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/lit/ - Literature

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9871191 No.9871191[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

while /lit/ bitches about jews/capitalism ruining their lives this guy is living it up in venice with his hot tight pussied white wife contemplating existence and making money off his vlogs.

tell me how the hatred for him isn't 100% sour grapes again? I thought not.

>> No.9871194


forgot link

>> No.9871206

Wait, what?

>> No.9871209

Virtue is its own reward.

>> No.9871217

I like John Green. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a secret Christian. Any follower of the light ends up mocked here.

>> No.9871226

if I woke up tomorrow and discovered I was John Green I would kill myself immediately

>> No.9871237

I know for a fact you're depressed as fuck and feel hopeless over the state of the world. You are addicted to shitposting and /lit/ and keep coming here. It is medication for you. A distraction that takes up most of your time, whilst the hopeless, depressed part of you is pushed to the back. Reading also fulfills this purpose for you.

But of course away from here you can't hide it. I bet when you're not shitposting here, the state of the world eats away at you. You know why things are the way the are. You know about what goes on behind the scenes. But you also know everyone is too stupid and brainwashed to realize, let alone care. And this fucking scares you. As the world continues to deteriorate, you know it's just gonna get worse and there's nothing you can do about it. And you waste your time here, using it as a distraction.

Please don't try to damage control, because everything I've posted is correct. You've discovered things that you can't undiscover, and your mind will never be the same again.

So go on, put on your little shitposting face. I know it's not the real you. The scared you. The hopeless you. The depressed you. The you that sees the world for what it is, but can't do a single fucking thing about it.

>> No.9871252


>> No.9871253
File: 40 KB, 900x900, autisticrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking tourists get out of venice you fags

>> No.9871258

lel his wife's pussy is about as tight as the syrian border

>> No.9871262

trying too hard.

>> No.9871263


>> No.9871265

I'll bear that in mindo

>> No.9871275
File: 68 KB, 1293x460, 1472598177532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be like envying someone who had won the lottery.

Would I like the contents of his bank account? Yes.

Would I like to be him? No, because he's a total dunce.

>> No.9871285

it's a /sp/ pasta I modified for this board tyvm

>> No.9871288

1) I don't know who this is.

2) Venice is a tourist trap.

3) It's not a big achievement to have a wife.

4) Happy to learn that this unknown person makes money through his vlog; personally I'm already rich and never had an envious character.


>> No.9871306
File: 651 KB, 1067x800, 1453099924085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a big achievement to have a wife.

>> No.9871331

>it's a "ultra-richfag wants to hammer the working people with taxes" episode
>it's a "let's disregard the fact socialism kills prosperity everywhere in the world by discouraging hard work and entrepreneurship" episode
>it's a "the state can and must despoil individuals to enable more bureaucracy" episode

How interesting.

>> No.9871345

>it's also a "the world needs more third-worlders because several billions of them is definitely not enough" episode

>> No.9871353

you tried harder than the try hard. wow

>> No.9871520

Im not even the dude you replied to but you pretty much explained my life lol

>> No.9871549

Why do we hate john green?

>> No.9872530

Well, he is openly Episcopalian and he majored in Religious studies.
Because he is famous for shitty YA fiction and >reddit

>> No.9872537

>Well, he is openly Episcopalian and he majored in Religious studies.
Christ... what a fag

>> No.9872539

I hate him because of his nu-male feminist trash, not because of his money.

>> No.9872555


>> No.9872591
File: 11 KB, 238x166, Peter Wessel Zapffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we continue these considerations to the bitter end, then the conclusion is not in doubt. As long as humankind recklessly proceeds in the fateful delusion of being biologically fated for triumph, nothing essential will change. As its numbers mount and the spiritual atmosphere thickens, the
techniques of protection must assume an increasingly brutal character.
And humans will persist in dreaming of salvation and affirmation and a new Messiah. Yet when many saviours have been nailed to trees and stoned on the city squares, then the last Messiah shall come. Then will appear the man who, as the first of all, has dared strip his soul naked and submit it alive to the outmost thought
of the lineage, the very idea of doom. A man who has fathomed life and its cosmic ground, and whose pain is the Earth’s collective pain. With what furious screams shall not mobs of all nations cry out for his thousandfold death, when
like a cloth his voice encloses the globe, and the strange message has resounded for the first and last time:
“– The life of the worlds is a roaring river, but Earth’s is a pond and a backwater.
– The sign of doom is written on your brows – how long will ye kick against the pin-pricks?
– But there is one conquest and one crown, one
redemption and one solution.
– Know yourselves – be infertile and let the earth be silent after ye.”
And when he has spoken, they will pour themselves over him, led by the pacifier makers and the midwives, and bury him in their fingernails.
He is the last Messiah. As son from father, he stems from the archer by the waterhole.
Peter Wessel Zapffe, 1933

>> No.9872600
File: 46 KB, 780x859, 1498977713596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raise taxes to solve other countries' problems
>raise taxes to solve space's problems

>> No.9872624

Why are you here Randfag? Your kind aren't allowed

>> No.9873047

>just raise taxes bro lmao