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9864084 No.9864084 [Reply] [Original]

How do I have more discipline not only in reading literature, in my studies and even in my lifestyle? I've always lived life doing shit when I feel like it, never had a tinge of consistency in life.

Hope some good chap could help this loser fuckup out
>what keeps you motivated to be disciplined that keeps you doing what you do in the long term?
>was it all worth it in the end?

>> No.9864092

>motivated to be disciplined
Kek. Discipline is doing shit without regard for your fefes. Get some willpower, faggot.

>> No.9864106

How? Please help me. I want to stop being such a loser and just do the things that matter consistently.

>> No.9864159

I don't know. I don't fucking know. For the past 6 months I've been studying & exercising regularly without spending too much time on the web. A few weeks ago I had a complete breakdown; started smoking again, playing WoW & browsing 4chan for hours. I put so much effort in reforming my life and it all crashed in the blink of an eye, all of a sudden I started feeling awful and voila, it's all gone. And this is the 3rd or 4th time I'm going through the same experience.

Any books that can help me out lads?

>> No.9864181

Bump for interest + in the same boat

>> No.9864201

Wow, that's rough. It basically sounds like a relapse...those do seem to happen to most people in recovery from addiction, as I understand it. I don't know what you should do to fix it.

You might need a psychologist or a group like AA but not for alcohol. IDK.

>> No.9864238
File: 86 KB, 590x1000, Epicurus_bust2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the Greeks.

Plan for these cheat times. And stop with the Stoic bullshit and come have a talk with Epicurus.

Moderate your consumption to seek the most enjoyment from life.

Seek companionship.

Back to the Greeks.

Moderate your consumption so that these moments are blissful.

Also, learn more about your personality so that you understand what stresses you and when you need to de-stress - and then do so in as health a manner as possible. Some people are elevated by being social and some people are drained by being social. Learn which one you are and do so accordingly.

Pursue intimate relationships.

Back to the Greeks.

>> No.9864279


Will is nice and tastes like clit
suck it up you fucking twit
im really sad you have no will
now fuck me like a power drill
youre not a loser, you need to pack
your life with pussy, sex, attack
your fucking anus with a large fat
dildo dont you dare give up on that

trust me friend its not too bad
so dont be really really sad.
Discipline is hard to get
just like chicks. so try and sweat
not the little things in life
or shitty anal cuckold strife,
but do your best to be a man
try go gyming when you can
study plato and the greeks
Symposiums are not for geeks
but autodidacts, guys like us,
whom life has smashed just like a bus
that flies down road like swollen cock
and hits a vulva or a block
of little children standing small
cum on me then lick my ball.
for one i lost some time ago,
now one testis have i to show.

i dont know how to answer your question. maybe try heroin? idk, heroin leave you in lasting pleasure until you reach the point at which you want to kill yourself and yeah maybe that would be a welcome respite in your case? From experience I can tell you it's a good way to go.


>> No.9864302

"I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it."

"I thought you were suppose to be a pizza delivery guy or a plumber or something?"

"You thought wrong. On your knees."

>> No.9864304

I have struggled with conceptualizing motivation, as doing something and enjoying it, while it's often wanting to do something with no regard to how you feel doing it.

I think you have to be aware of and face your disillusionment. Else it's just a mysterious force(not unlike the hand of god)compelling you to masturbate, play MMOs and eat junkfood or whatever.

>> No.9864306

Fire those neurons and remember all you have achieved and the initial motivation that got you on that train in the first place. Also most people that play wow are doing it to try to relive the old days when they were actually having fun, like any nostalgia shit.

>> No.9864308

addendum: reading and studying got me into Cambridge. In that sense reading literature was obviously worth it 'in the end', in fact the goal of cambridge pretty much motivated me to begin studying in the first place and continue when I lost the spark of interest that fleeting motivation always provides but never sustains. The fact that i got in pretty much validates my sense of intellectual superiority over my close friends and family, which is a fucking great feeling. I have an excuse to act and talk pretentiously and know I'm not a pseud because of it. These days a thirst for knowledge is my primary motivator, partially for its own sake, and partially so I can more easily lord my better intellect over people I meet, even people at Cambridge.

Yeah, those are my motivators. Not sure if these are enough for you though


>> No.9864345

You retard it was only one day. Or you could've kept it only one day. Either way, you last six months were spent more on reading and study than being a faggot. So you can keep being a faggot and let faggotry win, or take this blemish in your cheek and keep your book-reading ahead while you're still ahead and have the juxtaposition to tell yourself you're not such a piece of shit, rather than letting your shittiness take over and going
>welp i knew i was a piece of shit, see?

Nothing can be taken away from you that you've already committed to your being. All your bookishness is still there, you just need to feed it.

>> No.9864351


Unfortunately I am American, so no Cambridge, I did attend Blue Mountain State and graduated with a degree in drinking studies and football minor.

>> No.9864396

Well, it can instead be Harvard. Although in the field of the arts, I would lord an oxford graduate at a higher tier than a cambridge one, converse is true in the area of the science. But when I respect both in both fields in general.

>> No.9864453


But their football team sucks. As an American University, they have failed their mandate.

>> No.9864493

Meditate. Start with Vipassana. Find a Buddhist or Hinduist Temple, go there and ask to whoever is there to teach you how to do it. Feel free to discard the ideology.
Learn that you can sit down and do whatever you have to do all day long, and that boredom is completely irrelevant, since you can just suck it up and keep working/studying/practicing.

As far as I know, you either do this, literally chain yourself on a chair or go to bootcamp. It's one od these theee unfortunately, you won't obtain discipline with ease, it has to be kickstarted in a radical way, and from then there will be only improvement.

>> No.9864503

This is true. I don't trust graduates from schools with weak football teams.

>> No.9864505

Anyone know if antidepressants work for shit like this? I have the same problem as OP. I have a good 2 months of healthy living--enthusiastic work, exercise, socialization, minimal porn/vidya/4chan, lots of reading, etc then I relapse into just wanting to jerk off and play games all day.

>> No.9864539

This, bump for interest.

>> No.9865918

I have a caffeine addiction but I think it has gotten to the point that it is negatively impacting my studies.

>> No.9866222

Admit you like it, you will be less guilty about it