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9879134 No.9879134 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to be an intelligent wagecuck? Every great philosopher seems to shit down their throats or circularly affirm the 'virtues' of being a wagecuck while pocketing mad cash from said wagecucks. It's easy to chalk it up to slave mentality, a trait of stupid people, but is that truly the case?

>> No.9879196

In this day and age where welfare is easy as hell to live on?
Nah wagecucking is retarded

>> No.9879221

>not earning your place in Society

>wanting the state to be your god and caregiver

>giving in to the desire to be lazy

NEETs are almost always mentally handicapped in some way and I'm willing to bet overall less satisfied with life than the "wagecucks" they make fun of.

>> No.9879251

Go to bed wagie, you have to be up early to earn that tax money for me

>> No.9879332

I know you're just memeing but people actually believe that they have a better life as the taker rather than the giver.

>> No.9879434

There's no dignity in working for other men who see their leisure time more important while telling you it's virtuous to work for them. You're superstitious, and undervalue your self worth.

>> No.9879510

Chose a profession that you might do, even if you didn't live in a world of paid/necessitated labor.

>> No.9880503
File: 173 KB, 801x600, IMAG008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stock shelves in a supermarket, but I spend 5 hours or more listening to audiobooks as I work. My education is piecemeal, but I have the innate intelligence to maneuver through most conversations,and am wise enough to know when my font of facts lack. The job first got me out of my parent's house, and pays so well that it's unthinkable to walk away from. Even the mediocre benefits package one has to hold onto with both hands.

Yet I have ambitions and aspirations, despite the knuckle-dragging manual labor I earn my livelihood from. I pursue it when I can,in the time I have,and even if I never see Fame and Fortune from my endeavors, I will still try,because some stories need to be told,even if no one will hear them.

>> No.9880628

Are you seriously not seeing how fallacious this flimsy, tryhard post of yours is?

What do you do, by the way? What do the "lol wagecucks" in this thread do? Live with your mothers? Own land and slaves?

>> No.9880633

nod and agrumend

>> No.9880638
