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/lit/ - Literature

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9882142 No.9882142 [Reply] [Original]

what are you guys doing today

>> No.9882148

Shitposting about books I've never read

>> No.9882288
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I'm at work. Getting high and reading. I get off at noon and I'll probably either go for a bike ride or kayak.

>> No.9882301

das it mane

>> No.9882318

Do you live in Baltimore? You sound like someone I know

>> No.9882323

bit that ooster, but dc here - where u live in bmore

>> No.9882325

Nope. Detroit area.

>> No.9882326

I have never seen this edition of Max Stirner's work until today.

>> No.9882329

South East Baltimore, Canton area

>> No.9882511

new translation m8

>> No.9882771

How would you compare the prose of new book to the 1903 Mackay translation?

>> No.9882779

it's less fun so far

>> No.9883865
File: 61 KB, 480x635, 20108631_1561814650559791_6842476010373641640_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great choice OP
imma lurk leftypol to see how the boys and gals are doing. It satisfies my ego seeing my homies well.

>> No.9883868

more pics?

>> No.9884879
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>> No.9885064

is that actually stirner? i believe not

>> No.9885091


meet me @ hall rd and schoenherr monday @ 7pm

I'll be dressed like the monopoly man, thanks brother

>> No.9885203

What's your job that you can get high and read at

>> No.9886454
File: 1.95 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170623_150130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like 45 minutes away.
Machinist. It's a lot of hours but I can download stuff with my phone and convert/email it to my kindle. I have a nice wax atomizer and can take temp controlled dabs all day.

>> No.9886458

What gives rise to the unique? What gives it its potential, realizes it into being? Can it be anything but unique?

>> No.9886460

Nothing. As always. I hate this shit. I can't remember the last time I left the house. Reading gets old after a while.

>> No.9886464

Sitting outside with some black coffee and smoking my tobacco pipe. Deciding what I want to do today. Probably mowing the grass later if it's not too humid. Also not sure if I want to prepare my meals for the week tonight or not, or just cook the simple meal of cod and potatoes tonight.

Not sure what I will be eating for lunch either. Maybe an omelette and polenta.

The life of a NEET is great. I don't know why others hate it. I've been doing this for seven years and each day is leisure.

>> No.9886488
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Oh u know just hanging out

>> No.9886768

are you a Chad

>> No.9887323

yoooo what is that

>> No.9887326

Nice sweater faggot

>> No.9887328


those things will kill you you know

>> No.9887485

Truly unspooked boots, my fellow egoist

>> No.9888083

Women see me as a chad, but in my heart I have always been a penguin

Max's house

Thanks bitch

All the packs here have pictures of diseases from smoking. Wtf is going on

I like brown Timbs and thin grey hoodies

>> No.9888118

oh fuck, I did not know there was a big base of Detroit /lit/ posters.

>> No.9888130

If women see you as a Chad then you are a de facto Chad.

>> No.9888404
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>> No.9888580

I don't think there is. Maybe a small handful.

>> No.9888617

why? looks pretty low-key for chad. wouldn't chad be wearing tight af shit and whatnot

>> No.9888664

Not really.

>> No.9888669

Shit posting.
On my third pot of coffee.
Watching some youtubes (peterson and SotN let's play)
Planning an effort post on a snuff forum
read a chapter of werther auf deutsch
played 3 games of chess
waited for my dad to call bu the never did

>> No.9888808 [DELETED] 

10/10 response

>> No.9888815


>> No.9888852
File: 298 KB, 1024x683, 474314676_6a2265fdda_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at one of the most amazing cities on the planet at one of the greatest festivals of culture in the world plotting what marvels of human creativity to experience tomorrow (and what shitty bog standard improv and bad stand-up comedy to avoid.)

>> No.9888861

Where r u? Reno?

>> No.9888873

>be 13
>wear tight pants
>older gangster brother makes fun of me
>he wears tight pants and mine are loose
>bro why are your pants baggy?

Omar, I love you, but you are fucking retard

>> No.9888874

Edinburgh lol

>> No.9888890
File: 70 KB, 1024x768, IMG_4694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice! Enjoy
I'm staying in Germany for 10 days pretty stoked
Heres to good times in foreign places my friend!

>> No.9888896

you have an address for that place?
couldn't seem to find it on google

>> No.9888905
File: 2.64 MB, 1445x1351, 1497182064055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you drinking mold?

>> No.9888920

8580 Bayreuth Marktplatz, Altes Rathaus, Brunnen, Gaststötte Stirnerhaus

>> No.9888929
File: 108 KB, 971x576, IMG_1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf r u drinking my dude

>> No.9888955



>> No.9888992

Why do yall read the same fuckin handful of authors? Stirner and basically authors that make you a "tough guy" more like "I can't face the blatant fact that I'm an ass so lets read authors that make morality and value meaningless"

Every goddamn board like this.. 90% endless reshuffling of the same few authors here, same handful of bands if its /mu/, same handful of dumb threads on /a/ (besides seasonal), same stupid racist bs on /pol/, ...

Does this website actually suck? Ya'll can keep going on about >>>/reddit/ all you want but I'm pretty sure you both suck equally

>> No.9889011

is this a pasta?

>> No.9889050


been lurking on this and several other boards around here for years, can confirm this whole place is an echo chamber

every once in a while a great post will surface, usually when someone dares to share something real about themselves or their experience

everything else is posture

>> No.9890612


>> No.9890633

My man, drinking kratom and reading is absolute bliss

>> No.9890651

We'll if I do that it's to participate in discussions of authors or books I find interesting. I still read others that aren't discussed here so it's a mixed bag.