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9864875 No.9864875 [Reply] [Original]

We did it boys.
Is not that bad, thought.

>> No.9864882

no cares about this book, angela
we're not going to buy it

>> No.9864908

Now that Zizek is no longer with us, Nagle will revolutionalize the left, mark my words

>> No.9864918

Fuck off, whore

>> No.9864931
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I would angle (bend) her nagle (back and make her take it in the shitter while she has a pig nose on and does oink oink oink in rhythm with the fucking) namsayin senpai?

>> No.9864935


>> No.9864939


Hasn't that book been out for ages? I keep seeing people posting it but I'm sure it was definitely a thing when I worked at Waterstones last Christmas.

>> No.9864941


Scratch that. It came out in May. I swear I saw another one of those zero books that mentioned 4chan on the cover.

>> No.9864965

People have been posting about this one since it was announced. It's not as though anyone here feels the need to read something before criticising it.

>> No.9864980
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an enjoyeable read, desu.
What othet similar books should i check?

>> No.9865241
File: 56 KB, 960x777, 1500660918908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage goes in all fields.

This book is poorly-sourced, too short, incorrect on many fronts, and overlooks vast portions of the websites and subcultures it discusses. The author shows a great deal of disdain for the people she's writing about. Her ultimate conclusion is essentially that we need to return to milquetoast liberalism.

Delet this.

>> No.9865379

it triggers you, then.

>> No.9865390

I actually have, over time, been compiling a book about 4chan and its culture. It goes through the early progenitors of the board, the evolution of 4chan culture, and more.

Basically it keeps arriving back at the same place though the more I try and edit/cut. 4chan, at least in its main userbase, is the story about disenfranchised young mend who laugh at the world to hide things from themselves, who build contests based on their own misery, to try and feel camaraderie with strangers, who look for a way to be alone together, and honestly there is something beautiful about it.

>> No.9865393

yeah. the whole thing is "woke" centrism: the book. i.e. it confirms nobody's biases ergo everybody hates it

>> No.9865396

4chan is very Romantic in a way.

>> No.9865419

Lol. It's leftism in the tradition of Christopher Lasch. Nothing woke or centerist about it.

>> No.9865439

oh yeah. in her interviews she obviously espouses labor-leftism/lite-socialism. she's super timid about left-wing introspection in person compared to the text, which is kind of an interesting reification of her theory within her own subconscious and interaction within the leftist community

>> No.9865450

No book could be written about 4chan from an outsider and actually be good to someone from here, it's just not possible; there's something about the 4chan experience that can't be gleaned from simple research and has to be taken from hours spent fishing for (you)s

>> No.9865452

>You can only be leftist if you are anarchist or communist

>> No.9865460

Caught any fresh ones recently ?

>> No.9865463

it's not all that complicated. don't deify an anonymous image board, you nerd.

>> No.9865470


I do think that someday there will be a quality written account of 4chan, done by someone who is actually a 'native' of the site. And it would be better than the stupid and untrue platitudes found in >>9865390

First of all, you cannot start with the /b/-/r9k/-/pol/ continuum, which gets overexposed since it's the part most famous among normies. You start with the interest boards--/a/, /v/, /co/, etc.--which are really the heart of 4chan's culture.

>> No.9865489

Agree partially, but the triumvirate of /v/, /r9k/, and /pol/ (/b/ is an entirely irrelevant board nowadays) IS an important part of the culture, just not the entirety of it. I think outsiders and researchers focus on /pol/ and /b/ because they grab headlines and generally do outlandish shit

>> No.9865493

The culture of shared misery is one of the core parts of 4chan.

>> No.9865501

I wouldn't group /v/ with the others because it's culture is far more similar to other interest boards like /a/ and /tv/

Honestly, I consider /pol/ an outlier

>> No.9865506


>> No.9865513

That response only proves the point

>> No.9865629

The three most culturally influential boards are [s4s], /c/, and /lit/

>> No.9865694

the problem with kill all normies is that it is purely descriptive. she's not promulgating any solutions and she's particularly not interrogating any of the issues and supposition at the crux of the internet edgysphere.
either she's too dumb to come up with prescriptive answers or the answers she has would see her excommunicated from polite, cosmopolitan society if she publicized them.
nice meme, mind if I save it?

>> No.9865771

That's her plan. Of course she cannot make her first book controversial. Her upcoming book(s) will, I am fairly certain.
Source: my intention and reading her tweets

>> No.9865780

>Source: my intention

>> No.9865853

what other zero books are worth reading

>> No.9865859

Zero of them.

>> No.9865878

malign velocities (yes), towards speculative realism (yes), uncertain futures, capitalist realism (sort of), in the dust of this planet, post cinematic affect (definitely), post-continental voices (sort of), bells and whistles (yes), the last night

>> No.9865893
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Surface level bullshit, great for people who never come here. Also cultural marxists are aknowledged that they exist and are fucking up the real left.

>> No.9865907
File: 125 KB, 287x281, 1450586705399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mlp/ is more relevant that /co/ since it actually made a unique culture. What has /co/ done to troll other comic book forums? Probably noting of note. People on MAL/crunchyroll are literally afraid to go on /a/ because of it's reputation. /co/ is literally a backwater ghetto noone gives a shit about. The nip mediums rule in popularity on this site, so this is understandable.

>> No.9865913

Anime is disgusting and you should feel ashamed for having that image saved

>> No.9865933

Easy there tumblr

>> No.9865949


I liked Kantbot's response

>> No.9865955

You too reddit, you too

>> No.9865987
File: 41 KB, 411x390, 1430767511032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"ironically" using a Pepe avatar while pseudonymously writing for a neo-reactionary online magazine

>> No.9865995

He just wants to complete German Idealism mate.

>> No.9866048

He barely references can culture except in the abstract, doesn't delve into the individual board cultures and ends by saying that Nagle should have interacted more with channers

:thinking emoji:

>> No.9866061

Fuck off

>> No.9866076

>taking seriously a semi literate fat fuck