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/lit/ - Literature

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9885241 No.9885241 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious, where does /lit/ buy their books, and how much do you usually pay?
>inb4 everyone is a thieving fucking pirate

>> No.9885254

Library sales and used books stores. At used book stores about 4-9 dollars a copy.

>> No.9885264


>> No.9885357

2nd hand book stores
wherever its cheap online. never pay over 10 shekels

>> No.9885370

The kobo store or my local second-hand shop

>> No.9885372

There's this library clearance sale once a year I go to, they sell books for .50c each or .25c/10. Usually they're all trash books but I've found a few gems.

Otherwise, I'll check if it's on genesis library and if not then on amazon used or digital. Call me a poorfag all you want.

>> No.9885389

barnes and noble

>> No.9885392

>paying ~20 bucks for books

>> No.9885410

How do you clean your used books? You do know they have been in a bathroom when someone was shitting, right?

>> No.9885413

I don't understand why so many people have an aversion to used books. You'll read most books once and then shelve them forever, so in my opinion it's better to buy used, read, then continue the cycle so other people can enjoy it too.

>> No.9885418

Anon, literally everything has fecal particles coating it, even your food and your toothbrush.

>> No.9885421

It's not like I'm fucking licking my used books. Most second hand stores spray and disinfect their covers to sanitize and clean them.

>> No.9885426

I don't like this reasoning even though I highly doubt it..
>there's poop everywhere, what's wrong about having a little more poop that isn't yours?

>> No.9885440


>> No.9885441

How do I remove the crust from my thrift-hauled Playboys?

>> No.9885442

In Nashville? Patrician choice.

>> No.9885447

ebay and abebook for books college/uni students have to use always less than $20 aus including shipping which is usually 80-90% of the price
charity stores for general classics/fiction, $1-3 aus
used book stores for less mainstream books $5-15
Pretty jealous of north americans/europeans though, I can't imagine why you wouldn't buy used online since it's so cheap.

>> No.9885460

Yep. It's not always the best in terms of price but it's a great used book store and it's super close to me.

>> No.9885490

It's where I usually go. You're right, the price sucks but usually there's good quality copies that are basically brand new. Hit or miss on more obscure authors however.

>> No.9885528

OP knows he can post a pic of Obama without rages because all /pol/ into that car-attack business.

>> No.9885634
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>buying book online
>its "acceptable" condition
I just hope they don't smell bad. thats all I ask

>> No.9885653

lol get a load a this goy

>> No.9885656

>Most second hand stores spray and disinfect their covers to sanitize and clean them.

>> No.9885660

It's a common industry practice. You can charge more for a clean looking book.

>> No.9885728

I worked in my high school library and we did this once a year, just to avoid spreading germs amongst the student body. I really hope used books stores do this.

Used book stores are the best for finding something unexpected. I use Amazon to find hard to locate books and have been able to get entire series, used for cheap. It helps that I'm not a big fan of hardcover, so I don't need to buy new books at all.

>> No.9885735

gen.lib, of course. Paying is for cucks.

>> No.9886069

>try to stop being an Amazon fag
>go to my local bookstore
>$18 for Sirens of Titan
>do a 360 and walk away

>> No.9886084


>> No.9886094

Only new books desu. In Russia they cost like 300-400 rubles which is ~$6.
My salary is 24k rubles though ;_;
If i need english books than awesomebooks is the way to go.

>> No.9886106


>> No.9886116

if i want something specific really fast, i order books on the website of my tiny local book store, i can usually pic them up the day after so it's even faster than amazon. prices of books are fixed in germany so it's automatically the best deal and knowing the owner is quite handy too as she can recommend editions, translations etc.

in addition i visit a large flea market which happens in my town every month where professional traders sell their leftover books, you get at least 50% and can browse a little bit as the stalls get quite huge and have tons of classics and modern /lit/erature apparently no one wants to buy ;.;

>> No.9886134

>the stalls get quite huge and have tons of classics and modern /lit/erature apparently no one wants to buy ;.;
It's always depressing to see the "literature" section of the bookstore is smaller and more expensive than the giant pulp fiction section with books selling at around 25 cents.

>> No.9886537

also used books have more personality to them

new books look like objects or products

>> No.9886563
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ABEbooks is the patrician choice. Just got similar to pic related for Laurus transl. and Brief History of Seven Killings betting on an HBO show

>> No.9886584

>abe books
>cheap as fuck
>lots of choice
>don't have to go out of my basement
>I like old books

>> No.9886774

Amazon for esoterica

>> No.9886941

bookdepository or local used/new bookstore (for native books or translations into native).

I'd buy online from other places too, but the shipping is 8 times the prize of the product.

>> No.9886956

>thieving fucking pirate

I mostly read dead old white guys so I doesn't matter.

>> No.9887077
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I work in a second hand store. I give books worth selling a wipe with ammonia if they look dirty. Cleaning all of them sounds like a lot of work.

>> No.9887109

>inb4 everyone is a thieving fucking pirate
I do buy books at book fairs every few months though, it's a great way to find things I wouldn't normal read.

>> No.9887480

>Live in Chile.
>Average salary is $2-3/hour
>All decent books are at least $15-20.
>Buying online costs the same if not more than in libraries.
>Most public libraries have a shit tier collection.
>If I want to buy a good edition of a book I'll most likely have to import it from Spain since South America is an intelectual wasteland.
>If I want to buy a book on any language other than Spanish I have to pay out of my ass.

Might as well kill myself.

>> No.9887545

Might as well buy an e-reader.
The place where i live is a literary black hole (in Ecuador) so there wasn't any other option than buying a Kindle and pirating the books. That is, if you only care about reading and not about having a big book collection you can brag about to everyone

>> No.9887553

Amazon. Too much. I mostly buy specialized non-fic that is impossible to find secondhand.

>> No.9887591

I buy ebooks because books in English here are expensive as fuck.

>> No.9887594

Goodwill, Salvation Army, local donation/resale stores. Books rarely go over three dollars at those places. Got first editions of Mason & Dixon and Against the Day for 2$ each, and they're both in great condition. Then I go to local book resale stores. They know the value of books better. Usually the books are between 3-8 dollars there. Some in the teens; and they have an early first edition of I want to say a Hemingway short story for 80$.
Fuck stealing books online, fuck reading books off a screen. Go outside and look around for books. They're considered a dying breed, so it's easy to get great volumes for near nothing.

>> No.9887595


>> No.9887600

My local used bookstore. Great, knowledgeable staff, most of my buys are less than $5 and none are more than $10.

>> No.9887603

When you get older, you realize most decorations in a home are merely conversation pieces.

>> No.9887613

>he talks to people

>> No.9887614


Tell me that's at least a fucking day, man. Otherwise you've gotta put yourself out there. I'm cooking at a diner and I'm still making 1,600 USD a month.

>> No.9887618
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>> No.9887621

These days everything I read is free domain.
>go to Google
>type in The Republic Plato PDF
>find accommodating website
>read The Republic

>> No.9887670

I live in the middle of nowhere, so I have to use bookdepository for the free shipping.

>> No.9887812

It adds some characters to the book and I enjoy the idea that other people have read the book before me.

(also I get some perverse pleasure out of paying fifty cents for a book)

>> No.9887832

Oxfam's secondhand book store, if it's poetry or Shakespeare. I occasionally pick up some classics there too. If not, WHSmiths or Waterstones. If it's particularly expensive then secondhand off Amazon

>> No.9888169

Amazon and Ebay for interesting books that otherwise I'll never come across

my parish bookstore for theology and other church related stuff, (though I haven't been there in a while)

used bookstores for good deals on out-of-the-way books that look and sound interesting.

Garage sales because I'm a sucker for cheap stuff.

I also used to get paid in books at one of my jobs, ama i guess.

>> No.9888283

>Sell book for 2.5k
>doesn't even cover the shipping

>> No.9888304

>buy a used economics textbook
>The first two chapters are highlighted to fuck with notes in the margins
>the rest of the book is clean and obviously untouched

I can tell whoever had this before me dropped the class

>> No.9888309

All the thriftshops in my area just sell old cookbooks and Twilight novels.
The used bookstore by my house is still more expensive than buying new on amazon
So I mostly just use thriftbooks and ebay

>> No.9888318

Goodwill and Arc are fantastic if you want cheap books. Generally have a little bit of everything.

>> No.9888359

I'm from there. GREAT used bookstores. Purchase at one of them or Abe for rarer titles.

>> No.9888696

>>9885241 (OP)

For used books, I use abebooks, biblio, and 4-5 local bookstores. For obscure (or otherwise unavailable) texts I'll buy new off of Amazon, or I will download ebooks from libgen.io or tpb.

>> No.9888902
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If I gain comfort from petting my dog, why should I not gain insight from reading a dirty book?

>> No.9888914

>it's a buyfag thread

patricians only pirate books and print them out on their university printers without paying for the printout

>> No.9888934

My book money comes from Mturk. I normally just go on there and fill out a few surveys, it's not a bad way to make a few dollars.

>> No.9888944

Which town?

>> No.9888974

Amen to that. Got some Guénon from there a couple weeks ago.

>> No.9889677

Bonn, Rheinauenflohmarkt jeden dritten Samstag im Monat.

>> No.9889689
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i don't buy books

i download them from book4you and read them on my comfy laptop

>> No.9889715

reminder that abebooks is owned by amazon

>> No.9889723

I only care about my acquisitions. Outrage over x is for Nazis and Pinkos, not me in my comfy room.

>> No.9889732

Barnes and Noble.
It's literally the only bookstore within 25 miles of my post, and /lit/ can get fucked if they think I'm driving that far for a copy of Lolita.

>> No.9889739

libgen.io, casuals
the few books I like enough to have hard copies of come from ebay

>> No.9889743

There's a small chain in my area that sells books for regularly cheap (bought book for 20$ at nearby big-name store, could have bought same book at this other place for 14$). Plus, buying at this place rewards with points towards discounts for future purchases. They also buy back your used books for either cash or store credit. Is real good, hombre.

>> No.9889771

why not purchase online

>> No.9889780

I buy them where is cheaper.
I usualy use local bookstores, but I also used some online sites (more the national ones, Amazon I was getting into when my money ended), but I also used a lot of book re-sellers and boom re-sellers sites.
I am pretty straitfoward when dealing with this: if I can get a new one by a price cheaper or very close to the used ones, I just buy one new instead.
Otherwise, I buy the used ones, and if some books are only available through re-sellers, them I use them too.

>> No.9889791

Oh yeah, i forgot too say the average price of my books, with is a trick question.
Majority of the books I enjoy are something between 60$ ~ 100$ of my national currency (the brazilian one, the real), but this price seens to be getting cheaper sometimes, and it depends on the book.
One time, I bought this book of a used book store by 80$, but a newer version was by, idk, I think it was either 120$ or 240$. The next book I want is for 100$ in the used books site I usualy use; but some of my books can go as cheap as 5$ in used books stores or 20$ a new pocket version usualy.
Books are quite expensive in my fucking a country... As every thing else since lefties destroyed the economy.

>> No.9889806

>tfw du bist amerikaner und kannst nicht auf den flohmarkt nachste woche gehen

>> No.9889829
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this is a fantastic argument and i love it. also, i wish i had a dog.

>> No.9889854

I work at Barnes and Noble- don't buy books here unless you're a cute girl buying them from my store while I'm working so that I can break the monotony.

>> No.9889862

Amazon. I usually go for the hard cover, but sometimes that's just no doable, so I'll have to settle for paperback.

>> No.9890037

Difficult to escape Amazon and Bookdepository for new books.
For second-hand and hard-to-find books, I suggest using a combination of Bookfinder (which indexes the main bookselling websites), EBay, and some judicious googling of the title in inverted commas + author, in case some obscure online bookseller who doesn't use Abe has it somewhere. Also set up Abe and Ebay alerts for hard to find books, Amazon doesn't have that feature yet I think. And also be sure to check any national small ads websites (usually free) since individuals are more likely to use those to sell off stuff than the pro websites (usually costing money).

In any case, I strongly recommend scouring the local bookshops and giving them your custom wherever possible. Also see about buying books directly from the publishers (small presses) or authors themselves in the case of obscure and limited publications. In this day and age of online convenience, it means a lot.

ITT: former bookseller.

>> No.9890051
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Local used book shop called Bookhounds.

Most of the books are between 2-6 bucks depending on weight

>> No.9890070
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>paying for books by the pound
why didn't I think of this

>> No.9890325

online shops but also uni bookshop, alternative bookshop for new books and my town has a lot of second hand bookshops too

>> No.9890327

I use booko for new books and thrift stores for used. My city somehow doesn't have a used book store (it's a small city, but still) so my options here are limited.

I occasionally buy old books from the library too

>> No.9890391

I pirate everything I can and I pay for what I can't.

>> No.9890409

amazon, always used