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/lit/ - Literature

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9857921 No.9857921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have a /lit/ gf?

>> No.9857935
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Because I am the /lit/ gf.

>> No.9857943

probably you look like a man desu

>> No.9857948

ebin :DD

>> No.9857952 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9857953

Ironically I look quite a bit like Sasha without fake up.

>> No.9857962

Clearly because I don't like to read secondary material, though Kaufmann still is a good translator but I'll never forgive him for not doing Faust II

>> No.9857966

Because I don't leave the house and I live in a poor area where nobody reads anyway.

>> No.9857970

well then you get my point

>> No.9857981

This is the most /lit/ picture to ever grace this board. The Greeks would be proud.

>> No.9857991

my gf has left genre and ya, and decided to becoming /lit/

>> No.9857994

>Approving of gays
When will this meme end? Just because they didn't fucking drown them in bogs and permitted gay bath houses doesn't mean they approved of the practice as a whole culture

>> No.9858026

Homoerotic masculine aestheticism is the most /lit/ kind of artwork, the Greeks knew that. Homosexuality is the patrician man's rejection of femininity entirely in favor of existing purely in the masculine sphere. Exceptions might be made for purposes of reproduction, but even then they would cut the woman's hair short and dress her in men's clothes in Sparta to ease the transition.
Don't be chained to femininity, don't be a beta.

>> No.9858035

This is a very sveedish post

>> No.9858040

The true power of MGTOW autism has been revealed!

>> No.9858049



>> No.9858060

>is irish

>> No.9858151

Because I can't have a normal interaction with people, and strangers intimidate me.

>> No.9858169

>But speaks English as if he were from rural Scandinavia

>> No.9858182

Because the last literary girl I liked only read Harry Potter and Ready Player One,meanwhile she struggled to get through One Thousand Years of Solitude

>> No.9858198

'Literary' girls, like all other women, don't want beta boys who spend all day inside reading, they want a grown and assertive man.

>> No.9858201

(You) must be joking. The Spartan military were hardly lonely virgins sent their own way that tipped fedoras and stumbled around with dusters hiding their death-fat bodies.

>> No.9858211

>/lit/ girls want assertive chad
>/lit/ girls are college educated
>assertive chads work manual labor jobs or trades that require site training or trade school
>college educated women universally refuse to "date down" below their income and education bracket
>want a college educated chad who is also a bodybuilder who also makes six figures and reads philosophy for fun
>the dozen or so of these guys are already married
>/lit/ girl adopts cats and complains online
>eventually posts a period selfie with red wine in her hand

Every time.

>> No.9858263

I'm not trying to take the blame away from some women for having ridiculous standards, but why aren't the /lit/ men trying to be more masculine or assertive themselves?

>> No.9858296


>> No.9858299

Because that would require self-awareness and effort.

>> No.9858300

>/lit/ women
>High class women wanting high class men
>A problem
>Men who are assertive and healthy all work blue collar jobs

>> No.9858302


In a word? Autism.

>> No.9858336

>implying I even have friends

>> No.9858396

I try to exercise but I'm a lazy prick who would rather lay around and read instead.

>> No.9858452

I can't speak for everyone, but dating and sexuality in general is extremely low on my list of interests. I jog every day and am in good health, but I won't pretend to be someone I'm not or try to change my personality.

>> No.9858457

(You)r opinions are bad.

>> No.9858558


>> No.9858626

>Spartans were homosexuals
>Sparta is the best ideal of western man
They were a bunch of savages

>> No.9858648

t. Athenian cuck

>> No.9858664

If she understands a fucking THING I'll let her lick my balls.

>> No.9858676

I'm sure she's enthused at the prospect.

>> No.9858677

Girls say my balls are great, but that's only because my dick is small.

>> No.9858689

>women don't like licking genitals

>> No.9858709

I feel a deep sense of shame regarding my sexual desires rendering me unwilling to even reciprocate advances from women. I should probably see a therapist, but I also feel a deep sense of shame regarding my mental health rendering me unwilling to admit to anyone other than myself and anonymous web strangers that I have issues.

>> No.9858711

why do you have shame for being heterosexual? what kind of spooks you on bro?

>> No.9858714

Maybe you should try men.

>> No.9858715

i have a /phil/ gf who lawyers me sometimes. it's hot af tbphwitufam thanks for asking

>> No.9858719

I don't think anon is talking about heterosexuality in general, but his sexuality personally. Stemming from a sense of inadequacy or a feeling of insecurity.

Agreed here.

>> No.9858739

>>9858719 hits the mark.

Would be willing to experiment in theory but in practice that shame gets in the way. I'm glad I'm not gay since I'd be even more ashamed than I am currently.

>> No.9858799


>Would be willing to experiment in theory
>I'm glad I'm not gay

No offense but I'm pretty sure if you'd be down for that in theory then you're actually gay. Just go and live your life dude.

>> No.9858829

>Just go and live your life dude.
This. Please exponentially increase the risk which you may contract rectal cancer, anal prolapse, and AIDS. Plz Anon, think of the children. Those sexy, sexy children.

>> No.9858833

I'm glad I'm near-exclusively attracted to women and would only ever consider sleeping with a male to satisfy a vague curiousity, then? I'm not really concerned with such categorizations, the point is I'm a fag, just not the traditionally homosexual kind.

>> No.9858835

Pedos pls go.

>> No.9858956

stop sounding like me!

>> No.9858975

Just give it up, we're disgusting animals. We live, we fuck, we die. There's nothing for us, just use people for your pleasure and allow yourself to be used. It doesn't matter if you take part int he orgy or not, you'll die the same. You aren't gaining or losing anything.

>> No.9858979
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>> No.9858983
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>/s/asha has been retired for a decade
>milena retired at the end of last year
tfw you are getting old

>> No.9858985

I do squats and planks to try and not be a fat lard

>> No.9858998



>> No.9859002

You're right, but this anon >>9858979 is also right.

does this word mean anything anymore?

>> No.9859008

if it's any consolation Tori Black came back yesterday for a bunch of lesbian scenes

>> No.9859032

Honestly I don't think two /lit/erari really works. All the best relationships I've seen one person is the head and one is the heart. Find a woman who loves and supports you guys, don't hold out for someone you feel to be your 'intellectual equal.'
Talking about books is boring anyway, it's a solitary activity.

>> No.9859067
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>Find a woman who loves and supports you guys

>> No.9859080
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>We're all going to die!

>> No.9859104

my wife is nice, doesn't read much, but listens to me rant about you guys and the books i read, it's pretty nice. she doesn't really have intellectual pursuits like i do, but can hold a conversation and is sweet enough to be patient with me as i stumble to tell her about this concept or that. i think a relationship built on the similarity of interests is one of the most shallow to exist. that as well as the lust ridden relationship are the shortest ones in my opinion. i mean, say you have similar interests, eventually you both know whatever the other has to say about the subject, and then what? you go hunting new stuff together? it's fun as a friendship level, but is it ultimately fulfilling? no. i think they have to be built on tougher stuff. sharing morals, supportive intent, trust. bullshit like that.
lit bros are the only people i need for my passion, my hobby. love is not the realm of mere interests.

>> No.9859106

traps are still men

>> No.9859109

Morrigan always supported me

>> No.9859111
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I'm working on it.

>> No.9859113
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>> No.9859121


>> No.9859130

to be honest i had to be an alternating current of total prick and swee t pie to get her, plus i'm hilarious, so that makes up for how hideous i am. just gotta work at it, i met her on yahoo for chrissakes man, just gotta look and look, had a harem of chatsluts before i found her, and cut all the others off. i guess that implies that i have some game or whatever, but i don't feel too different from many on this board. there are a lot of women who will hate you entirely. also a lot that think with their clits and will jump all over you with little effort. there are some who don't know what they want but are lonely and fairly innocent (fairly). that's what i went with. it's funny, yahoo chat shut down three months after i met her. fate? obviously.

>> No.9859180

>Fuck life just make your life worse by making impulsive decisions that makes everyone else's life hell too
Yeah nah go fuck yourself