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9874882 No.9874882 [Reply] [Original]

>called Kurt Vonnegut Stephen King-tier
>dad won't talk to me anymore

>> No.9874905

Well it's just because it makes you look like an idiot and vonnegut is important to him. They're really nothing alike at all, so you just found a dumb way of saying "vonnegut is shit lol".

Have you read breakfast of champions?

>> No.9874957

"haha Vonnegut is a pleb redditor drugstore paperback author!!"
>fought in the second world war
>went to his mother's house on leave to celebrate mother's day and found her body
>scout for the 106th division during the Battle of the Bulge (almost entirely annihilated and all survivors captured), captured after his unit were assigned a "quiet sector" that turned out to encounter the main brunt of the german forces in their final offense
>prison trains on the way to Saxony were bombed by their own side
>witness/survivor of the bombing of Dresden
>entire city enveloped in a firestorm
>forced by germans at gunpoint to dig out bodies for days
>Purple Heart
haha yea what a stephen king tier writer

>> No.9874978
File: 173 KB, 1080x766, Dresden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his job would have been to stack bodies like this

>> No.9874982

nice sob story faggot

say hi to andy kaufman and tupac for me

>> No.9874989

none of these things make him a good writer btw

>> No.9874992


Op, you're a pretentious faggot and you don't deserve your dad's love. Next time, appreciate the fact that your father reads at all.

>> No.9875021

>Battle of the bulge
i always knew that he was an H O M O

>> No.9875076

>nothing here that makes him a good writer

really makes you think

>> No.9875443


>> No.9875744


>> No.9875754
