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9882580 No.9882580[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What book deals with the collapse of white western degenerate civilization that isn't from 1930?

>> No.9882585

What collapse?

>> No.9882586
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Observation is not the answer to this feel. Action is

>> No.9882594

The Culture of Narcissism

>> No.9882604
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Pic related. It's from 1918 :^)

>> No.9882609
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the fact they can't solve this with massive inmigration without ending witha civil war before.

do other civilizations have less degeneracy than westeners?

>> No.9882612
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>> No.9882676

How is this a collapse, and how does it imply degeneracy

>> No.9882691

it implies inmigration.
inmigration implies niggers raping your daughter.

>> No.9882700

Not that anon, but what collapse?

>> No.9882702

The US used to have literally limitless immigration.

>> No.9882705

more elders taking healthcare and age benefits than workers paying taxes.

>> No.9882707

Yeah, but no niggers and sandniggers

>> No.9882711

They've been saying that with literally every immigration wave and shit never happened.
>hurrdurr these damn Irish
>hurrdurr these damn Italians
>hurrdurr these damn Slavs
>hurrdurr these damn Mexicans

It's always the same shitty pattern
"Oh, only this shitty part of their population is coming!"
"Oh, their culture is too different, they will never integrate!"
"Oh, just look at the crime rates of the people we only give shitty jobs to!"

Two generations later, nobody even remembers that the ethnicity was every foreign.

>> No.9882714

I don't think you need to worry too much about having offspring.

>> No.9882730

What an idiot. Learn what a false equivalence is.

>> No.9882736

I was going to tell you to do the math but if you haven't done it by now I'm pretty sure you're just a nigger

>> No.9882741

That's because all of those ethnicities are white or sort of white and didn't bring huge cultural baggage with them in the form of Islam.

>> No.9882746

What is the average IQ and the culture of the first 3? Find this out and you'll know why the new waves are worse

>> No.9882765

The average IQ is 100 and it's a test used to determine the retardation of children at young ages

You don't seriously believe it's an intelligence test, do you anon?

>> No.9882846

The comforting myth that IQ only measures your ability to complete IQ tests has been debunked countless times, read a book kid.

>> No.9882850

that's not what he said

>> No.9882872

That's the implication, because the usual criticism of IQ as a measure of intelligence is that it only measures your ability in a narrow field of subjects, when it has been proven time and time again to be an effective test for intelligence.

>> No.9882874

I've done them and compared to previous migration waves. It's nothing special.
The Irish weren't considered white for a long time and they said the same thing about all Catholic and Asian ethnicities.
Oh, and the Iranians. Another migration wave, which was collectively forgotten.
It's 100, you moron.
>muh but they are objectively dumber meme
Another common theme.

Guess what? The West and especially the USA is the great destroyer of ethnic culture. First gen is cool, second gen freaks out and clings to muh ethnic culture for dear life and by the third gen they already star giving way less fucks and rather play around on their smartphones at McDonalds.

>> No.9882878

Anything by Houellebecq

>> No.9882889

The Camp of the Saints, perhaps?

>> No.9882909

The total inability of IQ tests for cross-cultural comparisons has also been debunked.
Studies with newly contacted tribes like the Munduruku (who barely count beyond two) show that there are no significant differences in core cognitive abilities.
The genetic factor of IQ is (depending in the study) about 0.7. That may seem like much, unless you understand that a 30% variance in IQ is fucking huge. There are yet to be studies to confirm any significant genetic difference in terms of cognitive faculties and even if there were any to be found, they are likely to be about as minute as the difference between men and women. (inb4 hurrdurr le womin are dumber tho xD. Go look it up.)

>> No.9882912


*proven, not debunked, obviously
Sorry, tired af-

>> No.9883757

Finis Germania

>> No.9883785

Late reply but I should point out that I wasn't the same guy linking IQ to ethnicity, my claim is just that is is an effective way to determine intelligence and usually future success in life.

>> No.9883786

zola's from the belle epoque

>> No.9883803

>The Irish weren't considered white for a long time and they said the same thing about all Catholic and Asian ethnicities.
And the Germans, the Russians, the Swedes, the Spanish, the Italians and who knows who else.
Ben Franklin didn't consider Gunther, Gustav and Igor white men, let that sink in.

>> No.9883814

it's not though, beyond 120 +, IQ has no relation to success in life which is determined by other socio-economic factors. it's not effective outside of "normal" intelligence, i.e. it loses accuracy every SD beyond the first. it's more true to say it accurately determines intellectual mediocrity than success.

>> No.9883858

Good thing we're importing people from sub-80 IQ countries so we won't have to worry about that.

>> No.9883869

And here again, the correlation is not linear and amounts to about 0.7 in the best of circumstances. And not in every culture, as "success" can mean many different things.
i.e.: Compared with the Big5, high intelligence becomes waaay less accurate, if you have high Openness and low Conscientiousness, higher intelligence often means what many would describe as "head in the clouds" or "dreamer", with little "successful" behavior.

There is more to life than IQ. And to this day, even the best IQ tests aren't used by psychologists to confidently determine "intelligence", but rather to determine "intelligence styles", as per the sub-scores like quantitative reasoning or verbal reasoning.

It boils down to a bunch of Anglo-Saxon continuously freaking out over foreigners, each of which are "the dawn of the end of America", everything works out fine and with the next immigrants it's always "okay, but for real this time".

And similar things can be said about pretty much every nation.

Bullshit assumptions dissipate over time in any reasonably developed nation. Or they are crippled down to intellectual musings and shitpostings on anonymous Mongolian throat singing image boards.
To be fair, better tests like adaptive computerized tests with error margin set to low are very good at being accurate at high (and low) IQ. But to do that kind of test literally takes days and is only ever used for shit like last-phase pilot candidature. And even then the medIQ is less interesting than the subscores.

>> No.9883894
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>Abridged Edition

>> No.9883903

t. never lived in a Muslim neighborhood

>> No.9883917

>hurr durr sub-saharan blacks are like other people
>hurr durr I get all warm and tingly when I see boats full of sub-saharan african men coming to Europe

>> No.9883923
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This unironically.

>> No.9883933

It's funny, so many people going on about the collapse of Western civilization etc. And yet here we are, flourishing but it's ignorant and cynical shit who hate everyone and everything who actively want destruction.

Instead why not try and do something to benefit society rather than moan on about it.

>> No.9883934

>*by the third gen they have been molded into rootless, properly indoctrinated, drug-using hyper-violent mongrel masses according to the plans of the powers that be

>> No.9883937

How can anyone even deny that the West is dying? I don't mean that it's becoming degenerate or that we're in a state of moral decadence, but that it's literally dying. As in most European countries are having children at a rate below replacement. And in order to pay for their welfare systems they have to import their future workers from Third World populations that actually are having children, but who share different values from those that predominate in the West.

This isn't conspiratorial right wing xenophobia, it's basic demographic analysis.

>> No.9883942

>To be fair, better tests like adaptive computerized tests with error margin set to low are very good at being accurate at high (and low) IQ. But to do that kind of test literally takes days and is only ever used for shit like last-phase pilot candidature. And even then the medIQ is less interesting than the subscores.
They're not really. Every single "high IQ" test is pretty spurious. Maintaining they aren't is pretty much only the domain of those who buy and sell them, not any valuable science. Personally I'd prefer if we worked out how low IQ aborigines navigate space than score high on an IQ tests spatial awareness scale.

>> No.9883944

Progressive politics post 1990 is pretty much all about having niggers rape and kill white people.

>> No.9883947

>hurrdurr legal immigration, actual refugees and economic refugees are all the same thing
>hurrdurr Europe is handing out legal status to anyone who "dropped" their Syrian passport

They do it by the books, so that nobody can cry "xenophobia!". And when they systematically reject the applications of """refugees""" in a given region, they literally kick their door in at night and stick them all in a plane.

t. has never read a pre-20. century book mentioning the "Irish neighborhood" or "Slavic neighborhood" or "Chinese neighborhood" etc.

>> No.9883949

There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding here. /lit/, being a book reading board, does not live in the US and is meant to discuss books, and not soap operas you saw on your phone.

>> No.9883955
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read it OP covers everything

>> No.9883957

Europe will be Islamic in less than 100 years.

>> No.9883973

Framing it like that isn't gonna convince anyone that you're right

>> No.9883974


The first three didn't have territorial claims to the lands they moved into, en masse. And actively Americanized.

>> No.9883980

Some quotes by HP Lovecraft, who spent time in NYC in the 20s:
“You are right in your denunciations of unrestricted immigration. You are fortunate in having lived in a district apart from the mongrel swarms.”

“Thank you very much for the picture of Paul Revere’s home. I note that it is surrounded by stores and shops of Italians. Its a pity that all the landmarks of American history seem to be in the process of being swamped by the tide of foreign invasion. The same process is going on the Gulf Coast, and in the Rio Grande valley country.”

“Your mention of the Italian invasion of New England brings up a phase of American life that always fills me with resentment: that of the overflowing of the country with low-class foreigners.”

“The death rate is enormous, the birth rate even more enormous. They live like rats and breed like flies.”

“As late as 1880 there was no dispute as to what constituted the American type. Then–through a false and sentimental policy of ignoring ethnic lines and minimizing heritage–the complexion of immigrants began to change.”

“I agree with all you say about foreign immigration. ‘The melting pot’ – bah! As if we could assimilate all the low-lived scum of southern Europe without tainting the old American stock. And that stuff they pull about ‘everybody being a foreigner except the Indians,’ makes me fighting mad.”

“Once it was the highest honor to say: ‘I am an American.’ It still is, because of the great history that lies behind the phrase; but now any Jew, Polack or Wop, spawned in some teeming ghetto and ignorant of or cynical toward American ideals, can strut and swagger and blatantly assert his Americanship and accepted on the same status as a man whose people have been in the New World for three hundred years.”
“I at least come of a breed that helped build up the country, which is more than can be said today by any number of Hebraic-Slavic-Latins running around and calling themselves ‘Americans’.”

“Well – I’ll freely grant an Englishman, Scotchman, Irishman or Welshman the right to become an American the instant his foot touches American soil, but as far as I’m concerned a wop or a Slav can’t become American in five hundred years.”

“Economic rapacity demanded cheap labour, and the popular industrial was to rake in any sort of human scum with a low living-standard and correspondingly low wage-demands. Nordics of so squalid a sort couldn’t be found, so Latins and Slavs were imported.”

How does it feel to be a base cliche of the lowest for of intellect?

>> No.9883991

Still foreigners to me.

>> No.9883992

>with the next immigrants it's always "okay, but for real this time"

How come 4th generation Muslim immigrants are still not integrated in Europe, and more belligerent than ever?

>> No.9883994
File: 544 KB, 3000x1799, more_syrian_women_and_children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>economic refugees
>a thing
Cuckold detected.
>they literally kick their door in at night and stick them all in a plane.
>waah waah but muh magical PoC

>implying brown muslims aren't just a convenient test-wave
>implying the stream of brown muslims won't dry up fairly soon
>implying the real, permanent wave isn't going to be literal niggers from Africa
>implying what religion niggers profess to believe in matters at all
>implying the future of europe as designed by the powers that be, isn't just everyone being a nigger and everything being on fire.

Showing normal people what niggers do, and what will happen when you mass import them into the west will. No white people wants to live in a country where men rape infants to cure their aids.
Leftists and liberals don't matter, they're fundamentally anti-white.

>> No.9883996

Was he wrong?

>> No.9883997

>lowest intellect

>> No.9884010

How is any of this relevant? Slavs and Italians are white Christians whose values aren't as far removed from those of Western Europe than the values of people from Libya or Yemen.

Listen, it's more about religion and culture than it is about race. What you quoted demonstrates my point. New York City has become Italianized. The difference is that Italian culture isn't fundamentally different enough from WASP culture for it to have been a big deal.

Bringing up past fears of immigration as being analogous to modern fears of immigration from completely different populations is a fallacious way to argue. An Italian and an Iraqi are not the same.

>> No.9884014

I said Europe would be Muslim, I did not specify the race on purpose. It will be likely an Arab minority, plus white converts to Islam, ruling over Brazilian-style brownish masses. The Jews will be exterminated of course (I'm a Jew).

>> No.9884017

africans are evangelical christians or catholics

arabs and blacks will battle it out in the european continent within 50 years

>> No.9884025

>The difference is that Italian culture isn't fundamentally different enough from WASP culture for it to have been a big deal.
Yes it is, you just don't care because it's happened.

>> No.9884029

>Slavs and Italians are white Christians

Catholics and Orthodox, not Protestants, and that's a very big deal to someone like Lovecraft.

>> No.9884031

>economic refugees
>a thing
>Cuckold detected.
They are. Which is why they get their applications denied.

Italy is in the process of working out the boats with Lybia.
Spain (as per usual) is slower in the uptake.
If this goes on, the EU will likely implement the Australian solution.

>> No.9884044

I think that's too optimistic. The nigger masses will extinguish the light of civilization and culture wherever they reach. Arabs or Europeans won't stand a chance.

>africans are evangelical christians or catholics
Religion in blacks doesn't matter, they're not like others.

>arabs and blacks will battle it out in the european continent within 50 years
This is very interesting, even today arabs/pakis and niggers are battling it out in the ghettos of Europe. However despite the superior intelligence and bravery of any Eurasian group over black africans, nothing will be able to withstand the demographic onslaught of Africa.

Then they're called migrants dumbass, not refugees.
>If this goes on, the EU will likely implement the Australian solution.
They wont. Everything is going according to plan.

>> No.9884047

>Bringing up past fears of immigration as being analogous to modern fears of immigration from completely different populations is a fallacious way to argue.
They are the same fears and the same prejudices with the same actual problems with the same solutions.

But by all means. Check into Chinese and Japanese immigration waves on the West coast. Same deal, arguably even further removed culturally.

Or the Iranians in the late 70s/early 80s.

It's always the same.
Nothing changes.

>> No.9884056

>respect for the Western Canon
>similar beliefs concerning the role of women in society, how marriage should work, how education should function, how children should be raised

>> No.9884087

A few factors you're not taking into account. If you have a dominant culture, when people immigrate en masse to your country they form ethnic enclaves for about a generation, then they slowly dissipate into the larger, predominant culture after one or two generations. The problem with contemporary Islamic immigration is that you have the reverse occurring; second and third generation Muslims are less likely to be fully integrated into society than their parents. They stay in their ghettos for a longer period of time, which is probably due to how enervated Western culture is compared the more muscular and spiritually-fulfilling Islamic culture.

So you have people who aren't integrating having children at a larger rate, while their Christian genetic competitors aren't having children at all. If demographic trends continue the way they are now, it would literally only take until 2100 for Europe to be majority Muslim.

>> No.9884089

>africans are evangelical christians or catholics
...or Muslim.

A lot of European Blacks convert to Islam anyway, because Arabs are the leading men.

Blacks and Arabs always band together against everyone else.

Italians don't try to convert everyone around them to Roman Catholicism.

>> No.9884101

>similar beliefs concerning the role of women in society, how marriage should work, how education should function, how children should be raised
Not really.

>> No.9884104

>Blacks and Arabs always band together against everyone else.
They fight savagely between themselves.

>> No.9884105

he was indoctrinated by /pol/ Jeff dont even try, its useless

>> No.9884119

The important theological differences between a catholic and and a protestant are no where near the massive cultural differences between a Christian and a Muslim.

>Not really.
Sort of actually. Italians and Anglos are different shades of the same color. WASPS and Afghans are two completely different colors.

>> No.9884123

None of these ideas are new either.
The exact same thing has been said about endless foreigners throughout history.
Including Jews, by the by. (We've all been thinking it.)

But hey, let's bite.
Prove to me how 3. 4. and maybe even 5. gen Muslim immigrants aren't progressively better integrated.
Yes, this includes Iranians.

Preferably I'd like some historical data of a couple of the previous Muslim migration waves and how those changed nations.

And then please cite a single reputable paper that predicts any of the last (rather wild) assertion. Because it seems to me that you once heard about overpopulation in biology class and are now randomly projecting that on everything. (Demographics don't change like those of bacteria do, m9)

Oh. And great try on making it """not about race""".

>> No.9884142

It happens over Arab being mad that his sister prefers the BBC, or for some dubious drug deal... but generally they go well together, live in the same hood, often do stuff together, etc.

In their mind, it's "Blacks + Arabs against everyone else".

>> No.9884143
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most of the iranians in the west are secular westernized, bourgeoisie who fled the islamic revolution. You can't compare white russian type emigres to the illiterate masses now flooding the west.

>> No.9884144

>The important theological differences between a catholic and and a protestant are no where near the massive cultural differences between a Christian and a Muslim.
>Ireland didn't almost totally implode over the differences between protestant and Catholic.

In a hundred year, people will think about the difference exactly the same way we think about the difference between Christian and Jews, or even less so.

Also you are making the common error of generalizing the entirety of Muslim culture, when in actuality you should be making the very clear distinction between the Wahabi and the rest.
(Look up what countries and what terrorist groups are Wahabi. Get back to us then. If you want to assert that Wahabi Muslims are dangerous and absolutely incompatible with Western culture, I might agree.)

>> No.9884151
