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/lit/ - Literature

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9881914 No.9881914 [Reply] [Original]

>Pro: Vladimir Nabokov, Leo Strauss, Harold Bloom, Frank Kermode, David Lodge...
>Anti: Henry James, some corncobber and redbulled r9k influx
really fires up the neurons

>> No.9881917

Mark Twain hated her. There was another famous author who did but I can't seem to remember right now

>> No.9881918

Didn't henry james write the same boring shit as austen did?

>> No.9881922

Her books aren't bad, they're just kind of limited. I liked them when I was 13 and still a naive romantic wanting a Colonel Brandon to sweep me off my feet. But then I moved on to better books. The only thing that's bad about her is when people treat her as the be all and end all to literature.

>> No.9881927

It's not being boring that is the problem.