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/lit/ - Literature

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986036 No.986036 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I'm itching for some fantasy in the worst way. I've already read the big stuff (LotR, WoT, SoFaI, Shanara), hit me with something good.

Anything not /lit/, but still fantasy, would be awesome, too.

>> No.986040

is SoFaI a weird acronym for Song of Ice and Fire? That is /lit/ go-to recommendation for fantasy fans.

If you haven't read it yet, you should.

>> No.986043

Yeah, it is. I thought it was "Fire and Ice", my bad. I really didn't feel like typing out all those titles.

>> No.986044

check out China Mieville

>> No.986045

I don't know what to say then, because I'm not a fantasy fan. /lit/ is really slow at these hours so hold on tight and someone should give you a recommendation soon.

There's also a fantasy recommendation list at 4chanlit.wikia.com under "Recommended Reading" if you don't feel like waiting.

>> No.986046


/troll mode off

>> No.986048

All joking aside, that's the last thing I read. I finished East of Eden, and just reread it.

>> No.986063

Chronicles of Amber. First 5 books are amazing, decond 5 are bit less interesting, but overall, great series.

>> No.986066

OP, OP, listen to me, don't listen to these shit-munchkins recommending their D&D novels.

Get Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. It is too early in the morning for me to describe it but here:


Thank me later.

>> No.986067

I was going to ask what it's about, but I get the feeling I already know the basics.

>> No.986083


If you thought "Chronicles of Narnia", go commit seppuku.

>> No.986107

It may be a difficult find but I did enjoy the Moretta series. She was a dragon rider.
I forget how many were in the series though, it's been forever. It's by Ann McCaffrey.

>> No.986119

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever is God Tier Epic Tolkien Level Fantasy.

>> No.987402

I was really referring to the fact that pretty much all fantasy sort of follows the same guidelines for stories, but it looks like I was mistaken here.

Also, daytime bump.

>> No.987432

Prince of Nothing series

>> No.987464

His Dark Materials

>> No.987470

I'm about 100 pages into the first book and it is pretty shit tier so far.

>> No.989195

The Curse of the Chalion by Lois Bujold
David Eddings Belgariad
Jim Butcher's Furies series
Sir Apropos Of Nothing by Peter David
Jane Linskold's Firekeeper series

>> No.989201

Curse of Chalion and Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold.

>> No.989335

the swordswoman

>> No.989344


you know, Bujold is my favorite Author, but I didn't think Paladin of souls was all that. I'd call it her second worse book, after diplomatic immunity. Don't get me wrong, Curse of the Chalion is one of her most amazing works, but Paladin felt really weak - for fantasy, I'd prefer her The Spirit Ring [which really shows her early attempts] and The Hollowed Hunt [which started slow but worked itself into something nice in the end] to Paladin of Souls. I also really like her new Sharing Knife/Wide Green World series

>> No.989358

Have you not read Dune? It's kind of cheesy at times but it's definitely worth reading.

>> No.989387

It's more sort of steampunk, but the Gormenghast stuff is incredible.

>> No.989664

gormenghast is mad old, i think it predates steampunk

>> No.989666

Gormenghast is /lit/.

>> No.989673
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>> No.989675


pick one