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/lit/ - Literature

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9868146 No.9868146 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9868161

>Why won't Chad love me!?

Women are disgusting

>> No.9868175

Is there any historical analogue to this? Like at any time in history has poetry this irredeemably shit been published and enjoyed by the masses? Or are we actually living in uniquely (for lack of a better word) degenerate times?

>> No.9868179

Sad brown girl uses her ethnicity as a privileged desi as a prop to sell her mediocre prose which essentially boils down to getting pumped and dumped by whiteboi Chad

>> No.9868187

Nice job sandniggers! +1 shekels have been deposited in your goy account.

>> No.9868188
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>Remember to worship my muslim botherhood pajeet

>> No.9868192

Saw a girl reading this on the beach last week. What was interesting is that she stared at individual pages for about 5-10 minutes. I wanted to shake her and say THERES JUST NOT THAT MUCH THERE, WHY ARENT YOU READING DICKINSON

I do like poetry, and I am not "red pilled", but that this book is so well liked reflects poorly on the female reading public.

>> No.9868198
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>he doesn't torrent boatloads of books and store them on his phone

>> No.9868201


Don't you mean some good (male) author?

>> No.9868204

I more meant that if she has to read female poetry there is stuff out there, rather than trash that is popular.

Also, you would clearly be associated with some incomplete "pill" ideology than be patrician, which is sad.

>> No.9868231

i am a monument
to all
your sins

>> No.9868235

>Also, you would clearly be associated with some incomplete "pill" ideology than be patrician, which is sad.

Fuck off Leftist, being redpilled is the only way to be patrician

>> No.9868243

I am but a Waffle to your base desires.

The Smear of Maple Syrup my everlasting shame.

>> No.9868248

See Nietzsche's opinion on universal literacy, anon.

>> No.9868249
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>> No.9868263

basically i am kind of a big deal
but not for you for some reason

>> No.9868271
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>> No.9868280

Rupi Kaur
Succubus extrondinare
lives of souls
through posting on internet
made a book
about how others feel
and wrote it like this

>> No.9868304
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Good that I saw this. I was legit considering to try this book.
Fuck, aren't you a bit full of yourself lady?

>> No.9868310
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Or maybe I should. I am so desperate to enjoy poetry that I am up to try anything...
Maybe I can give a first try with a cheaper virtual version.

>> No.9868329


Okay, I tryed, it's fucking trash.

>> No.9868334

yeah there used to be this guy I think his name was Jeats, his shit was straight up garbage but people loved it.

>> No.9868379
File: 42 KB, 313x499, 51YxkvGok-L._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're desperate to enjoy poetry? Get these for $2.70 each:

100 Best-Loved Poems (Dover Thrift Editions)

101 Great American Poems (Dover Thrift Editions)

>> No.9868384

K, will do it.

>> No.9869017

women seriously need their egos knocked down a peg. 'museum full of art' lmao

>> No.9869028

this book has a voodoo curse placed upon it so it sells ten thousand copies every time a thread about it gets made on /lit/

>> No.9869029

how embarrassing

>> No.9869056

i hate all this self-aggrandizing positivity nonsense. where's the self-hate at?

>> No.9869080
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you are a roastie full of spunk
and you can't keep your legs shut

>> No.9869100


Just a reminder that smart girls don't read this type of thing. It's just the dumb but well-meaning ones.

>> No.9869116

The YAAS QUEEN SLAAAAY sthick is in my experience compensating for deep insecurity. They're incredibly fragile around this exuberance, they are trying to convince themselves of confidence as much as everyone else

>> No.9869121

That's why your pussy was so loose? because that's the entrance to the museum?

>> No.9869122

I was a Poo
But you were a loo

>> No.9869287

>acting as though men do not have their own entirely separate shit-tier of media marketed to them and that they readily consume
why do y'all keep attributing our culture's rampant shallowness and vacuity to women only?

>> No.9869342


>> No.9869380

Saw a girl reading this on the beach, except she was just taking pictures of it.

>> No.9869395

fuck I want that millenial fame


>> No.9869422

Historically, what's published and enjoyed by the masses (when the likes of printing and pressing were more arduous) became influential, and what was influential became canonized, and what was canonized became the thing you study in school and the standard against which you, anon, are using to call poetry "good" or "bad." The sheer amount of media we have access to allows for the sifting of art "low brow," to then be consumed on a mass scale. So it's unparalleled but also is just situationally different. Also, for a significant period of time during the formation of the western canon, the majority of the population couldn't read, and surpassing the first barrier of literacy probably meant you were decently educated in the first place. I'd make the argument that as a whole the fact that poetry is now acessible enough to be shittily made and sold en mass is indicative of a more generally educated society.

>> No.9871224

>Man After Man.jpg

>> No.9871357
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I'm dying

>> No.9871405

The lit market has always, always been flood with low brow shit. It was even more prevalent before TV. There were dime novels with every sort of hackneyed, ridiculous story of every genre you can think of. It's the sort of shit you find piled up in used book stores or in the attics of old people.

Today, though I think the prevalence and overload of easy to digest visual media means that less people are willing to consume literature that offers more intellectual challenge, and thus stick with YA garbage because they don't have to look up words and analogies or spend time thinking and digesting the deeper nuances of a written work. TV and Movies really have conditioned people to seek out more instant gratification. That's why trash poets like Rupi Kaur can enjoy success, because no one wants to take the time to read and analyze poems that are meant to be read the traditional way (out loud). Fucking ask your average Rupi Kaur reader if they even know who John Keats or T.S. Elliot are.

>> No.9871409

is everyone gonna ignore the fact OP has a woman's bedspread?

>> No.9871696

Today, though I think the prevalence and overload of easy to digest visual media means that less people are willing to consume literature that offers more intellectual challenge, and thus stick with YA garbage because they don't have to look up words and analogies or spend time thinking and digesting the deeper nuances of a written work.

You are my hero anon.

>> No.9871703
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>> No.9871738

write something
press enter
when you do it
you're writing poetry

>> No.9871775

I am amazing
you are not.

>> No.9871778

>Has over 6gb middle ages chants on his mp3 player

Fucking kek.

>> No.9871785

but surely
that can't be
all there is
to it

>> No.9871800

i dont believe
this is true
but i suppose
it is

>> No.9871814

i wanted doubles
but god
would only give me singles

>> No.9871830

ok anon
I'll give it
a try;
I'm writing,
now pay me

>> No.9871840

Her poems offer throw a great pity party for the reader without giving any deeper insights. This novel can best be summed up in the sentence "you did nothing wrong and it is the world that is at fault." I don't think there is a more pernicious message than that which preaches being a victim is all you can be in life. At the very least Rupi knows here audience and caters to their emotional immaturity and shallowness.

>> No.9871853

I saw books with the same message, but this book dosent work because is just poorly written and full of self-indulgence.

>> No.9871959

It's like
she's trying
to write haiku
without putting in effort
to actually
do it right

>> No.9871997

but it's so much
this way,

>> No.9872007

don't mistake
mayonnaise for hot sauce
if he came inside
and it burns
get checked
before trump
shuts down planned

>> No.9872018

oh god i
fucking hate
in loo

>> No.9873153

Stop spamming this "poetry" book for retards here.

>> No.9873163

I was a brown log in a pond
You were the anus I fell from

>> No.9873173


>> No.9873199

I got a Master and Margarita tattoo when I was 19. For the last six years, I have taken one night every two weeks, drank a liter of whiskey, and scraped my skin with sandpaper. I often lose a lot of blood. Twice I've passed out on the toilet, only to wake up with a throbbing headache, sick to my stomach, and covered in sweat and blood. It usually heals before my next session, and I've been surprised at the progress I've made. I'd say I only have fifteen sessions to go.

>> No.9873361

Hahahahaha oh shit this is funny.

>> No.9873368

Can someone give me the basic gesalt on how to write poetry this good?

>> No.9873390

If even.

>> No.9873404

some kind anon posted the complete guide here >>9871738

>> No.9873416

Why not just get a laser removal?

>> No.9873434

more impactful than anything written by that disgusting desi, desu

>> No.9873441

Why is it that when women are rejected they build themselves, insisting that whoever rejected them wasn't seeing some special quality they possessed? It seems to never cross their minds that there might actually be something wrong with them and they may not be as perfect as they think they are.

When men are rejected, it seems like the first question they ask usually is "what is wrong with ME"

When women are rejected the first question they usually ask is "what is wrong with YOU"

This extends into the way men support their male friends and how females support their female friends. Women offer each other emotional comfort, if a woman asks their friends what is wrong with them 99% of the time their female friends will tell them there is nothing wrong with them, they are perfect, they're a queen/princess or some variation of this. They make their friend comfortable but rarely ever offer constructive criticism that leads to self improvement.

I appreciate all the men in my life because they have always responded with harsh truths, they gave me criticism about myself that I could take and use to improve.

When a woman is fat and asks her female friends what she should do she will be showered with complements about her body, inner beauty, healthy at every size, body positivity rhetoric that does nothing but prevent people from making real improvements to themselves.

When I asked male friends in my life if my body was okay (I was very skinny) they said yes, and that I would benefit from going to the gym, I was told that improving my body would make me feel better, I was pushed to action rather than simply comforted and told what I wanted to hear.

This "poem" is the perfect example of the female mindset when it comes to criticism, introspection, personal development and being honest with yourself.

Rupi Kaurs egotism is riddled throughout milk and honey, it paints the picture of a self pitying, entitled individual. She's honestly one of the single most entitled writers I've ever read.

>> No.9873447

you shit all over me
like a street
but i wasnt designated
for this

>> No.9873449

I produced a vibration with the use of my vocal apparatus, producing noises that indicate excitement and amusement at this post.

>> No.9873466

Incredibly expensive, not covered by health insurance, and not entirely effective.

Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, who was recently rekt by a drone strike, had a tattoo which he sliced off of his arm with a knife in a sort of rebirth or return to purity. I'm anti-ISIS but it's a cool story.

>> No.9873800

Whenever I see girls reading her Ik right off the bat that they are fucking dense and stupid.

>> No.9873962

Anti-isis yet you are still sucking abibis dick. Really makes me think. Getting a tattoo young just means you made a choice you regret, sanding it off means you are some kind of sick sack of shit.