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9857608 No.9857608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is My Twisted World worth a read?

>> No.9857612

Just watch his videos instead


>> No.9857621

>is romantic bullshit worth reading because it is recent
Just read Werther mate. At least it has a beautiful prose. Goethe called it romantic bullshit himself in his older days.

>> No.9857630


*nasally voice*


>> No.9857748

>400 pages of "wah wah i never gets any powsi"
better than young adult shit

>> No.9857768

If you have never visited /r9k/ or /pol/ it's a solid insight in the mindstate of the typical poster there. If you expect more than ramblings of a little shithead, better pass.

>> No.9857769

100 or so pages. And due to the amount of reposition more like 80

>> No.9857774

The only manifesto ever worth reading was the Unabomber's. Didn't agree with most of his conclusions but the dude was very justifiably mad at the world.

>> No.9857775

yes, it's hilarious.

>> No.9857786

Kinda, its a total mess of a book, and very mind numbing at times. But its a good cautionary tale for people that are lonely incel autists. Its also extremely funny at times, in a very fucked up sort of way.

>> No.9857810
File: 170 KB, 473x704, supreme gentelman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And that is how my tragic life ends. Who would have thought my life will turn out this way? I didn’t. There was a time when I thought this world was a good and happy place. As a child, my whole world was innocent. It wasn’t until I went through puberty and started desiring girls that my whole life turned into a living hell. I desired girls, but girls never desired me back. There is something very wrong with that. It is an injustice that cannot go unpunished. There is no way I could live a happy life with such a scenario...
... All I ever wanted was to love women, and in turn to be loved by them back. Their behavior towards me has only earned my hatred, and rightfully so! I am the true victim in all of this. I am the good guy. Humanity struck at me first by condemning me to experience so much suffering. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t want this. I didn’t start this war... I wasn’t the one who struck first... But I will finish it by striking back. I will punish everyone. And it will be beautiful. Finally, at long last, I can show the world my true worth.

>> No.9857862

Listen to it on audio with Mumkey's narration, he's very emotive

>> No.9857898

Sounds like a JRPG villian desu

>> No.9857914

>I'm a victim someone give me power I'm a victim someone give me power I'm a victim someone give me power I'm a victim someone give me power I'm a victim
If you want to sit through hours of resentful whining, you might as well register for a women's studies class, at least they've perfected it.

>> No.9857924

Did he never question that it was maybe his fucked up personality that prevented him from getting girls? Dude was loaded and above average looking.
I mean he must have seen poorer and uglier dudes with women?

>> No.9857945

>above average looking
Check the OP pic again, he was a weird, autistic looking motherfucker. He looked exactly like the type of fuckwit who would take selfies and then kill people. No wonder girls avoided him. Plus if he was in private schools all the girls would've been rich as well.

Anyway, if a 10/10 girl wanted to fuck him after a date he seems like the kind of guy to pussy out and then say "but she only wanted my money the slut."

>> No.9858024

>Did he never question that it was maybe his fucked up personality that prevented him from getting girls?
If he had the ability to self reflect, he wouldn't be as obnoxious and get some pussy easy.

>> No.9858074


Never read it, so I wouldn't know.

Hey, you know what'd be cool? Someone subjected to the same treatment this kid had, but instead of getting violent, he just wreaked havoc behind the scenes?
Imagine this kid with the knowledge of a spy. Would he have paid people to infiltrate the lives of his sister and mother? It would be fairly easy imo, and he could have got some dirt, maybe? Kid wasn't very smart.
I wanna see an anarchist who is also a law abiding citizen, who scares the White Collar criminals, who think they're so safe behind their hedge funds and money and connections. I wanna see someone who gets thrown a bone, and when he's told to give it back, he simply says: "No.".

I wanna see an anarchist who fights fire with fire, commits no violence, but still sues the ever-living shit out of his oppressors and comes out on top, or even forces them to destroy themselves through his own virtue.

This kind of guy wouldn't even write a manifesto, he'd be so low-key.

>> No.9858114

I fucking love My Twisted World, and would encourage anybody to read it for all sorts of reasons. He's brutally honest about everything in his life (except maybe his latent homosexuality) and despite that he's unable to self-analyze at all. It's a really fascinating read.

>> No.9858230

This. It's like he has a mental block in several areas of his cognitive functions that he is unable/unwilling to parse. This is direct contrast to someone like the underground man who is more aware of his faults the more he writes

>> No.9858321

Yes, it contains masterful prose and allows one to relate to his feelings of isolation.
There's an audiobook on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl6BfFCErBQ

>> No.9858620

I'm just throwing this out there. But I think he was homosexual. I just can't help noticing it. Not only that but I think he might have had a feminine gender identity. I say this because when this happens in a biological homosexual, you genuinely believe you are heterosexual because heterosexual sex genuinely turns you on. It's just that when you go to interact with actual women that you realize it can't be done. He honestly could have had a girlfriend provided he was actually straight. He's handsome, rich, intelligent, etc. But I think actual sexual contact with women would have unraveled him. Reality would hit and he'd face the inevitable humiliation. There is a dual humiliation involved here. You are humiliated for failing as a male, and, becasue you have an implicit feminine identity but lack a female body, you are bested by females in the competition for men, and humiliated that way too. Elliot and I were a lot alike (intelligent, arrogant, and obsessed with power) but I accepted pain. Pain is transformative. You grow stronger when you just face up to the truth. Anyway, he might be a legit heterosexual. But the way he dresses, etc. and the fact that if he lost a little weight he'd look pretty attractive as a female make me wonder.

>> No.9858640

Also he talks about never being taught how to get women. Well honestly that's not something that has to be "taught." Sry but it isn't. Just listen to your body and feel the woman out. You know when she wants it. It's just you don't trust yourself and you're afraid of getting it wrong. But that's not teachable. It's trial and error. That's why people get drunk.

>> No.9858691

This is the type of advice that led to rape whistles being invented.

>> No.9858710

>e-veryone is in t-the closet hurr
fucking kill yourself homo

>> No.9858717

I don't think this means he was gay, he just was sheltered and had all his needs provided to him as a child, but never transitioned properly during puberty. He probably was on the autism spectrum as well, he developed a Patrick Bateman-like obsession with fashion and grooming, but not severe enough to be diagnosed. I read MTW, and he seemed like a late developer who was overwhelmed by sex when other kids started talking about it, and by the time he started having those feelings, he was hopelessly behind the other kids, both socially and physically. Getting picked on a lot didn't help him and probably destroyed whatever confidence he might have been able to develop.

>Well honestly that's not something that has to be "taught." Sry but it isn't. Just listen to your body and feel the woman out. You know when she wants it.

This is just not true for many guys, it really does have to be learned in many cases (or maybe "socialized" is the proper word to use), especially if they're sheltered like Elliot was.

>But I think actual sexual contact with women would have unraveled him.

I agree with this, though. If a woman had offered to have sex with him, he probably would have run away. Not because he wasn't attracted to her, but because his entire identity and self-concept was built around hating himself and everyone else for not having had sex. He would have probably had a mental breakdown had he actually had he gotten alone with a girl and things started progressing towards sex.

>> No.9858718

this is what makes people who can't get laid even more depressed and angry, everyone just assumes they're fags in denial, sometimes i just go with it tho because in 2017 i'd rather have a chick think i rejected her interested because i'm a fag rather than an autist

>> No.9858720
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daily reminder that he was a beta cuck

>> No.9858727

Well I'm gay so I'm only guessing

>> No.9858734

Well no. I'm saying this about him in particular because he looks and sounds gay. He just does. I'm gay. I've been around gay males my whole life. I know a gay when I see one. And it's almost painfully obvious for me. I wouldn't say this about any other mass shooter I'm familiar with. But Elliot looks legit gay to me.

>> No.9858735

>guy who could never get laid is a beta cuck

i don't think we needed a reminder for that, faggot

>> No.9858741

just because he was a pretty boy doesn't mean he was a fag, you probably think fat motorcycle guys in leathjackets are straight

>> No.9858746

also you must then be aware that closeted gay guys get tons of pussy

>> No.9858758


Not that anon and not gay but in the looks department everything about Elliot just screams "faggot", though I guess he'd could be just a metro-sexual who stepped over the line.

>> No.9858769

if he was actually gay then hearing about chads fucking girls would not set him off like that, just because you fucking homos have a crush on him doesn't make him gay, when i hear about some fags like foucault or herring getting gangbanged to death i don't get jealous cuz i'm not a homo

>> No.9858828

But if he has a feminine identity he might legitimately think he's heterosexual. And notice that his target is principally females. That's who he really hates. He considers chads to be a bunch of inferior brutes. But his real hatred is reserved for females. He's attracted to the heterosexual situation. But his real envy isn't the Chad. It's the female. If he was legit heterosexual I'd think the more likely source of envy (and therefore hate) would be alpha males. I could be wrong. Lots of heterosexual killers want to punish women for humiliating them. But those guys usually aren't as effeminate as Roger.

>> No.9858836

>And notice that his target is principally females.

this was fake news by liberal media with an agenda, and quite frankly anti-asian racism. he killed three asian men and shot two whites girls, but the media reports it as evil white male going on a spree killing women. yellow lives clearly do not matter to the jews at cnn and nytimes.

>> No.9858841

it's interested if you've been following the new asian lawsuit against elite universities for affirmative action that descriminates on asians there is a asian vs jew showdown for the future of the american ruling class coming this century, the jews had used affirmative action to reduce the number of white gentiles at the ruling class universities in america, but the collateral damage was keeping asian enrollment low, well the asians want what they worked for, gonna be fun to sit back and watch this one play out

>> No.9858850

the thing is though he clearly viewed himself as chad tier guy tho, so its not like the chads were stealing his women, the women were foolishly picking lesser men

>> No.9858851

Yeah that's who killed in fact. But he wanted to murder all the girls at a sorority. Had he succeeded in doing that the real target of his rage would have become manifest in the body count.

>> No.9858912

Well he viewed himself as more than Chad tier. He thought he was a veritable God. Which tells me he's compensating for a proportionately large sense of his inferioirty. Also it's not a terribly good sign that you've adapted well to the male gender role when you think killing a bunch of females in a sorority house is your ticket to being an "alpha." Most men don't have to go to any violent or aggressive extreme to show the world they are men. And it's unlikely they would think killing a group of the people they adore most in the world is somehow the ultimate male act. The logic is twisted. I honestly think that the more masculine the female the more she is likely to hate men (think radical feminist lesbians) and the more effeminate the male the more likely he is to hate females (think Otto Weininger). It might come down to a kind of instinctual competitiveness.

>> No.9858920

>Most men don't have to go to any violent or aggressive extreme to show the world they are men.

tell that to the african-american community and the muslim world

>> No.9858931

i see what you're saying but what about the middle aged guy who shot up a yoga class of milfs at some gym? was he really a tranny? according to his manifesto his brother was a dick who beat him up in front of any girl he tried to get with, and his brother married some submissive asian who he dominated, which is similar to rodger's experience with his mom basically be a hollywood slut, the on set "nurse" like we and rodger all know the only thing she was curing was stiff dicks, so i think his hatred of women was from that

>> No.9858940


>I know a gay when I see one

just stop m8

>> No.9858997

>if he has a feminine identity

Please shut the fuck up, this lets me know your a retard.

>> No.9859005

>gender identity

fuckin dropped, gtfo faggot

>> No.9859015

It's funny for like 20 pages, due to how ridiclously narcissist Elliot, then it gets extremely tedious once you get used to it.
As you can imagine, it has no literary value.

>> No.9859103
File: 42 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, no. clearly you've never paid lookism any attention, as you're spouting your opinion as if it were fact.

in order of relevance wrt anthropological and psychological empirical evidence:
>solid bilateral symmetry.
>solid midface ratio, over 0.9. good eyes - developed brow ridge for a moderately deep-set appearance, well-developed lateral and infraorbital rims, good antero-superior zygoma development as well.
>clear skin and passable haircut.
>gonial angle appears to be <135 degrees.
>wide inter-ramus.
>chin width errs on the smaller side, but given all prior factors this is negligible. look at male models in east asia for reference. only the aforementioned factors are truly priority and universal.
>no elephant nose or dumbo ears.
>lips are suboptimal, but rank low in importance.
>consider also his sister is relatively attractive, in the big picture. it is true that siblings will not necessarily have the same degree of attractiveness to the opposite sex, but this is the exception and not the rule. see pic related. even if you are not interested in her, she clearly not below dating.
>also consider that he is rich.

>> No.9859107

Who's the chad assassin?

>> No.9859112

do u live under a rock, some turkish fag who shot a russian diplomat for the cia during obama admin

>> No.9859120

No, like all autists he tends to repeat himself while also using very odd words and phrases to demonstrate his feelings. He constantly reuses the same statements (shit like "I feel the emptiness of my loneliness) and never goes beyond a fifth grader in terms of writing. It really is just the ramblings of an insane man and once he starts fantasizing about concentration camps full of women he can torture it just goes full retard.

It's entertaining to read to see how fucking bonkers he was but otherwise feels like something a 15 year old edgelord would write on LiveJournal which in essence it sort of was.

>> No.9859735

This. Ted Kaczynski has a genius level IQ, and has quite a few articles on mathematics published. Though I wouldn't go as far to say that he was justified, he articulated his points very well. His dissection of the liberal psyche is right on the money.

>> No.9859777

Why the fuck is this shit getting discussed regularly on here? For cultural reasons, sure, pretty much anything is worth reading if you are interested in the context and such. But in terms of literary merit: a bitter angry insecure loser with zero critical thinking skills and a massive sense of entitlement wrote a hundred page manifesto about how 'women are whores'. Do you really think that it's going to be good? Fucking hell, /lit/ is getting worse and worse every week

just kidding, it's always been awful

>> No.9859782
File: 75 KB, 200x173, cc8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to sit through hours of resentful whining, you might as well register for a women's studies class, at least they've perfected it.

spot on

>> No.9859795

It's actually pretty good. It lulls you into a weird sense of forgetting what he did, and then toward the end it gets really intense really quick. And some of the episodes are pretty vividly rendered.
The moron could possibly have become a successful writer had he not gone off the deep end.

>> No.9859805

He was a little bit weird looking, sure. Really big lips, for example. But I think 90% of the unattractiveness comes from his psyche shining through his facial features. Had he gotten his psyche together and become less hateful, those same features could have looked attractive. Certainly attractive enough for him to develop a good sex life, in any case. Maybe he also would have had to lift some weights every now and then, but nothing crazy.

>> No.9859813

>Did he never question that it was maybe his fucked up personality that prevented him from getting girls?
From what I remember, either not at all or only very briefly. He was extremely stupid on that issue.

>> No.9859827

>Just listen to your body and feel the woman out.
100% this. But guys who are uncomfortable with their sexualities and think there's something wrong with having lust (for whatever reason) can sometimes take a long time to get it or not get it at all. I was Eliot-level bad with women when I was 15 or so, I just never had as much hate for them as he did. I studied pick-up artist stuff and started being able to get laid, but it was still this big chore for me, sort of intellectualized and detached. It wasn't until I was about 30 that finally it just "clicked" and I realized that all you have to do is be comfortable with your sexual desire and let your arousal guide you.
There's a big difference between needy ego-lust and relaxed genuine arousal. The former is rapey. It still proceeds from the mind - you're not really aroused, you just crave some form of validation to fill your ego. That's not lust, though. If that's all you're comfortable with, you're not actually comfortable with your sexuality. Ego-lust starts from a feeling of lack and craves to fulfill this feeling. Relaxed arousal is completely different. It's when you feel sexual pleasure just standing there because you're in touch with your sexuality. And you naturally radiate that outward from yourself. Women you encounter notice it and flirtation just naturally happens when you interact with them in that aroused state.

>> No.9859838

>romantic bullshit
I wouldn't really call it romance...

>> No.9859839

Cont. I would agree, however, that this kind of advice could potentially be misinterpreted by men who are really far gone in their heads, with possibly bad consequences.

>> No.9859844

To think, all of this could have been avoided by hiring a prostitute. Imagine being dumber than Chris-chan.

>> No.9859848

Google romanticism

>> No.9859853
File: 126 KB, 504x238, IMG_4397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope this thread does not die soon, when /lit/ discusses something like this, the responses are pure gold.

>> No.9859863

goddammit, death valley was such a good show.

>> No.9859869

The way it was cancelled, was a huge cliff hanger. So many questions left unanswered .

>> No.9859879

Yeah. It was awful. All the shows I end up getting into get cancelled, or so it seems, and while I try to be zen about it, it's hard not to be bitter. Especially because it's hard for me to get into a show.

Bullet to the Face
The Fades
Motor City
And about 100 more that I can't remember now.
But I suggest checking out Galavant. Great show.

>> No.9859912

Read his manifesto before you start spewing your /pol/ shit
The men he killed were his roommates, murders he considered a necessary evil so he wouldn't immediately get the cops called and could carry out his master plan.
He makes it pretty abundantly clear his real target is women.

>> No.9859913
File: 7 KB, 407x108, 1499495654753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand, do you?

It's not about the sex, it's about a woman seeing you as attractive enough to fuck. Only the top tier males will ever feel desired by women.

>> No.9859914

He would go for long sessions of rage-fapping to violent pornography because he "couldn't control his urges" so I doubt it.

>> No.9859918

Sure, if by "top tier males" you mean "any guy who's at least average looking and puts in a bit of an effort".

>> No.9859920
File: 29 KB, 542x407, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your typical "top tier male".

>> No.9859924
File: 33 KB, 503x644, viWrSGr_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average men are unattractive to women.
The 80/20 rule is not a myth. The vast majority of men are judged to be below-averge in terms of attractiveness. A good personality is not enough to get girls.
Clearly a joke image.

>> No.9859925

>The vast majority of men are judged to be below-averge in terms of attractiveness.
Didn't the same study also claim that women do give people they didn't rate as too attractive a chance, while males avoid the women they rate as "not attractive" completely?

>Clearly a joke image.
Are you seriously claiming that there aren't tons of ugly men with girlfriends and wives? Take a walk outside from time to time, does every man with a woman strike you as Adonis?

>> No.9859931

>Are you seriously claiming that there aren't tons of ugly men with girlfriends and wives? Take a walk outside from time to time, does every man with a woman strike you as Adonis?

LTRs mean nothing. Absolutely nothing. Only top-tier males can get casual sex from women. That's what the 80/20 rule is all about.

A average or below-average man can marry a used-up slut who's slept with dozens of bad boys and jerks. He'll have to buy her gifts and do chores to get sex.

>> No.9859933

I agree that the people in the image probably aren't sex partners. However, regarding your chart: the thing is, two men with identical bone structure and other gross physical traits can look radically different in terms of attractiveness depending on what sort of "vibe" comes out of them.

>> No.9859941

Cont. And most men put out an unattractive vibe on top of having average looks. You can move from the left towards the right of the chart by improving the vibe that you give off. Don't get me wrong, if you're grossly obese or deformed it won't work. But if you're just a run-of-the-mill average looking guy, you can move to the right of the curve.

>> No.9859948

So first it was just "feeling desired and loved and not sex" now you want tons of chicks jumping on every dick?

>> No.9859951

The truly sad thing is that if he ever did get a girlfriend he'd quickly realize that pussy is vastly overrated, women are still shit even when they like you, and their love is ultimately worthless.

>> No.9859957

Well, the mistake is connecting love to it at all. It's fundamentally lust, if any love is involved it's orthogonal. It's madness to expect love from sex.

>> No.9859964
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Nope nope nope. "Vibes" are influenced solely by your attractiveness. Women don't care about your social skills or behaviour if you're hot.

Have you ever heard of the halo effect? It applies to both genders, but it's far crueller to average men than it is for average women.

>> No.9859992

Have you tested your theory out in real life?

>> No.9860001

>no woman has ever given you a slightest hint that they consider you to be a human being
Why not just have a female acquaintance then? You can have female friends and talk about general issues or something, not everything about the opposite sex has to be sexual in nature.

I doubt that every woman out there looks at all males as potential partners, it's all just a matter of being good at socializing.

>> No.9860043

>"Vibes" are influenced solely by your attractiveness
No. It's called thin slicing. Yeah, ugly people suffer this more because ugly people are portrayed as villains in our media, and low self esteem might contribute to aversive body language and behavior, but as long as you're not hideous, being a genuinely courteous and confident person will net you pussy. They might not be hot, but if all you're trying to get is a hot piece of ass, then you're a hypocritical piece of shit anyway.

>> No.9860047

Problem 1 was that he didn't know anything about socializing or how to be be friends with anyone.

Then, he says he wanted to be treated like a human being but the rest of his manifesto he complains that women aren't throwing themselves at his feet to worship him.

This guy was largely disconnected with reality.

>> No.9860294

>He's handsome, rich,intelligent

He's a hapa, his dad's rich, not his mother or him, and he's borderline retarded.

>> No.9860347
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I'm 40 pages in and it's pretty good but I don't get the funny parts you guys are talking about I haven't laughed once yet

>> No.9860435

the real descent to madness comes when he moves to santa barbara

>> No.9860791

Yay, an Elliot thread. They are not starting these at r9k anymore, as they die too soon as I am too busy to keep them up. :) Also I have noticed a huge influx of Elliot threads on different discussion forums. They (the guys in FBI) are possible trying to make r9kers to start new accounts on those forums to be able to follow his fans easier that way.

And yeah, his manifesto IS WORTH READING. Also there might be his handwritten journals published some day.

>> No.9860920


>> No.9861020
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Yes it is. You're just not worth being a reader of it. ;)

>> No.9861034


The only way to do it

>> No.9861040

there's a hilarious bit where he throws his iced coffee out of his car window all over a couple because they were holding hands

>> No.9861044

How different would he be if he read Stirner?

>> No.9861892

It has to be judged on a case by case basis. Plenty of heterosexual men feel humiliated by females and set about killing them. I'm not familiar with the shooting that you're referring to but he sounds conventionally masculine and straight and so it's hard to speculate about what drove him to kill. No doubt he hated women. But what impresses me about Elliot is how effeminate he is. The killers at Aurora or Newton or Virginia Tech struck me as fairly conventional in this respect. Lots of people on here suspect autism. Idk. I think that term gets thrown around too loosely to describe any male that's socially incompetent or awkward. In Elliot's case I don't think he was autistic. Being effeminate can cause a male to have a very hard time socially. It can also be a source of terrible humiliation. So that plus arrogance and a good dose of vitamin T can fuel murderous aggression and power obsession. People typically think of effeminate males as weak, womanly, and harmless. But the fact is you still have a male ego. And while a decent portion of your brain is no doubt feminine. Other parts are decidedly not. I've never heard of a female Hitler. Of a female so consumed and obsessed by power she was willing to sacrifice her looks, her comfort, her happiness, everything, so that she could watch her armies pound the pavement. And make the civilized world tremble. The females I know can't honestly begin to imagine why men do these kinds of things. They think men should be more like them. And that the world would be a better place. No doubt that's true. But it's impossible. There is that implacable drive. To conquer to dominate, to master. Even the most effeminate male has that provided he's sufficiently intelligent. Females always struck me as more contented, more modest, more reasonable. And more stable. There is a lot to be said for that honestly.

>> No.9861979

Besides there is a reason the allies wanted to try doing this. http://mentalfloss.com/article/63629/time-allies-tried-disarm-hitler-female-sex-hormones

>> No.9861982

yes. hilarious, outsider art.


>> No.9862018

>doesn't read the manga first

>> No.9863809


He was a cuck, I bet he enjoyed his sister getting plowed.

>> No.9865008

It's hilarious and it gives a fantastic insight into "incels" and why Elliot did what he did. Reading it is like carrying on a conversation with somebody while you both walk around the edge of a bottomless pit, and the other guy pretends it's not there. He has a near perfect memory of everything that disturbed him from kindergarten onwards, which makes it funnier when he'll do something massively autistic and be completely blind to why it's his fault.

>> No.9865014

Or OJ D-Day when he sees a bunch of FUCKING CHADS AND STACIES at a park, so he buys a super soaker, fills it with orange juice, and soaks them from the Rodge Chariot.

>> No.9865020

Read his manifesto and try to say he wasn't autistic
>Seeing couples in public made him break down crying or threw him into rage
>Would tard rage and smash things when he was mad
>Locked himself in his room and played WoW for years
>Figured that he could become chad by emulating what he saw as stylish, instead came off as Patrick Bateman's more autistic counterpart
For starters.

>> No.9865033
File: 35 KB, 567x523, elliotstory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am writing a fantasy novel where Elliot wins the lottery like he always dreamed. Pic related is a small excerpt. I hope to have it published

>> No.9865044

damn, i'd be jelly of samuel too. no way i can plunge my dick through a closed room door.

>> No.9865101

This is a load of pseudo-scientific gibberish.

That reason is pseudo-scientific gibberish.

>> No.9865141

This. Being gay has gotten me so much tail. You guys should try it.

>> No.9865154

Bunch of pseudoscience used by insecure betas. I'm sure some of it has merit but we're not at the point where I trust this over gut feeling. Human facial recognition and analysis is way more sophisticated than our attempts to mimic it inorganically.

>> No.9865158

A lot of the clicking could be internalizing the things you were intelectualizing. Which takes many years so the time line is about right. Not that I disagree with you, your instincts know women a lot better than your mind does. But it could be a mix of both.

>> No.9865216

Yes, I would recommend it. The book is an amazing comedy. His original plan is so over the top and absolutely retarded that it will leave you laughing out loud.

His video's are not even nearly as funny.

>> No.9865229

>His original plan

can I get a quick rundown on this so called original plan?

>> No.9865275

Underrated post and fantastic idea, I would unironically buy this.