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9874709 No.9874709 [Reply] [Original]

What's up with all these Japanese literary giants killing themselves?

>> No.9874718

Modern life fucking sucks

>> No.9874722


>> No.9874725

>japanese literary giants

It's not just japanese. You get to a certain state of self-awareness and intelligence and naturally come to the conclusion that life is too burdensome to suffer

>> No.9874738

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown of king of manlets.

>> No.9874788

if u guys aren't living in your parents basement that's your own fault

modern life is great

>> No.9874916

What if I am and think it sucks?

>> No.9875030
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>kills himself because he is haunted by Mishima's ghost


>> No.9875039


Oe is alive and well

>> No.9875048

You're not NEETing right

>> No.9875161

Oe, Abe and Murakami Haruki are fine, at the very least.

>> No.9875925

First post is the best post.

>> No.9876237

ride the tiger you coward

>> No.9876284

Not kidding, cause they think it'll make their writing better and them special and mysterious

>> No.9876428
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>> No.9876866

faggot or brainlet, or just blind :^) t. not even living in a basement

>> No.9878129

Real cultured there Mr. Foster brainlet.

>> No.9879286


>> No.9879295

>self awareness and intelligence
you forgot to mention balls

>> No.9880985

Historically, Japanese society has used suicide as something of an exclamation mark.

>> No.9881065

This was very eloquently put. Did you come up with that?

>> No.9881107

Sudoku is a famous Japanese custom.

>> No.9882330

This, the way the West thinks of suicide just isn't the same as it is in Japan.

>> No.9882462
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Seeing your culture and tradition fall down around you really fucks you up. There are several ways of solving this and the best always include blood

>> No.9883107


>> No.9883116

I guess they felt out of place

>> No.9883155

drowning and intentional drug overdose is not sudoku.

>> No.9883367
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Keep telling yourself that you utter brainlet.

>> No.9883381


>> No.9883954

being japanese is a nightmare
a country of repressed social issues and pure internal suffering

>> No.9883977


How many times have I told you guys, you want my life? Take it yourselves. Or, try to at least. I'd just win posthumously.

>> No.9883984

>Life is too burdensome to suffer through

This is incorrect when applied to life itself, but modern life certainly might be.

>> No.9884070
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I feel like these Japanese dudes with big foreheads are 1000x smarter than me.

>> No.9884708

I'm worried about Murakami.

>> No.9884744

Not even them are able to truly hold it. Modern day statistics show that there are high rates of suicide (because of social pressure) and low levels of birth rates (because of their conservative culture). Tho I say getting better, its kind scary to think that at this rate, japanese society will kill herself because of their customs.

Why is that? Something happened to him lately?

>> No.9884765

100% American white pedigree males are on average larger than Japanese people.

>> No.9884782
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keep at it, you'll get there one day

>> No.9884821

that's bcuz ur 0% smart dude

>> No.9884882

Maybe for you it does, which I'm sorry to hear. But on average, it's better than anything that's come before.

>> No.9884938

maybe if you enjoy being a docile, toothless bitch

>> No.9885247


can ghosts be homosexuals?

>> No.9885263


Yeah, how can they be giants when the average japanese man is like 5'1'' or something like that?

>> No.9885266


>he wouldn't rather live and die by a sword and code

fuck man, if I could get modern training I'd still be a soldier. well, a spy really, but I'd be it. I'd just need the training, which so happens they don't just hand out to you.

>> No.9885301

And what's stopping you? Unless you live in Australia they will accept you if you are physically and mentally capable

>> No.9885321


Define "better"