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File: 1.63 MB, 380x523, Kokoro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9870808 No.9870808 [Reply] [Original]

It's not like it's going anywhere

>> No.9871034

This thread was already done before.
Also what's with the anime girl?

>> No.9871049

A man decides he wants to cover the earth with his sperm and builds a ballistic warhead to do so.

I mean, he obviously doesn't do so, that's just the plot.

>> No.9871119

It's about an absolute faggot who saves pictures of anime girls and then dies of AIDS after falling down the stairs and making a stupid thread

>> No.9871178

Facerig. Someone is likely recording themselves masturbating.

>> No.9871843


>> No.9872674

Don't they come out more retarded lookong

>> No.9872824

>pseudoislamic dystopic cyberpunky pre-singularity world
>if you live your life according to the corporate sharia state's wishes, at the moment before you die your consciousness is transferred to a supercomputer and credited with forty milliseconds of computation time. during these forty milliseconds you can simulate hundreds of years worth of fantasies, effectively creating an actual heaven for yourself
>the reason having someone jacked into a supercomputer isn't a danger to the state is because from the outside frame of reference it was only forty milliseconds, nothing dangerous can be accomplished by the super consciousness in this time span before the next guy gets his turn and has his own goals that may not have anything to do with influencing the real world, he probably just wants his dick sucked by virtual broads for his forty milliseconds
>the book centers around a cult of hackers who are trying to gain enough members that they can obtain, collectively, twelve seconds worth of subsequent computation time by committing mass suicide at the exact instant, via bomb
>twelve seconds is just enough to use your supercomputer time to hack into enough things and alter world events just enough that you can depose the corporate sharia state and achieve proletariat rule

>> No.9872849

In 2017, a group of scientists send an extremely advanced rover with high tech sensors and a self-learning processing unit to study Alpha Centauri. After 50 years of traveling, as the rover is nearing its destination, the scientists on Earth receive a message from it saying that it will not cooperate with them. Suspecting that the rover's system has become sentient, the scientists panic as the 50 year project and the life's work of several hundred of people is in jeopardy. Other groups develop interest in the AI of the rover. The scientists decide to try to make the robot cooperate by any means necessary, but as the situation is delicate and any message they send takes over 4 years to reach its destination, they must proceed with care. They need to find the one thing that the newborn sentient AI wants to hear from its creators.

>> No.9872880


I would unironically read this for how incredibly absurd yet mot so much it is.

>> No.9872882

> single mother gets anonymous threats
> she gets a little worried
> threats become more intense and intimidating, she believes someone to be stalking her
> she believes her stalker is living in the house with her but can't prove it but she hears footsteps at night, things going missing through the day, etc
> she has her kid temporarily taken away because she seems skittish and her house and baby are no longer clean
> she attempts to seek support but loses her way as more threats keep coming up
> police can't do anything because there's no one to suspect and no evidence to put on anyway until they discover the stationery used can be found in her house
> they believe she is wasting their time and she's put under watch
> she discovers a crawlspace in her home behind old boxes
> in there are her missing belongings, a blanket, threatening letters, etc
> loose floorboard reveals urns filled with ash
> she hears someone in her house, locks her bedroom door and hides with a knife, calls police, hiding under her bed
> bedroom door is knocked down and she stabs at the guy's ankles, finds out it's the police she called for
> grr they took me baby 'way fruh me
> set in North Yorkshire

>> No.9872919

will depend on your presentation
I love you? will work better as a short story
>They just did not think
lame hole
>committing mass suicide at the exact instant, via bomb
This is somehow in accordance with corporate sharia state's wishes?
hacking, its like magic for pseudo intellectuals

>> No.9872933

the police announce themselves when they knock on doors, partly in order to avoid things like this from happening.

>> No.9872991

>two brothers run stationery store in 1920s
>older one is a widower, younger is a poet who is starting to find success but is incredibly lazy in running the business
>his young sister-in-law comes to stay with them
>older brother immediately falls in love with her due to resembalance to dead wife
>she's attracted to younger brother
>older becomes jealous and starts to poison the younger to make him sickly
>caught doing this by step-sister, convinces her it's medicine
>older feels guilt about brother's condition, stops poisoning him
>step-sister keeps unwittingly poisoning him
>witnessed by younger brother who thinks she is purposefully poisoning him to speed his death
>he drinks all the poison and shoots himself
told as a confession by older brother (now a dying alcoholic) to the step-sister's son 30 years later.
I almost want to write the whole thing in verse but I wouldn't know how to start.

>> No.9872995
File: 1.11 MB, 1024x768, 1502158733127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>narcissist, deluded, and self-righteous protagonist, although not at first
>Believes herself to be in a story of a tyrannical empire and herself the plucky hero (although she thinks all kings are tyrants), So joins a rebel group that is forming to take down the king.
>A few chapters in which the Protagonist rise up the ranks and becomes the face of the rebellion
>She manages to convince the rebel leaders to its time to take the fight to the tyrannical king.
>It fails hard and the rebels are now fractured, also Reality takes the helm for the rest of the story
>Unable to reconcile she is not in a story in which the hero manages to spark the fire of rebellion, the protagonist, begins to become even more narcissist, deluded, and self-righteous and starts blaming everyone but herself
>Ending ambiguous on whether protagonist is killed or is captured when their base is attacked and captured.

>second P.O.V is about a peasant who had their home and village burned down by the first P.O.V and is forcibly conscripted to join them.
>Second P.O.V is mostly how they deal with the loss of loved ones and the fact they no longer have a home and is now working with the people who stole that from them.

>> No.9873278

Is this your idea anon? Sounds cool.

>> No.9873673
File: 119 KB, 850x638, 1502136366058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime girl
That's Kokoro from touhou

>> No.9873805

> My father died when I was in 11th grade.
> They pulled me out of class and told me he was dead.
> Cardiac arrest.
> My teacher took my aside, hugged me and talked to me but I couldn't get anything she was saying.
> I could only feel her breasts against my chest.
> She drove me home in her car and the whole way there I had a hard-on, as straight as a rocket.
> When we got to my house there were plenty of people there.
> They all see me and want to hug me but I don't them, 'cause I'm scared they'll notice my hard-on...
> I guess my teacher thought it was something psychological, like some kind of a shock or crisis, so she takes me to my room and says it's okay for me to cry and that I'll feel much better.
> Then I realise that if I cry she might hug me again, so I start repeating to myself, in my head:
> "My father is dead. He's dead. I'm an orphan. I don't have a father anymore."
> I started crying.
> It's pretty fucked up but it worked just as I thought it would.
> She grabs me and hugs me and says:
> "Yes sweetie, cry, it's okay."
> My dick is squeezed against her stomach, and I know she feels it...
> So I keep crying and she keeps holding me. > And so for a minute or so, I keep on crying while she has her breasts squeezed against my body and I can smell her, her hair, while my dick is rubbing against her soft stomach.
> Suddenly I feel she starts moving a little with me.
> I stop crying and bite my lips...
> Then she whispers to me:
> "Don't be shy. Don't hold it in, keep crying, you're not done yet. Finish honey. Loosen up."
> And then I feel how it's bursting and boom!
> I cum and cum and cum and she keeps hugging me and squeezing me.
> I really... I really did feel much better, just like she said I would.'

>> No.9873866

10/10 would read.

>> No.9873960

>man comes to earth sent by ayy lmaos
>ayys want him to figure out how humans live
>gets to earth with fake background
>gets office job
>turns out human life is depressing as fuck
>he's not depressed because he can just head back in a few yrs and starts trying to find an excuse to leave earth
>as he's digging through all his medical records, one says he was in a coma for a year or so
>the coma happened right before he came to earth
>he starts wondering if he was ayy lmao or just crazy
>time passes and home planet of ayy lmaos don't communicate with him at all
>starts going crazy

Cant decide if main character commits sodoku at the end or if he goes on some rampage or if he just tries to be happy
Also dont want to get super sci-fi with the ayy lmaos
im not sure if good or garbage plot tho