baby boy, I've seen your picture. You 'pass'. You don't get this cop out.

>> No.9886210

>Most people don't really care about promoting diversity other than curbing brainless, unwarranted racism.

for the sjw left, brainless, unwarranted racism simply means white people existing. and 'diversity' does have to be promoted all the fucking time. remember all those rainbow ads on gay pride month, which is now a major marketing event like christmas or halloween. the christmas of buttfucking. remember those BBC videos in which 50% the population of the roman empire was black africans? nebulous 'diversity' equated is with goodness itself. and i'm a white straight male, supposedly living in the best of all possible worlds and also evil and responsible for all that's wrong in the world. our diverse managerial economy has transcended meritocracy and there's no place for me or so i am told. not representative enough of the diversity not a member of any vibrant communities. Anyways we probably deserve it as punishment for all the racism sexism patriarchy and queerophobia we have wrecked upon the poor oppressed victims of this earth.

>> No.9886211


I think you people are the brainless ones. You offer no practical solution to curbing Islamic violence but when someone like Orban or Trump tries to fix things you all crawl out of the wooodwork bleating about "brainless, unwarranted racism."

>> No.9886212


Oh no, better lock me up.

>> No.9886213
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>> No.9886220

>Hobbes pointed out that basically since the state's inception that was its purpose.

Hobbes deduced a conclusion from axioms he proposed. That isn't 'pointing out' anything. He didn't cite any historical facts, just spun out a yarn in his study.

>> No.9886222

don't be so uptight pride week in any major city is fun as fuck nohomo it's the last chance for Dionysian revelry you're going to get before islam wipes out fun

>> No.9886223


>> No.9886225

Literally human race with miniscule differences that are so small they barely register.

An actual race war would be against aliens from a different planet not someone from earth with a bit more melanin in their skin, you retarded Nazi-lite.

>> No.9886226

Who cares? This is nothing. Call me when the "alt-right" starts shooting people in the streets

>> No.9886228

>pride week in any major city is fun as fuck

i have seen twerking infants bathed in cum

i have seen paraplegics brandishing dildos and over five hundred taints in less than three hours

take your fag festival and go away

>> No.9886233

lmao dude next time you attend a pride parade ...easy on the lsd

>> No.9886235

I'm young and ignorant enough to understand that these security structures were put in place due to the changing technological and material nature of the threat. An individual has more power to carry out mass atrocities now than ever before, and the people carrying out these mass atrocities are often organized into non-state parties. So they have the administrative benefit of state-organization, but don't have the ability to surrender or be defeated outright. This is fundamentally different than fighting the Japanese or the South, and therefore requires different security apparatuses.

If it's summer people ask me where I'm from. If it's winter I pass.

>> No.9886238

>Hobbes pointed out that basically since the state's inception that was its purpose.

Incidentally, you also got one of Hobbes' premises wrong. The first order of the state is not to protect its constituents from outside threats, but rather to protect all of them FROM EACH OTHER.

>> No.9886248


I hate pride week, it makes us look like degenerates.

>> No.9886257

Strange how an event called Unite The Right has essentially divided the right even more. Where did this overt Nazism shit even come from? I always knew there was an element of it kicking around but it seems like it blew up overnight. And I thought the right were the cooler heads. Now every two seconds I'm seeing a bunch of civil warmongering. This shit is fucking lame.

>> No.9886265

dude the event was in the confederate south based around the removal of a robert e lee monument, of course old school kkk and neonazi types are going to come out in force, it's not going to look like hwndu in nyc where it brought out a multicultural bunch of anime watching anti-semites

>> No.9886266


It was only a matter of time before white people figured out they could play the identity politics game themselves.

Why let irate Negros and frumpy lesbians have all the fun?

>> No.9886270

Feels good not giving a fuck anymore, you should try it some time

>> No.9886271

i'm going to stop giving a fuck by not going on the internet anymore, fuck this shit

>> No.9886272

Hobbes wasn't really concerned with that distinction. My point is that is that he already made the best argument in favor of state sovereignty and the legitimacy of state power, which is its ability to guard individual security. That's what matters above all else.

>> No.9886275

Good point.
It just seems so counter-productive though. I don't know, I'm just not a fan of identity politics at all. One of the major reasons I moved away from the left. In a time of conservative renaissance, why shift the focus to something like ethno-nationalism?

>> No.9886276

good for you, hope you change your luck
see you tomorrow

>> No.9886287


There always has been a focus on ethno-nationalism, it's just that Conservatism Inc has been better at suppressing it.

>> No.9886295

At this point I think rounding up everyone on 4chan into camps would overall be a net gain for humanity.

>> No.9886303

that's the problem, shitposting the day away calling people pseuds for liking dfw is one thing, but when google/government can work together to put everyone who lolled at a pepe in a camp it's time to stop posting not worth risking your life

>> No.9886310

Americans always talk about everything in terms of "the white people do this" "the black people do that" no matter what their political views are, it's fucking weird, and incredibly insular.

>> No.9886312

Because they understand that a society is at least partially an expression of the genes of the people who constitute it. It's not a pleasant reality, which is why they have to be polite and express their views subtly.

>> No.9886313

It's literally because of jewish media and centuries of jewish political indoctrination