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/lit/ - Literature

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9872409 No.9872409 [Reply] [Original]

>Stop Equating Science with Truth.

Hey, at least we aren't short of material to work with in future literary works. The angles you can analyse or issues in our postmodern society that are worthy of critique are endless.

>> No.9872418

Science tells us that only one race - the human race - exists

fuck science

>> No.9872426

I don't get it. If the science is at fault and is being used by ((males)) to perpetuate unequal systems, why not review the epistemology used and counter it with their own methods. That would show them the biases of their rationality. Instead of this, we get dumbos like this guy telling us of the historicity of science and calling everyone racist and sexist.

>> No.9872427

Are you implying evo psych lowkey doesnt attract the highest amount of pseuds?

>> No.9872430

Hello /pol/, how are you today :^)

>> No.9872445
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>Hey, at least we aren't short of material to work with in future literary works.
Naturalists already tried that le science based literature schtick, it produced nothing but didacticist dreck.

>> No.9872452

>truth is /pol/

about time people acknowledged that

>> No.9872471

I fucking hate all you positivists browsing /lit/ right now. You're never going to move to Palo Alto and get that engineering degree so just kill yourselves already.

>> No.9872497

Haha nice try /pol/ did another girl cancel your date today ?

>> No.9872505
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>muh science
don't worry, the market has something for your ilk as well

>> No.9872629

The hatred is two-sided, see you in the purge schizotypal

>> No.9872638

Scientism and positivism are pig troughs for the low minded, but you can tell their qualms with evopsych are entirely partisan. They would probably lynch people for not accepting global warming's 100% certified Truthiness™ otherwise.

>> No.9872644


>> No.9872664

/pol/ has learned to hide political views in public life (gossiping women, Jews and journalists).
All they need is /fit/ and act out their ideals. Women won't care if you won't trigger their Bernays programming.

>> No.9872686
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>Misrepresenting empirical evidence as rationalistic evolutionary psychology.
>Using that perceived lack of evidence as a justification for fragile diversity policies (absence of evidence is evidence of absence fallacy).
It occurs to me that Talebs principle of minimizing harm is similar to helicopter theory.

>> No.9872692

Evolutionary psychology is a very weak field of research (although it is reasonable, given how recent it is). What's more important is that it has no prescriptive power, which is the point of the author of that article.

>> No.9872716

>Women of color listen to white women normalize Europe as the birthplace of scientific intelligence

b-but that is true, Aristotle was greek

>> No.9872732

>My story and ideas have been featured in several venues, including Huffington Post, Gizmodo, Nylon, L'Oreal/UNESCO, and the African-American Intellectual History Society.
>African-American Intellectual History Society.

>> No.9872744
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>point at which money spent on fuel is made up for with saved tax dollars
>tax dollars
That's not how it works, Commie scum.

>> No.9872952

it does not

>> No.9872994
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where all just human beans :^)

>> No.9873624

It says nothing of the kind. In fact, it says the exact opposite.

Retarded ultraliberals that don't even know what genetic analyses are say that races don't exist.