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9870213 No.9870213 [Reply] [Original]

Read This.

>> No.9870215

Read ACTUAL philosophy.

>> No.9870216
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>> No.9870219


But this is a self-help thread

>> No.9870220

Marcus Aurelius is a trick ass mark

>> No.9870222
File: 86 KB, 590x1000, Epicurus_bust2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then read this.

>> No.9870225

Reminder Marcus Aurelius was an infamous literal cuckold, the laugh of all of Rome as his wife got railed while he wrote his nu-male philosophy

>> No.9870228

fucked up if true, squad goals, hump day

>> No.9870252

youre thinking of OJ simpson

>> No.9870402


I find it entertaining how you can come here and act like I'm not brutally fucking your entire scheme up.

>> No.9870413

You're not a cuck if you murder them both. This is natural law

>> No.9871154

That's a rumor that came from the Augustan History, which is full of all sorts of other lies.


>A unique feature of the Augustan History is that it purports to supply the biographies not only of reigning Emperors but also of their designated heirs or junior colleagues, and of usurpers who unsuccessfully claimed the supreme power.[50] Thus among the biographies of 2nd-century and early 3rd-century figures are included Hadrian's heir Aelius Caesar, and the usurpers Avidius Cassius, Pescennius Niger and Clodius Albinus, Caracalla's brother Geta and Macrinus' son Diadumenianus.

>None of these pieces contain much in the way of solid information: all are marked by rhetorical padding and obvious fiction.

>> No.9871490


>> No.9871494

But I'm not through the Greeks yet

>> No.9871725

These cuck weirdos are popping up more and more. If I catch yo I'm gonna make you have sex with your partner, see how you like it.

>> No.9871733

i dropped it when i got the part about how you shouldn't get angry if somebody has body odor, i was like this is the shit technocucks are adopting as their new guiding ideology? civilization status: doomed

>> No.9872005
