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File: 28 KB, 306x500, AtlasShruggedBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
987005 No.987005 [Reply] [Original]

is it any good??? Should I read it?
what is all the fuss about it??

>> No.987009

I like it.

It's controversy among groups more advanced than 4chan made it into a meme here. It's a philosophical novel presented in a cinematic fashion. The central argument is that people should be allowed to care about themselves. Give it a whirl.

>> No.987021

It turned people away from godless socialism and into capatalism.
98% of "Americans" won't stand up for God.
Be one of the 2% that will, copy this in your signature.

LIE-BRILS: If YOU don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand IN FRONT of them.

i'm a hArDcOrE (xXx†hXc†xXx) Christian fiRsT, AnD i b3lEve iN ev0luTion Wh3n mY MuDkIp rEaChEs Lv 18.

>> No.987024

Fountainhead is better.

>> No.987040

The first six hundred pages aren't too bad.

Unfortunately, the book goes on for four hundred more pages.

>> No.987056

the book is utter trash.

The main character is a Mary Sue, and she's always right because every other character in the book is so stupid they couldn't wipe their ass with a mirror's help. I quit after reading 200 pages, because it just kept repeating "everyone is so stupid and the main character is soooo smart." The main character isn't smart, she's pitted against retarded caricatures.

>> No.987065

I haven't read this, but I've tried both Anthem and The Fountainhead. Both were so dumb I couldn't finish them. Rand has no idea how to write characters, believable or otherwise, no kind of talent for words or descriptions, no idea how to pace or structure a narrative, and worst of all, no interest in giving any kind of concrete argument in favor of her bullshit philosophy; because in her mind it's already perfect and justifies itself. The fact that people take the rantings of this delusional, talentless hack seriously in America is everything wrong with modern western society.

>> No.988386

This and The Fountainhead are possibly the best books I have ever read. You have to read it yourself to figure out whether you like it or not, I would suggest starting with the fountainhead though. At one point in the story a character destroys a piece of art because she does not want to share it with anyone else, let anyone else see it, because they couldn't possibly understand or appreciate it correctly. The people she thought of are a lot like the people who bash Rand's ideals. Her writing is not dumb and I feel I could relate with the main character of both The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, so this post above is obviously wrong in regards to everyone who has read these books.