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9861667 No.9861667 [Reply] [Original]

It's not like it's going anywhere

>> No.9861687

>narcissist and borderline (in TLP sense) get into a relationship
>it's predictably dysfunctional (although there are good times), the borderline is somewhat self-aware, breaks up and seeks professional help
>it doesn't work
>both characters try other relationships with normies, which go even worse
>at the end of the book they accept that they are the only chance for each other to have any kind of semi-successful relationship and get back together

>> No.9861692

>the novel is written as a review of a novel written by Borges which is in the form of a review of another novel

>> No.9861774

>pseudoislamic dystopic cyberpunky pre-singularity world
>if you live your life according to the corporate sharia state's wishes, at the moment before you die your consciousness is transferred to a supercomputer and credited with forty milliseconds of computation time. during these forty milliseconds you can simulate hundreds of years worth of fantasies, effectively creating an actual heaven for yourself
>the reason having someone jacked into a supercomputer isn't a danger to the state is because from the outside frame of reference it was only forty milliseconds, nothing dangerous can be accomplished by the super consciousness in this time span before the next guy gets his turn and has his own goals that may not have anything to do with influencing the real world, he probably just wants his dick sucked by virtual broads for his forty milliseconds
>the book centers around a cult of hackers who are trying to gain enough members that they can obtain, collectively, twelve seconds worth of subsequent computation time by committing mass suicide at the exact instant, via bomb
>twelve seconds is just enough to use your supercomputer time to hack into enough things and alter world events just enough that you can depose the corporate sharia state and achieve proletariat rule

>> No.9861784

also should say that it doesn't exactly work out like they wanted but I'll save that bit for if I ever finish the book

>> No.9861798

>young qt doctor in her early 20's
>follows emergency order and treats a poor girl's mom first instead of a Senator
>gets fired for disrupting hospital director's nepotism
>WW1 starts
>has no choice but to become a military doctor to support her family
>joins (((anglo))) front lines
>ends up saving a little German boy who got caught in the crossfire from dying
>years later
>qt doctor is now promoted to a government officer
>German boy is now a Nazi spy who approaches her

I still don't know where to go from here but I'm probably gonna have her kill him in the end

>> No.9861807

You had better make her suffer if you want it to be good

>> No.9861808

I'd love to write a novel about a dystopian Britain on the cusp of Sharia Law but outside of that basic premise I just don't know how to start.

I'm drawn towards the fucktard mayor's "Part and parcel of living in a big city" comment and I'd like that to have some significance in it.

>> No.9861839

I had a very similar idea where one of the couple believed in romantic idea of existance of a person designed especially for them and he longs for the person he once left.
But the other one loves each of his partners (old and new) almost equally, he (or she) may have some kind special feelings toward a partner they once had but too afraid to give up what he has at the moment out of fear things not working once again and having to ba alone again.

pls rate

>> No.9861860

I can work with this. Stealing it.
Caught my eye, but not worth stealing.

>> No.9861877

>implying you will ever write anything

>> No.9861900

Looks really interesting, especially if you have the boy commit a lot of atrocities.
The good doctor who saves people regardless of their class and status confronted with having saved a murderer and questions her ideals.
I like the computing premise but Sharia really isn't dystopian societies material

>> No.9861907

You are probably confusing dystopia with utopia

>> No.9861935

I'm not, aside from outlawing homosexuality (which is still a thing) and blasphemy (you get 3 days to repent so no one is executed for it unless they are trying to make a political point) there isn't much that would make Sharia law dystopian tier.

>> No.9861944

ah, you're just addicted to devil's advocacy

>> No.9862045

>Life of a NEET, or lets say male social outcast between the ages of 18 and 26.

>> No.9862061

>every other chapter will be dreams, that can cover numerous things, false and forgotten positive memories and just random escapist fantasy dreams.

>> No.9862099

Thought of this recently, though i'm pretty sure i'll never write it.

>Dude sitting in his appartment
>Bitter as fuck
>Thinking of how his youth is lost
>Nothing really happens for the first part, he talks with his neighbours and friend, pulling a facade, sometimes letting it slip by
>Has a phonecall from his father, he vents
>Father says nothing of value though shows concerns and condolances
>Directly after the conversation the dude makes a breakthrough
>Realise he's being a bitch not making the best of it
>Goes on with life, nothing really chenges exept for his mood

>> No.9862105

Make her avrage looking

Yes, but nothing severe it should almost be miniscule in compasion to others suffering, but at the same time dealing a deep inpact on her

>> No.9862111

Fun idea, though sees terribly hard to not execute porly or avrage. Still think someone should give it a try

>> No.9862127

It's about a girl who kills vampires.

>> No.9862128

>Stacey is a frisky corporate lawyer who gets involved with the mob

>> No.9862140

The Sharia 40seconds/virgins connection is cute, but somehow leaves me unable to suspend disbelief.

I just can't imagine a Sharia dystopia playing out that way because Islamic fundamentalism strikes me as decidedly non-fictionalist.

>> No.9862148

It's not purely about Islam, it's a cyberpunk book for a reason. The corporate sector is fighting for control and arguably winning.

>> No.9862287

>Gay SS officer falls in love with Sudeten Czech.
>Takes him out of labour camp as cleaner for his house
>Gayness ensures

I figure it'll get tons of diversity points regardless of actual quality.

>> No.9862388

>The setting is a warm planet whose landmass is covered by thick vegetation and constant monsoon seasons.
>An abbot nearing the age of 80 performed mummification on his own body, flaying his skin and preserving his own organs.
>Due to miracle or dumb luck, the monk survives and reaches close to what he considers enlightenment.
>Because of this, he takes provisions to travel the world and a large retainer of monks that serve is beck and call to spread his message of his on-coming enlightenment.
>He has a journal to recount his adventures and inner monologues.
>Along the way, while exploring weird cultures, and ancient holy places he gains a companion in the form of a large living stone statue that bonds with him.
>Hilarity ensues while the ranks of his retinue grow and shrink and grow due to his long-winded adventures, and the abbot gets crazier and crazier until he reaches apotheosis.

>> No.9862725

>Some crazy, surreal, M.C Escher shit happens on earth.
>Then eldritch abominations appear a la H.P Lovecraft. Their presence somehow results in genetic mutations occurring in people, allowing them to do stuff normal humans can't, including supernatural powers,
>The story is about the main characters fighting off these beings as well as criminal organisations that have taken advantage of the shifting paradigm of the world and doomsday cults who fear/worship said creatures, while at the same time some character development and psychological/philosophical themes are developed as a result of the world of theirs.
>References to the Book of Revelations

And here's for the other one:

>Basically some literary fiction story with a few Latin American Magical Realism elements within it. Still WIP.

>> No.9862742

Of course, I highly doubt I'll actually come to write my fucking books, but I figured sharing their concepts to see if they might be worth it.

>> No.9862760

Pretty cool sans the setting. Kills any suspension of disbelief right away and makes it feel like a tryhard parody.

Solid oscar bait.

A gay nazi is an interesting idea because it guarantees conflict, internal and external (something most of the shit posted so far lacks). Diversity points are just a plus. If you're a semi decent writer, it'll going to sell well.

>> No.9862771

That could work fantastically as a balls-to-the-wall-satire.

>> No.9862782

the setting is cyberpunk updated with fresh 2017-era fears
westerners aren't afraid of japan's burgeoning corporate might any more, this ain't the 80s and their bubble has popped

two main western fears are islam and china, and doing a chinese cyberpunk setting would be too safe, it's not enough of a change

so cyber sharia it is

>> No.9862788

Amazing. You're doing something about nobody has ever done.
No seriously, I'm not being sarcastic. Criticising Islam is dangerous but virtuous these days.

>> No.9862804

>MC is athletically gifted teen with promising career in professional sports
>Has issues controlling his anger
>Beats his teacher to an inch of his life over a trivial argument
>Tried as an adult and sent to prison
>Prison warden has a twisted gladiatorial competitions where prisoners fight each other to reduce their sentences
>MC begins training for the competition
>Former runner-up, now a cripple, mentors MC
>MC begins to get obsessed with stories of ancient greek wrestlers--in particular Arrhichion of Phigalia, and the idea of a militaristic culture
>Starts to believe that he is Arrhichion's reincarnation; he needs to die in battle and go undefeated
>MC gets to the final match, but the warden is found out by the public and the competition is canceled at the last second.
>Unable to reconcile the contradiction, MC begins to starve himself while meditating on the uselessness of an unfocused existence
>Ending ambiguous on whether MC finds something else to focus on or simply starves to death

>> No.9862806


Yeah I'd read this. Beginning with the botched mummification is great.

>> No.9862926
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>narcissist, deluded, and self-righteous protagonist, although not at first
>Believes herself to be in a story of a tyrannical empire and herself the plucky hero (although she thinks all kings are tyrants), So joins a rebel group that is forming to take down the king.
>A few chapters in which the Protagonist rise up the ranks and becomes the face of the rebellion
>She manages to convince the rebel leaders to its time to take the fight to the tyrannical king.
>It fails hard and the rebels are now fractured, also Reality takes the helm for the rest of the story
>Unable to reconcile she is not in a story in which the hero manages to spark the fire of rebellion, the protagonist, begins to become even more narcissist, deluded, and self-righteous and starts blaming everyone but herself
>Ending ambiguous on whether protagonist is killed or is captured when their base is attacked and captured

>> No.9862956

forgot to add that there is going to be a Second P.O.V.

>> No.9863241

Take a shot every time an underwhelming ambiguous poorly thought out 'artistic' ending is posted

>> No.9863253
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>it contains a 'meditation' on something

>> No.9863303
File: 120 KB, 800x1076, 1902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trigger warning: It's YA, although with more focus on moral dilemmas than dealing with your newfound desire for dick. With sci-fi and urban fantasy elements to abstract the conflicts from the real world, and memes like stream of consciousness and autoreferentiality for some of the key plot developments.

>opportunistic student talks a neglected son of a mafia boss into helping him with a heist
>wakes up in prison, a bizarre intervention tempts him to flee, discovers that he got the ability to puppeteer bodies
>meets a young woman with a hardcore case of ludomania, who offers him to join a shady, cult-like organisation that has access to intel he needs for his ominous plan
>they do couple jobs for the organization, bound and try to figure out what the other person is really after
>stuff happens
>more stuff happens
>why is all the stuff happening
>ends with him getting betrayed by the organization and the gambling addicted chick, and in the last scene it's revealed that most of the plot was staged by the disappeared edgy artist girlfriend the protagonist wants to rescue

Basically YA version of the rise of a more idealistic version of Stalin in a contemporary setting with focus on bantz instead of ideologies. Ah, and there are four other POV characters with their own goals to flesh out the setting and add a more diverse perspective. Now how do I get Taylor Swift to play the sociopathic and duplicitous daughter of a noble for the movies?

>> No.9863393

A woman doctor? Pre-WWI?

>> No.9863416

everyone ITT: write your ideas. just fucking write. i promise you it's fun.

>> No.9863526 [SPOILER] 
File: 757 KB, 800x1142, 1502170396281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big biotech conglomerate is attempting to produce a human capable of reading minds
>process involves joint development of a human implantable electromagnetic brain imaging machine similar to an MRI, and a highly empathetic girl produced through focused eugenics and natal enhancements to estrogen production
>book title: EMpath
>the chosen candidate ends up undergoing the EMpath surgery just as she is coming of age
>first chapters cover her experience simultaneously undergoing puberty and learning to control her ability to understand others' emotions and thoughts, all in a controlled parentless lab environment
>whatever those around her feel, she feels. she adapts a cheerful jester's personality to generate more happiness
>the eugenics and the estrogen doping have made her anomalously attractive. some of her first conceptions of human thought involve sexual fantasies directed toward her, though they are so vague at this stage and she has so little context that she only gradually realizes what they mean

>in the early-middle chapters she is well into her teenage years
>the scientists have discovered that her ability to read emotions and thoughts is limited to the mental profile of the small number of people who work around her, and to achieve true generalized mindreading she has to be exposed to millions of people's thoughts, like an AI needing a larger dataset
>she's released into a large city and tailed by bodyguards so she can be exposed to as many people as possible
>she is sheltered away from people who suffer, to avoid damage to her psyche

>the mid and late chapters she's nearly an adult, and through some means she escapes the biotech company's monitoring
>as they try to hunt her down she tears through the underbelly of city, deliberately exposing herself to the suffering people she had been cloistered away from
>sexually offers herself to those suffering, to a self destructive extent

I'm not sure beyond there. The plot is something I vaguely thought up from looking at this image. I realized it's an accidental female coming of age allegory, from her experience with puberty to her time as a sheltered teen and then as an adult looking to help damaged people.

>> No.9863538

This sounds hardcore good. Go for it Anon

>> No.9863544

I like it. It just needs romance and sex with espionage and it can go anywhere.

Money doesn't grow on trees anon. Gotta bring in the bucks somehow

>> No.9863551

Are you Nostradamus?

>> No.9863553

>guy wakes up a few hours before his alarm goes off
>he is too tired to get up, but he also does not want to go to sleep again because he can't stand the sound of the alarm
>he spends some time trying to think of reasons to get up earlier than usual but this only leads him to the conclusion that he should go back to sleep to at least wake up well rested later
>he still can't sleep, the thought of the alarm ringing makes him too anxious
>he stays on the bed, thinking about random stuff
>the time for him to wake up approaches
>the alarm starts ringing
>he realizes it is not as bad as he thought it would be
>the sound calms him
>he finally manages to sleep

I can't properly write in english, but I think you got the idea.

>> No.9863555

The irony of Islam being defeated by a cult of terrorists who suicide bomb themselves then go to heaven and get forty of something is delicious.

Guessing this is also yours. It would sell really well with women.

>> No.9863565

>God is a beta
>Every religion is a prove to every human being to comprove that we are weak and that we depend on a god/cult/religion to make our life easier even if we don't even know if it's real or not
>If you fail the prove of life by beliving on a god you will be sent to a limbo
>No one knows about this until they die

It's not about being atheist/agnostic, it's about living by yourself

Pls tell me no one has ever come with this idea before

>> No.9863575

I like this but - better keep the science more vague, the estrogen thing is painfully simplistic. The title is lame, and based on the info provided the pacing is ass. It takes too long to get things actually started and then the whole escape is too rushed.

>> No.9863579

>Humans are a precursor race to the galaxy
>All aliens think of them as Alantians
>Alien archaeologist is hired to appraise a deep space probe
>They track it to a lost colony urban planet where they find the run down remnants of megalopolis
>They look for signs of human life, but find a map of the galaxy, that leads them to other planets
>Aliens finally find a planet with a working terminal
>Archaeologist tries to enter shit in for more info, when he is contacted by another being from the terminal
>They are invited to Earth as long as they use a provided ship
>When they get on Earth a large robot super attendant three stories tall leads them to a terminal to enter information in
>It's another megalopolis, but all around are robots rusting away without commands
>All the humans from all planets hollowed out the earth and suspended animation hooked up to a super computer to spend 10 thousand years
>The human minds in the machines are all sleeping and fading away due to a lack of new stimuli
>The super attendant wants them to bring them new content
>They start entering in some alien philosophy text books and immediately the hive mind is abuzz ripping it into shreds and reforming it in a matter of days
>They keep bringing them new stuff, more history, more mythology, more science
>The flurry of activity allows them to produce vast improvements on everything they touch
>This all leads them to being a change to the galaxy forever and reach total enlightenment
>Suddenly alien council wants to shut them down humans for reasons
>Huge alien invasion
>Dormant robots attack fanatically at the multiracial army
>Ancient war machines spring to life
>Suicide robot servants charge from every corner every time a front gains ground
>Finally the aliens meet the super attendant
>She's destroyed and all the humans are killed sending the remnant robots from all over the forgotten human colonies to go berserk and cause great scar on the universe.

>> No.9863580

The circumstances involved in last three lines would comprise the majority of the book, just haven't thought it out enough to even greentext much about it.

>> No.9863602

>science girl who doesn't believe in magic grows up with a mother clinging to the family history of seers and prophets
>one day a witch accosts her looking for her mother
>girl makes the dumb mistake of running home and her mother gets killed by the witch with magic over an old grudge
>girl is rescued by an old friend of her mother's who she's never met before, who whisks her away to his circus where he plans to teach her magic along his emotionless assistant who looks an awful lot like her mom
>the problem is he's a narcissist and a hilariously incompetant guardian and teacher who thinks the best way to teach his ward divination like her mother is to throw her into extremely dangerous quests against monsters living in the parks, alleys and subway tunnels hoping she just figures it out
>the girl barely survives these encounters by the skin of her teeth and starts piecing together her mother's past
>The family friend is actually her mother's former lover. She left him because he was so self-involved
>the assistant is his thrall who he has dress up to look like her mom. She's also the witch who killed the mom
>The family friend is so conceited that he didn't realize she was his daughter until she reverse-vaders him

>> No.9863621

I am sick and tired of this. Every day I come to /lit/, and every day there is at least one thread up with an OP image of an attractive woman dressed scantily and posing seductively. It's probably the same one or two people who do it honestly. Let me tell you something, you faggot pieces of shit who are doing this: you are the poster child for everything that is wrong in literature, art, and society as a whole today. You are incapable of coming up with anything creative, thought provoking, or of substance, and you lack even the smallest modicum of intelligence, so you use "style" and "flash" and pizazz in place of it and to draw attention to yourself, because that's the only way your SHIT "creation" and ideas would ever get seen by anyone. And before you say anything, this has NOTHING to do with the fact that I don't have a girlfriend. Anyway, I will be petitioning the owner of this website to ban your asses, so enjoy being able to post here while it lasts, because it's not going to last long, just like you that one time you convinced an obese girl to let you fuck her..

>> No.9863644

Some promising bits here and there, and a lot of the stuff reminds me of Stardust.

How does her science background play a role in the further plot?

An decent attempt to emulate Elliot. Hopefully you'll come up with a better PR gig though.

>> No.9863667

That's pretty comfy

>> No.9863672

The plot revolves around her solving problems and understanding magic through the lens of science.

Part of the overarching arc is that her magic requires her to breathe in a dragon's unburnt breath, and since dragons are long extinct she's pretty much got the only 3 vials left

As a result, she has to not only identify the substance, but figure out how to synthesize it, something the family friend has been trying to do with alchemy for years. it's hydrogen

>> No.9863698

Now that's pretty cool and adds a fresh touch to the formula.

>> No.9863725
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>> No.9863766
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ok here greentext

>meet cousin, cousin commander, and cousin accomplice
>query accomplice, commander and cousin
>we congregate
>i ambulatory towards owned property
>man of mass is next to me
>wants to congregate
>we form like mass coalition
>he makes hot vision to girl
>he wants the girl and him to congregate
>i say yes
>they say no
>they congregate with sex this time
>commander finds sex
>commander chase
>commander commanders vehicular
>commander finds man
>commander says "no cousin sex"
>commander says "man is facade"
>woman is ambiguous
>woman agrees with commander
>woman murder mass
>man kill self but only in spirit
>boar man actually kill man
>postmodernist meta reveal


>> No.9863883

Sorry, It would eventually come to light you plagiarized Monster.

>> No.9864651

>early american settlement
>town watchmen are tyrannical and corrupt
>forbid most people from leaving for fear of indians
>young man fancies himself an activist
>his generation are the first to have a vocal protest against the watchmen
>young man explores some nearby woods under the cover of night
>has a chance encounter with a witch
>makes a narrow escape
>rushes back to the town and tries to raise the alarm
>most townspeople don't believe him
>think that tales of witches are a conspiracy invented by the watchmen
>young man eventually joins the watchmen
>meets with the town sheriff
>sheriff is too old to maintain discipline within the watchmen
>sheriff is empathetic to the young man's criticism of the watchmen, but maintains they are necessary
>they travel together with a posse to slay the witch
>nowhere to be found
>return to town
>townspeople have organised an uprising whilst the sheriff was absent
>witch laughs as the town burns

>> No.9864671

this is great

>> No.9864674

I would steal it but unfortunately I wouldn't be able to gain artistic satisfaction if I did

>> No.9865533


>> No.9865690

I'm gonna describe it because I don't know how to greentext it.

I can separate the narrative into three groups of short stories:


The general idea is of an inspector for asylums in pre-WWI England. He is an employee of the british government sent to different asylums under the guise of an inspector when he is actually given specific criteria for patients to send back. He does not know what he is sending them back for or why, merely that the government wants them for something. Each story is of a different asylum and a different patient, or of a small portion of his life. Each story is not in chronological order but takes place over the course of two years between 1913 and 1914, just before than just as WWI begins. The Inspector is never named, merely referred to as Inspector. You find out over the course of the short stories that he suffers from severe OCD which caused the death of his mother and cost him his marriage. Part 1 ends when someone he was to send to the government commits suicide and he breaks under the pressure.

Part 2, physician occurs two years after Inspector after the main character put in to change positions and serve in the British military. He serves as a field position. Part 2 takes place between 1916 and 1917. In this he in fact reconnects with a few of the individuals he sent to the British government and is introduced to the ideas of 'The Light Shining Behind Their Eyes" and "A Connection Between Two Unlike Things'. Basically British occultism enforced upon mental patients. This chronicles further segregation of his life and his daughter's disowning of him, and how it sends him further into depression while being surrounded by the horrors of WWI.

Part 3 is the point at which he discovers the truth behind what those he sent to the government endured and why he was chosen in the first place. How his life, his wife, and his existence was on a course predetermined. This takes between 1919 and 1921 after WWI and mainly chronicles the main character as a homeless man in war torn Germany hiding from the British government.

>> No.9866010
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>ripping off an anime

>> No.9866961

Wait really?

>> No.9867038

it shares distinct elements, but it doesn't seem like a blatant rip off, and the story can be told in a drastically different light with a different plot

>> No.9867440

I had an idea years ago for a story like this

>a small family that moves into a house a girl was brutally murdered in years ago.
>Naturally it's haunted
>While initially the ghost terrifies the parents they realize she avoids doing anything when their young son is in the room
>Realizing she's just a teenage girl acting out they somehow manage to rope the ghost into babysitting one night and from there they start getting used to each other
>As the boy grows up and the girl doesn't, the age gap closes and they start developing feelings for each other
>the boy tells the girl his dream of moving to the city, but the girl points out that she's bound to the house and won't be able to come with him
>However, when the boy grows past her and starts dating a living girl it thrusts a wedge between them and she tries haunting seriously again
>by this point the boy knows its all talk and walks out on her
>while he's at prom the house burns down
>his family manages to miraculously escape because the girl saved them
>In the burnt-out skeleton of the old house the rescue workers find two things
>the first is an unburnt college acceptance letter for a university in the city
>it was preserved under a mirror on which the words "have a good life for me" are written in blood