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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 236x226, 1502451273654[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9877266 No.9877266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why can't people like you accept there is not such a thing as a god that watches over us, do you think you're special? The probability for something like humanity exist is incredibly low, but do you any idea how many other galaxies and similar sistems like ours exist? It was just chance, and your "god" is nothing but the egoistical manifestation of people without a purpose in life that think they're special snowflakes.

>> No.9877275

>The probability for something like humanity exist is incredibly low
as opposed to what?

>> No.9877277
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>Got BTFO so hard in the last thread he has to make a new one to damage control

Heh.. nothin personnel kid

>> No.9877281

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.9877285


>> No.9877288

Great thread about literature, retard. Take it to >>>/pol/

>> No.9877293

/pol/ is a hivemind of brainwashed christians.

>> No.9877406

Thanks for posting my Pepe.

>> No.9877415
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>> No.9877433

1. Most atheists believe in reincarnation
2. Following the pope, atheists will still go to heaven.

>> No.9877444

Not if they do not accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

The problem of Pascal's wager is that people never understand how seriously Blaise took it. He ended up living a truly Christian life, which is something almost no one would do here, since it's not edgy enough.

>> No.9877454

Are you speaking against the pope?

>> No.9877473

the pope is the antichrist

>> No.9877479

Do you know how statistically likely it is for a something to come from nothing?
0%, e.g impossible.

>> No.9877482

Have fun in hell.

>> No.9877487

But the universe didn't come from nothing, it was a bunch of stars together that eventually blew up and created the universe.

>> No.9877518
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No u

>> No.9877521
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>he believes in an anthropomorphic god

>> No.9877522

>1. Most atheists believe in reincarnation

Lmao, fucking retards

>> No.9877533

I'm saying that following the Pope is not sufficient, you also have to accept Jesus Christ. The Scriptures are explicit about it.

>> No.9877534
File: 72 KB, 856x482, 7bb39112d14b3df7b573f30d45d29794[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could believe in god....i just can't buy into the idea that its an anthropomorphic being and that its not indifferent.

I also think I'm completely irrelevant, in the grand scheme of things, and so I don't think whatever brand of hocus-pocus I buy into is particularly important

>> No.9877540

why are you so obsessed with denying someone comfort they find in something that's ultimately irrelevant? you fucking child

>> No.9877553
File: 67 KB, 850x400, quote-religion-is-the-sigh-of-the-oppressed-creature-the-heart-of-a-heartless-world-and-the-soul-of-karl-marx-120975[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its de-politicising and inhibits human development.

>> No.9877559

Development towards what? More of our long history of misery before our senseless extinction? Get your priorities straight faggot, without God politics is a waste of time

>> No.9877563
File: 577 KB, 800x450, Prometheus[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Development towards what?

our potential


>> No.9877565

No. I don't believe that. It's a tool used by people to oppress others. People are using science to behave the same way. Or are to trying to say fedora atheists are any better?

>> No.9877566

God isn't intended to be an anthropomorphic being. Christ is both god and man but even at that he is just part of the trinity

>> No.9877567

And where did those stars come from?
You don't have to answer that; just think about it. It would be an eternal cycle, since there would always be something that created the former. Unless, of course, an almighty deity is behind it all. The father creates, the mother (earth) nourishes.

>> No.9877569

What's the use in development towards a potential if there is no meaning to anything? I'm not saying your wrong but why should we bother and not just live in pure degeneracy instead because it's more fun.

>> No.9877570

What potential? We live, we eat, we shit, we die
Woah isn't that an inspiring to messge to start a revolution for

>> No.9877572

>uses the term anthromorphic

Stop reading Sci-fi and start with the Greeks

>> No.9877573

Literally any idea can be used to justify oppressing another person if it becomes common enough. It's also a lot more than just a "tool". You're spiritually dead if you think the only point of religion is to put power over another person.

>> No.9877581

Don't project. We're capable of much more than existing.

>> No.9877582

This is a gross misunderstanding of what the big bang is supposed to have been. Not to mention the Big Bang theory was developed by a priest and in no way proves anything about gods existence or non-existence.

>> No.9877587

They were always there.

>> No.9877591

How so? If nothing has any real meaning how can anything more than existing be possible?

>> No.9877593

Without the love of God, absolutely not. All we would be is the arbitrary interaction of chemicals, our love for each other merely a thinly disguised transactional game. You aim to free yourself from this apparent exploitation of the Capitalists but all you are leading yourself to is a universal exploitation

>> No.9877597

Not the anon you replied to but you're a fucking moron if this is what you legitimately believe and you're an embarrassment to the state of modern scientific education in schools.

>> No.9877599
File: 47 KB, 550x360, 92802-004-860DE3FD[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What potential?
to transcend the misery, impotence and intellectual cuckoldry caused by theism....to become stonger than the sum or our parts and rise above being determined by our physical needs

>> No.9877600

All of that means nothing without some higher manifestation of good.

>> No.9877601

I believe that god is a congealment of energy. I believe when we die, we lose sense of self and individual thought, but congeal with god. You are a single cell of a giant, eternal, metaphysical slime mold. Only aware enough to know you are safe and warm. And that's it. Nothing else. I can't fucking wait. It's gonna be great.

This whole spiritual concept came to me after listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIWINsaEpnw
The more I've thought about it, the more I believe in it. I honestly believe this, and it makes me feel happy and safe. I'm not in any way spiritual otherwise.

>> No.9877602

Less of an embarrassment than a christian.

>> No.9877607
File: 121 KB, 515x513, St Paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you Nietzsche fags overlook is that Slave morality is the only means towards transcending slavery.
You don't overcome powerlessness and insignificance by denying your state in the world, like a manlet denying his height.
You do it by being a manlet that learns, that is by accepting your minisculeness but yet still seeing yourself in God, the God that died on the cross being the only point of that recognition's true possibility.

>> No.9877608

So the priest who invented the Big Bang Theory is less scientifically minded than you are?

I would give all I had for one moment with your level of cognitive dissonance. It must be like some immensely powerful hallucinogen

>> No.9877610

its for the good of humanity.

sometimes the journey is more important than the goal.

sometimes you need to partake in ajourney before you fid the goal.... theism inhibits this.

Why choose to get shackled to a sunken ship?

>> No.9877611

But what can you do?

>> No.9877616

You already have it

>> No.9877617

Why are you using this term "humanity", why would you care about anyone but yourself if the rest are just the constantly mutating cell clusters your ego arbitrarily popped out from

>> No.9877618

Fucking zinged me babes!

>> No.9877622

Why is humanity relevant at all? We are nothing and come from nothing and will for the vast majority of the existence of the universe be nothing at all.

>> No.9877624

nothing. you don't exist anymore. you're just a tiny part of something infinitesimally bigger. you're just a single cell, utterly content to be just a single cell.

>> No.9877626

You have no babes, you're actually a fedoratipper pretending to be a christian.

>> No.9877629

That's fucking boring.

>> No.9877656

>ad hominems intensify

>> No.9877658

Did you cry ad hominem when your Dad called you a faggot?

>> No.9877659

>Why is humanity relevant at all

we're relevant to ourselves

>> No.9877663

No I'm relevant to me, you are utterly irrelevant to me and practically everyone else

>> No.9877664

Because then you won't make that cash money for the rich peoples

>> No.9877671

So? It's my afterlife. If I'm gonna spend someplace forever, I want to be mindlessly content. You're not even happy now- you really want to spend ETERNITY having to deal with emotions and thinking? Fuck that.

>> No.9877672

its interesting that for you abandoning the idea of god correlates the unquestioning adoption of dawikins' shtick and to radical individualism....very interesting

>> No.9877675

What if I just do the last part but without the god stuff

>> No.9877680

no man is an island

>> No.9877683

Oh yeah I forgot that God is for fools but making billionaires money is for the enlightened modern man.

>> No.9877684
File: 72 KB, 1127x1015, 1488487497967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because its the logical implication of an indifferent universe. Without God all you have is pic related

>> No.9877690

A man is nothing but an island, give me my base needs, lock me in a vault and set the whole world on fire and I would know no difference to your pain and everyone elses. Nor have any reason to care.

>> No.9877691

the universe is indifferent...humans aren't... otherwise why would you be getting your panties in such a twist about what someone else thinks?

>> No.9877699

Your point here is a complete non sequitor. I never said we as individuals are indifferent, only there would be no rationally justifiable reason to care about anything but our own personal pleasure.

>> No.9877704
File: 66 KB, 739x820, a06e9f7feb8e141a7b5965cbc6f7c6ef3084ca008dd70e2aed1fa0256d8a3eac_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its another passé atheism thread made by a retarded atheist.

>> No.9877705

Even with the love of God that's the case

>> No.9877707

I'd rather take another shot at life.

>> No.9877715

This image is objectively incorrect, there are more atheists than theists.

>> No.9877720

On what planet?

>> No.9877721

>give me my base needs, lock me in a vault and set the whole world on fire and I would know no difference to your pain and everyone elses

no...but up until you get locked into your safe place you are the product of other people's actions, intentional or otherwise.

When your mother fucked that big, buck nigger whilst your dad watched she probably didn't realise she was creating you....and yet here you are, 12 years later, shitposting on a mongolian internet forum which you access by utilising technology that is the culmination of thousands of years of development...... without anyone thinking of you as an individual or an end-goal

you are not an island.

>> No.9877723

>there would be no rationally justifiable reason to care about anything but our own personal pleasure.
What. You idiot- it's all evolution anyway- we help others because having a strong social foundation helps ensure your survival. Friends keep you safe, friends will feed you, friends won't attack you, etc, etc. We're driven to be kind to people with empathy which is a mechanism used to ensure our building of social circles, thereby our survival.

>> No.9877727

Nope, love is the point of departure, the breaking point of intentionality. When one desires to be desired in the eyes of another, when the interaction becomes not merely matter towards self but rather experience towards experience, towards an identification beyond identification. Romantic love allows such experience of its transcendent power between one and another, but only through God is it fully authenticized.

>> No.9877729

Okay, good luck, I guess.

>> No.9877733


>> No.9877736

Both equally missing the same point. Without God if you and the entire human race got between what I wanted most I would extinguish you before heartbeat given the chance. This is the meaning of what it is to be an island.
Everything else you're talking about is merely circumstancial pragmatism, about as philosophically important as needing to check for toilet paper before I take a shit

>> No.9877740

But how would you do that if you're a fucking cell?

>> No.9877746

>Without God if you and the entire human race got between what I wanted most I would extinguish you before heartbeat given the chance
That's a you problem, not everyone else's. If the only thing between you and violence is the concept of god, then you have a problem. You're not the standard.

>> No.9877748

The amount of religious people vastly outnumber atheists on Earth

>> No.9877749


What's wrong with killing people to attain your goal?

>> No.9877751

>getting cucked by religion this hard

>> No.9877752

I'm not a fucking cell now, you asshole. Are you being dense on purpose?

>> No.9877756
File: 94 KB, 348x437, 1463876279846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't you care about other people for literally no reason whatsoever

Yeah alright buddy, this isn't reddit

>> No.9877766

>no reason whatsoever
whatever you say, fuckbrain

>> No.9877774
File: 47 KB, 638x361, killyourself my man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read hobbes

>> No.9877777

Can you not follow a simple line of argument?
I already specified I'm speaking about a circumstance where your survival is an impediment to my desires not a matter of pragmatic necessity

>> No.9877780

YOUR survival is supported by your being nice to people, you fucking retard.

>> No.9877790

what a waste of quints

>> No.9877792

And who created the creator? dumbass

>> No.9877797

man...he's a figment of man's imagination

>> No.9877803

>YOUR survival is supported by your being nice to people, you fucking retard.

Again I'm talking circumstancially. In certain circumstances fulfilling my desires require tolerating other people, in other circumstances, of which history is full of, the annihilation of others may be necessary for fulfilling my desires.
My desires may in fact be the annihilation of others but thats a different story

>> No.9877810
File: 181 KB, 720x960, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My desires may in fact be the annihilation of others but thats a different story

>> No.9877820

>hurf durf Ima backpedal real fast
You're still wrong, and that's still a you problem, you massive fucking edgelord.

>> No.9877828

I didn't backpedal anywhere you idiot. My argument has been the same from the beginning, atheists lack any argument for caring about the wellbeing of others apart from pure pragmatic self interest

Thats right and if I wasn't a Christian I'd wish you to die horribly, but since I am I wish you all the love in the world

>> No.9877882

There aren't; even if they were it goes to show that there are less enlightened people than there are brainlet sheep goys.

>> No.9877896

>Source: My ass

>> No.9877898

Fuck off, racist.

>> No.9877904

Half these "religious people" don't even go to church or pray, brainlet.

>> No.9877908

>brainlet sheep goys
Theist is having an autistic tantrum again.

>> No.9877909

The fact that like all of Africa, South America and South Asia are hyper religious should be a hint, in the West you might have an argument but on a global scale its no question

>> No.9877919

wait what?

>> No.9877922

An almigthy deity wouldn't have a creator, that's the whole point. He would just be.

>> No.9877927

>Africa, South America and South Asia
We're talking about real people.

>> No.9877931

What the fuck is your problem man, stop opressing me.

>> No.9877935

Great argument, now we know who won that debate.

>> No.9877936

Sure but they believe in God. I don't think it's incorrect to assert that the majority of the human beings are theists.

>> No.9877940

Ooh. ok. Fuck off.