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/lit/ - Literature

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9884742 No.9884742 [Reply] [Original]

After reading Don Quixote and Ulysses 90% of literature feels like crap to me
Should I read Proust?

>> No.9884774

i love eating a high-class meal, where the dishes blend fresh ingredients in ways i would not think possible. i also like cheap meals, soaked in fat and loaded with carbs.

if i only ate high-class meals, it would drain me of resources best spent elsewhere. if i only ate cheap meals, i would lose my palette and probably get fat. if i only ate raw vegetables (*cough* scientific journals), i would be healthy, but i would lose my ability to find joy in eating.

you should probably take a break from the high-brow, opie, and read something comfy like wodehouse or tolkien. variety is the spice of life.

>> No.9884800
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>food analogy

>> No.9884838

>if i only ate raw vegetables (*cough* scientific journals), i would be healthy, but i would lose my ability to find joy in eating.
>Being such a pleb you cant enjoy the deliciousness of vegetables.
Also, your analogy is extremely retarded, if I was able to eat only high-class meals for the rest of my life I'd with no doubt do it.

>> No.9885302

this is a natural feeling, I feel the same way. Yes, read Proust. Proust, Joyce, Homer, Shakespeare, Dante, Cervantes, Melville, Chekhov, Dostoesvky, Tolstoy, and maybe a handful of others - it's better to dive into these authors with more depth than to waste your time with 99% of the shit out there

>> No.9885306

>food analogy

>> No.9885322

I don't get this good analogy meme. They're fine and easily understood by a wide audience.

>> No.9885784

How 'bout you go wayyyy back and read Gilgamesh?

>> No.9885825

Yes you should absolutely read Proust. It is one of the best books ever and I've read a lot of books. It take the auto-biography and allows it to perversely blossom into a manifold work of hermetic mysticism, libidinous kunstlerroman, profound psycho-analytical insight, and study on power relations. Seriously. Everyone. Read Proust. I've read Ulysses, I've read Crime & Punishment, I've read Gravity's Rainbow, I've read The Man Without Qualities - if you're going to invest the time to read only one doorstopping masterpiece, make it In Search of Lost Time (although Man Without Qualities does give it a solid run for its money, but ends up with points detracted for too much wish-fulfillment soap opera dramatics, though none of these modernist biographically-formed yarns escape it entirely.

>> No.9885918

Anne carson said she read proust every morning at breakfast and it took 7 years. Then she described life after proust as a "desert." I think you should do it. It will be a spiritual expedition.

>> No.9887403

If I took 7 years to read any single book then my life would feel like a desert too.