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9861127 No.9861127 [Reply] [Original]

How does one go about writing a female character in my novel so that I'm not called sexist, if I never go outside to talk to women and never will, and in reality really hate them but don't want to get shamed in public for being a misogynist?

>> No.9861130

write a normal character and arbitrarily make them female instead of writing a female character

>> No.9861134

Just write the story will all male characters then when it's finished go back and change one or two at random to female. Just use Find&Replace for the names and switch the pronouns. Don't make any other changes. Feminism is predicated on a deep seething hatred for women and envy of men. By presenting men with female names you will fulfill the feminist impulse in their imaginations in a way that reality never can.

>> No.9861142

Stop caring about being called sexist. Caring about that is where you fail.

>> No.9861163
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>arbitrarily make them female

>> No.9861171

Write tomboys?

>> No.9861198

>mfw always subconsciously write stories from a female perspective
is this what trans people feel like?

>> No.9861226

>if I never go outside to talk to women and never will
Your story will be shit anyway, so don't bother, write her whatever pleases you.

>> No.9861234

Unironically, if you can write skillfully from your position of hating women, that will probably bring you more fame/wealth than writing yet-another-feminist book. This is especially true since you're clearly not in the upper echelons of feminist movements and academia, and thus even if you reeled in your true feelings, you'd be liable to be called a misogynist.

>> No.9861244

one thing. don't add in characteristics that turn you on. not saying make her ugly or decrepit, but if you subconsciously write your dream girl, then it will be evident.
other than that, you're all set. be creative

>> No.9861269

It's not a problem with you if you get called 'sexist', but of hysterical women.

>> No.9861313

Stupid advice. You CAN write characteristics you find attractive. Just don't go overboard.

>> No.9861332

I don't think anyone understands how a women behaves here, OP. Just write whatever bullshit you want.

>> No.9861399

thats right.
Write a character like you would do a male one then just say its a female

>> No.9861413

If you're a male writer being called a misogynist is inevitable. Probably every male genius of note has been called a misogynist by some academic feminist or other. So fuck it. Just make it interesting. That's all you have to do.

>> No.9861418

dont post lain

>> No.9861451


Why do you hate them? They're alright. Like all of us really flawed. They're also not your mom and won't love you unconditionally. They're more like cats in that respect.

>> No.9861456

show tits please

>> No.9861502

Cultural marxism is killing art. No literature for us, no transcendental aesthetic experiences, only Lgbt pocwocs screeching about oppression in those shrill 'marginalised voices' of theirs. We live in decadent times. The west has shunned strength and greatness for an all encompassing cult of victimhood. I don't know if this civilisation is bound to go quietly into the night, or if the Phoenix, the great Faustian spirit, is to be reborn from its ashes and fulminate everything that stands in its path as it once did. The men of our time aren't like the men from a hundred years ago. No Nietzsche, no Crowley, D'Annunzio or even a Lenin to be seen. Only non entities who seem tired of life and ashamed of their own existence.

>> No.9861549

I'd first dispel the illusion that anyone will pay attention to your work

>> No.9861608

Easiest way is to have the character killed off shortly after introduction. A red shirt character in other words.

>> No.9861614
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>> No.9861791

Make her incredibly over the top and shallow, then say it's social commentary

>> No.9861883

Dostoyevski did it and no one complains