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9880769 No.9880769 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw identify strongly with Raskolnikov

>> No.9880776

I know that feel. Are you in the process of reading or have you finished the book?

>> No.9880804

your mom, sister. and best friend keep coming into your room and talking about you while you sleep?

>> No.9880828

Just begun part 4. Finding Rodya one of the more compelling protags I've read. Haven't read any other Dostoyevsky

>> No.9880838
File: 79 KB, 1256x2067, Nikolaj_Alexandrowitsch_Jaroschenko_The_Student.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That slight detail of shadow over the left eye
Gives it a very menacing aspect and completely changes the interpretation of it being some edgy neckbeard student. In fact a lot of Yaroshenko's works seem almost made for Dosto stories. Penguin sure could pick their paintings

>> No.9880847

thought u were talking about the stirner illustration and first and was like, woah, true that

but no, that image is about as fedora as they get

>> No.9880849

>left eye
so this power of the american mind

>> No.9880912

Except for the fact that he's incredibly handsome

>just be confident bro!

>> No.9880966

His best friend is hitting on his sister.

>> No.9880975


>> No.9881900

>tfw to stupid to understand rodya

>> No.9882601

How? Raskolnikov was an unrelatable idiot.

>> No.9882605

im liking this stirner revival

>> No.9882606

His sister is hot as fuck I read that shootout scene she has with that weird guy and jack to it

>> No.9882649

>the left eye
>his right eye
both fine imo desu

>> No.9884185

he never dies. he is all that is unique. :^)

>> No.9884209

Maybe OP is also an unrelatable idiot, anon. Have you considered that possibility? Not everyone can be a nice person like you.

>> No.9884230

do you really think reading russian classics makes you smarter or elitiest? even russians don't read russian classics!
%%btw imo the only interesting work of dostoevsky is a single chapter 'Great Inquisitor' in Brothers Karamazov%%

>> No.9884236

>completely changes the interpretation of it being some edgy neckbeard student
the story explicitly states that he is tall, handsome, and noble looking, only kind of emaciated and worn out

>> No.9884294


I identified strongly with Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin when I first read 'The idiot'. I've often been in situations similar top his.

What does it mean?

>> No.9884470

lol are you retarded m8?

>> No.9884482
File: 25 KB, 304x500, No_Longer_Human_%28Osamu_Dazai_novel%29_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw identify strongly with Yozo

>> No.9884866

m8 being russian doesn't makes you better at reading the russians. only if you read them in russian.

thats some spooky bullshit there man.

>> No.9884883

So what's the best translation? I've heard mixed things things about Pevear and Volokhonsky, despite its recent praise.

>> No.9884905
File: 142 KB, 657x868, Aussie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw strongly identify with Svidrigailov

>> No.9884914
File: 31 KB, 300x291, 1493052361787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw strongly identifying with the protagonists of the Phenomenology of Spirit, Das Kapital, and The Unique One and His Property all at the same time

>> No.9884933
File: 63 KB, 564x651, stopbeingspookedok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're super unique

>> No.9885026
File: 424 KB, 668x410, 1500197588733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw identify strongly with marmaledov

>> No.9885093 [DELETED] 

So you're a helpless cuck?

>> No.9885102

Me too. Probably we're just socially inepts.

>> No.9885920

Victim of circumstance

>> No.9885938 [DELETED] 

>Wife literally beats him without fighting back
Sounds like he's a willing cuck more than anything

>> No.9885958

..............when you realize that everything that someone else created that you love, has become old, stale or unfamiliar, then it's time to create your own.
They only did it for the money. If they didn't, then why were demanding money for it.
Create your own worlds, anon.
It's the only way you'll survive this place and die with at LEAST a smirk on your face.
Gotta laugh. Laugh 'till it hurts. Laugh 'till you forget why and laugh even harder when you remember.
TRY, anon.
>why you think I lurk around 4chan? Everybody here's fuggin hilarious, intentional or not.
>Love this place.

>> No.9885981

>not into femdom

What's being a brainlet like

>> No.9885988

the newest one, oliver ready

>> No.9886127

>tfw identify strongly with Lizaveta

>> No.9886587

would still be better than being a cuck lmao