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/lit/ - Literature

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9870581 No.9870581 [Reply] [Original]

Going to a state university right now and I'm finding this meme to be true. Classics and Philosophy seem like a patrician choice.

>> No.9870595

This thread is now about redpilled beliefs.
In an ideal world women and nonwhites wouldn't be allowed entry to a higher learning institution, because their minds are inferior to that of white men. Soon philosophy and the classics will be replaced by gender non binary training and classes on how white women should breed with black men to eradicate the white race

>> No.9870599

shoo shoo

>> No.9870601


>> No.9870602
File: 11 KB, 220x258, 1502047916038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the white race, it deserves to die and be replaced by superior machine intelligence. You can stop derailing my thread now, faggot.

>> No.9870611


You'll find critical theory and sjw activism even in stem classes, you can minimize it by researching your professors thoroughly during registration. Asian and Slav stem teachers will generally be no-nomsense (though difficult ESL accents), and white males in the humanities will be leftists but generally more fair, intellectually consistent, and open to diversity of opinions, than women or minorities. The older the white male, the better.

>> No.9870612

Maybe you should read Weininger to realize the objective redpilled truth about women. They don't belong in a learning environment because they are the sin of man.

>> No.9870614

Fuck off imagine how horrible a world without PoCs would be


>> No.9870615

Absolute fucking tool
Absolute fucking tool

>> No.9870617

How do you incorporate critical theory and sjw activism in a math lecture?

>> No.9870619

stop taking the bait

>> No.9870622

English anywhere is a bad choice. Btw, for retarded Americans, linguistics and literature are not the same as English.

>> No.9870628

>Death to white race
>Replace with machinery
Uh, sir? Leftypol is that way. Keep your Marxist utopia shit outta here.

>> No.9870631

>Fuck off imagine how horrible a world without PoCs would be
They are only good to exploit their ressources and use them for fucking slavery to help white culture. SHould've never given them rights, same as women.

>> No.9870637

I have no idea if this post is supposed to be far left or far right now. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.9870641

It's crazy how one can derail a thread by acting like a parody of /pol/

This poster is obviously making fun of /pol/. If he really is a /pol/ poster then maybe I guess the phone poster meme is true.

This idiot can't realize I'm trying to quell the situation by stating that I don't really give a fuck about white genocide.
Kill yourself, please.

>> No.9870651

>4chan 2017
what did you expect? even reddit is better than this shitpit

>> No.9870668
File: 1.25 MB, 2025x3000, news-081516c-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Devoting several days to the injustice of female and minority mathematicians whose "great achievements" were ignored by racist white men until our current enlightened era.

No, I'm not making this up.

Same thing in astronomy, and biology was probably the most obnoxious and infused with indoctrination of the three.

>This manatee with brown spots is a distinct subspecies from this manatee with grey spots, also muh Catholic pea pods tell us how to predict the frequency of allele transmission in reproduction, which cause transmission of different sets of phenotypical traits, many of which are visually discernable
>Btw, and I can't stress this enough, race is a social construct with absolutely no basis in science xD

>> No.9870669

Yes, combat radicalism with more radicalism. Genius. Because that worked well before hasn't it? You know, just like in WWII.

>> No.9870677

I commend your shit posting abilities, are you happy now?

>> No.9870680

Yes, convert math, arguably the most non-partisan class, into yet another "white guilt" class. Fuck off.

Jesus, you were right >>9870651, Reddit really is better than this shit.

>> No.9870681

>No, I'm not making this up.

But you're embellishing it though

>> No.9870684

>Btw, for retarded Americans, linguistics and literature are not the same as English.

Well, in America (population: 320 million) they are. Deal w/it, yuropoor


(You) should go there, then


It doesn't even matter at this point. I can't decide whether people who are genuinely afraid of being tarred with the meaningless label of "Alt-Right" are worse than butthurt autistic /qa/ larpers or vice versa, but we're getting spammed by both atm

>> No.9870685

reddit is much worse, they don't allow people saying the truth about holocaust and iq difference between white and black.
also, see this >>9870668
the women in the movie aren't anything compared to male scientists who saved and cultivated white culture. now it's being destructed by women and nonwhites through SJW activism. reddit is blind to this

>> No.9870687
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*sips tea*

>> No.9870692

>Yes, convert math, arguably the most non-partisan class, into yet another "white guilt" class. Fuck off.

But it has happened, and I've seen it with my own eyes at a not-particularly-leftist university. It's not the whole class but it's there, and a pointless waste of time that I am forced to finance.


Not that much, one of my astronomy classes spent almost as much time on irrelevant women who "helped" two guys that actually made an important discovery as it did on Copernicus or Newton.

It's probably not as prevalent in classes for majors as in mandatory "intro" lecture-hall classes, but it shouldn't be there at all.

>> No.9870696

>we should kill everyone who violent enforces their ideology
As opposed to what, letting them violently enforce their ideology? We should give them free rein to dominate the region rather than appear hypocritical?

>cops who stop violent criminals are also using violence!

>> No.9871922

Eat shit

>> No.9871948

>one of my astronomy classes spent almost as much time on irrelevant women who "helped" two guys that actually made an important discovery as it did on Copernicus or Newton.

Sure but did the lecturers actually say it was due to racist white men?

>> No.9871980

>imagine how horrible a world without PoCs would be
Yeah, not shithole countries, no poo in street, no extremely high crime rates, pretty much no muggings, no rapes, no murders, no gang shootings, no idiots in universities trying to "decolonize" science (meaning, eliminating everything discovered/invented by whites, meaning destroying the entire concept of science), no brown hordes migrating to turn western countries into shitholes too...

Much horrible such awful.

>> No.9871994

>You'll find critical theory and sjw activism even in stem classes
Er, no

It's a humanities thing.