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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 138 KB, 329x475, iliad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9862535 No.9862535 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, 23
>have a well-paying job, takes up most of my time
>used to entertain myself playing vidya but now I'm finding that...
>I have MGSV, I could play that... nah
>I have Nier, haven't even beat that one yet... nah, just doesn't sound like too much fun
>I could play some cards.. eh, not really feeling it
>in sharp contrast, continuing reading "The Iliad" is an exciting and enticing prospect

I enjoy books more than video games. Have I made it?

>> No.9862545

Yeah you made it, congrats cuck boy.

>> No.9862551


Said the proud anon, as his career and life fell into shambles around him, and his family bore the weight of shame that comes with a failed gambit

>> No.9862554

yeah you definitely made it.

>> No.9862556
File: 42 KB, 638x305, pepe Homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>re-reading the Fagles translation after a couple years
>that part in book 4 where Agamemnon runs around spurring his troops

>> No.9862559

You haven't made it OP. This is just the beginning.

>> No.9862604

you'll make it when you start using the fitzgerald translation

>> No.9862609

Don't be a dope, read Alexander Pope

>> No.9862694

sorry but id rather read homer instead of pope

>> No.9862856

Are you reading it in the original?

>> No.9862867


I'm reading the Fagles translation if that's what you mean.

>> No.9863013
File: 2.16 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite. I'm a plebeian myself, only had the will to learn modern medieval and koine. The Ancient Greek further changes the farther back and homer's times it was a bother to learn

>> No.9863027

So how different is Koine from ancient Attic? Thinking about studying the former

>> No.9863042

One evolves into the other, whichever one knows helps the learning of the other. Dunno much about ancient attic but once you get the grip of the syntax and where the meaning is hidden along with some key words it's okay to read. Takes time though

>> No.9864564

feel the same way, tho I dont really read fiction, most is philosophy

>> No.9864576

>tfw hypercompetitive video games mostly make you angry
>you keep playing anyway

I enjoy reading more, but I'm addicted to DotA

>> No.9864579

MGS V is utter garbage, Nier is tedious but has a nice way of utilizing the fact that it's a game to deliver the story, most other video games are fucking garbage and television is essentially just cashgrabs and reboots.
Don't these games ever get stale? DOTA is like 10 years old by now right?

>> No.9864591

PUBG has my toaster burning, the fps drops making me rage and i can't quit. USed to play HoN a lot ut it died (18 minute queue)

>> No.9864596

Iktf bro. I picked up CSGOa few months ago and hate it but I can't put it down.

>> No.9864600

DotA is ancient but actually I play HoN. DotA is more recognizable so I didn't bother to mention HoN which started out as a clone of DotA with a better engine.

It doesn't really get stale. Every game is different. Kinda like counter-strike. I go through phases where I play one more heavily than the other. Both are hyper competitive games.

It's more popular in Europe but still has a decent amount of NA players. It's not dead but the NA playerbase left for DotA 2 because the pros were looking for bigger paydays 3-4 years ago. It's a shame because HoN is one of the few games that plays just as well on Linux as it does on Windows.

>> No.9864637

>have a well-paying job, takes up most of my time
>thinks he made it

>> No.9864640

>Quit playing card games since they make me too angry
>Hardly play vidya anymore
>Realize there is no substance in nerd culture, and it's just pop culture consumerism through and through after reading one too many RPO threads
>Realize the nerd identity is false and shallow based on idolizing merchandise
>Strongly considering selling all of my vidya and whatever nerd memorabilia I have
>Want to read since it's a better use of my time
>Start reading Plato and the Bible
>Keep getting distracted by browsing and posting on 4chan
>Made hardly any progress after a couple months
How do I break the cycle and be free?

>> No.9864657


Finally understand you should do what you like instead of trying to conform to what anon fags tell you on a Thai shemale sharing online image workbench.

>> No.9866204


Although it may not be strictly Troy and its a subject of much debate, its absolutely certain that the Achaeans did run a war campaign during the period of time Homer tells of.

>> No.9866316

Do you still live with your parents?

>> No.9866606


I make a strategically, tactically, and economically wise decision by renting a room from family members that really can't kick me out. I pay rent, I'm never around, and I don't get soaked when it rains outside.

>> No.9866682

you DEFINITELY haven't made it then haha

>> No.9866890

Good job, anon. Now the goal is to start reading the rest of the Greeks, at least Sophocles and Euripides, and go on from there to the Romans.

>> No.9866921


You sound like a plebeian imitating a patrician. You're still a plebeian.

>> No.9866922

You're a pseud. Books are for pseuds.s

>> No.9866984

what's well paying?

>> No.9867051

Stop browsing 4chan and read. Ill give you a few to read, both from the start of the "Start with the Greeks" chart. Mythology by Edith Hamilton will tell you most of Greek Mythology, then read The Iliad translated by Robert Fagles.

>> No.9867259

nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice

>> No.9867325
File: 106 KB, 645x968, 1501653489552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better start learning attic greek then

pic related is you

>> No.9867717

Until you own a peice of property, you havent made it yet.

>> No.9867729

I'm putting my computer back in my parents' house and just sticking with phones for googling and music, and work computers for writing.

>> No.9867807


You don't own property. You rent it from the government. The whole "independence" thing that Americans parrot is, frankly, embarrassing to the rest of the civilised world.

You're a fool for paying for something you don't need to.

>> No.9867815



The lower classes rent the land. The upper elites have so much money they could live their whole lives and not have a dent in their assets from property tax.

>> No.9867974

Even if I make it as an adult, there are still Children smarter and more well read than me, who I'll never catch up to.

>> No.9868866
File: 29 KB, 335x430, 1492862341080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that part in book 11 where Agamemnon is covered in gore

>> No.9869094

>not understanding what epic greek is

>> No.9869110

>have I made it

>> No.9869115


No because you'll still spend a few years constantly weighing up the decision to play games you hear are good but inevitably aren't.

>> No.9870335


I honestly think I'm beyond that phase. Shits just fucking boring now. But books, man, books. Never have I rediscovered such profound and thought provoking entertainment. I wish I knew about the Canon earlier.

>> No.9870727

I would say no, since you need validation from an imageboard.
Are you 15?

>> No.9870783


I don't need shit from you lol

>> No.9870817

I'd say you will fall back into video games.
Wanna know why? Because you yourself are setting the trap.
You want to change, you want to make it and you think you can see that from this single event or that this is what making it is like.
You are trying to establish a reader "persona" and this thread is probably trying to give force to this while denying the old gamer character.
If this is the case you cannot succeed because you are acting not on your own will but on your preconceived notions of what making it would be like. Furthermore, even if you legitimately like reading you are probably pushing your "old self" back with disdain. This is a trick, pushing it back ensures that it stays within you and makes you fall again when you're weak.
I give you 15 days until this whole thing goes back to square one and you fall into a slight depression upon realizing you were forcing it. I think you are but by all means prove me wrong in 30 days.

>> No.9870925

I agree with this guy, OP.
You're just burnt out on games and insecure about being a "gamer". You would be better off getting over this insecurity so you can foster a genuine love of reading.
You can play vidya too.

>> No.9870938

The trick is to set yourself a goal of x amount of pages as a minimum goal. Allow yourself to go as far as you want past that, but you don't need to feel guilty about also spending some time playing games. If you find yourself doubling your minimum most days, increase it. It should help you get into a routine without making it a chore that consumes your life. Even just reading 20 pages a day, you'll still get through 30 or so books a year which is more than the average person. If you try and quit games altogether and kid yourself that you don't need them, you're more likely to stop reading when you inevitably lapse back to your old mindset.

>> No.9871020


gladly, I'll make another thread 9/9/17 famalam


i realize that but the point is vidya is pretty mindless and boring, even multiplayer. I only like the game when the gameplay is good and/or you get engrossed in a story.


Well I can read 180 pages in one sitting no problem really. That's the length of Gatsby.

What is all this shit with 'lapse'? lol. games are boring now, find me a fun one. I'll take books instead, a more mature medium of entertainment that is wholesome and worthwhile, and appeals to a larger audience. I dont define myself with fucking games.

>> No.9871054

You'll burn out if you try and force yourself to read 180 every day, even if it's possible for most people. Reading 30 pages every day consistently is more than reading 180 pages once a week, in the long run. Overdo it and you'll burn out on it, same as you have with games. I'd say 30-40 pages is a great minimum to set yourself if you enjoy reading already. Even on a bad day, spend 45 minutes or so and you'll read a ton without realising it.

>> No.9871060

>I dont define myself with fucking games.
I don't either, and I still play them. While "reader" is a more attractive label than "gamer", you shouldn't identify yourself primarily by your hobbies, or by any specific thing for that matter.

Also, if you view books primarily as entertainment, you won't get as much out of them.

>> No.9871071

>the part where hector embraces his son and then leaves him behind to go willingly to his death



>> No.9871076

Caves of Qud is fun, I've been enjoying that in between reading. When I started reading I used to feel tired after a few pages because my eyes weren't used to not looking at backlit screens and focusing on simple text, but now it's the opposite. I find turn-based games much more pleasurable to play, and I find competitive FPS straining to play for more than 30 minutes or so. I almost exclusively play Caves of Qud, DCSS and Crusader Kings II now. I don't define myself by any one pastime. I read, I play games, I play piano and guitar, I draw often, but labeling a person as being a "gamer" or a "reader" seems ridiculous.

>> No.9871539


Hector couldn't have known what's he's bring on himself. He killed Patroclus. That's some serious shit, once Achilles was in the game... man, Hector didn't deserve that. Dragged in the dirt 3 times around the funeral pyre. He even knew, too, long before the actual fighting really started, they were fucked.

The real kino part is when Hectors father begs for the body back and Achilles actually becomes human and not the living embodiment of rage.