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9856782 No.9856782 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you finally realize that God is nothing but a subconscious hierarchy of morals imposed upon us by society
>tfw you realize that there is no underlying, objective morality and that life is ultimately pointless

I feel woke, lads. I spent 4 long years studying virtue through Plato, Aristotle, Epictetus, and The Holy Bible, but I finally feel free. I think I've reached the end game. What do I do now?

>> No.9856785

>What do I do now?
stop riding peterson's dick

>> No.9856789

Reddit is leaking again.

>> No.9856800

Make sure that you actually do what you want to do with your life, whether you measure it on a short or long term basis.

>> No.9856801

>tfw you realize that there is no underlying, objective morality
There IS human morality. Also ethics.
>and that life is ultimately pointless
If that is your conclusion, you haven't stripped yourself from the false dichotomy of meaning/-lessness at all.

>> No.9856811

i'm really interested in reading all of what you cited in your post, op.
but i don't want (neither think i'll reach this conclusion) to be like you and figure that ''life is ultimately pointless''.

>> No.9856830

I have literally never read Peterson. My conclusions are drawn just from the works listed in the OP. A mix of Platonic/Aristotlean philosophy mixed with a strongly metaphorical reading of the Bible inevitably leads to this, if you don't except that God actually exists and isn't just an abstract idea.

I would love to be proven wrong.

>> No.9856835

>if you don't except that God actually exists and isn't just an abstract idea.
sorry, I fucked this up. I mean to say that my conclusions are natural for anybody who doesn't accept God as an actual being and believes he is just an abstract idea

>> No.9856838

>tfw you realize that there is no underlying, objective morality and that life is ultimately pointless
Sounds like he hasn't even touched Peterson.

>> No.9856847
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>when you realize virture is aesthetics applied to the moral plane

>> No.9856854

Peterson argues for objective morality from evolutionary principles and against exactly your kind of materialistic nihilism. You should watch his lectures (ignore the interviews and everything else).

>> No.9856857


The idea that life is pointless is a massive blue pill. I hope you realize this sooner than later. Link very related


>Man cannot live consistently and happily as though life were ultimately without meaning, value, or purpose. If we try to live consistently within the atheistic world view, we shall find ourselves profoundly unhappy. If instead we manage to live happily, it is only by giving the lie to our world view.

>> No.9856858

The two greentext lines together give me the impression that he buys into everything Peterson says except for his pragmatist theory of truth. So while he accepts the hierarchy of morals concept being God he rejects the pragmatist truth Peterson draws from that.

>> No.9856860
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write something awesome & spread the love. i want some of that. gimme gimme
>tfw actually i already have enough & my problem is that i have to be writing more myself & not shitposting on muh beloved /lit/ like a goofball
>would prefer also to just leave some wiggle room & salute based wokefulness rather than ask for more when one already has enough
>so, should salute

anyways. gj opie. thx for the cheerful thought


>> No.9856863

I thought this when I was 14. Then I grew and realized that it's not an optimal way of living. Myth orients you and keeps you social. And social capital is power. Living apart from the social game we call culture is a recipe for ending up alone and resentful

>> No.9856864

i learned this after watching one episode of rick and morty lmao nerd

>> No.9856872

This is objectively false.

>> No.9856881


back, shoo

>> No.9856884

This is what newfags /pol/tards think.

>> No.9856886

Isn't what the OP said pretty much straight from Plato/Jung/Nietzsche? Why is Peterson always brought up when I see this kind of discussion on /lit/? Do you people even read or do you just watch his retarded youtube videos? Peterson is a hack who just extrapolated a few basic ideas from real thinkers like those I just mentioned.

>> No.9856892

>Icannot live consistently and happily as though life were ultimately without meaning, value, or purpose. If i try to live consistently within the atheistic world view, i shall find myself profoundly unhappy. If instead i manage to live happily, it is only by giving the lie to my world view.
Fixed for you.

>> No.9856894

Peterson accepts God as an evolutionary reality for the individual, not just a social conception.

>> No.9856896


>newfags /pol/tards

Looks like he's right.

>> No.9856900

OP's view is literally he opposite of Peterson's. This is good evidence that his detractors on /lit/ have no idea what he actually believes

>> No.9856908

which is what I said op rejects

see >>9856858

*cums on your belly*

>> No.9856915

If he rejects the cornerstone of Peterson's entire moral outlook, the you can't really say that OP is dick-riding him

>> No.9856921

its a loose dick riding, peterson has a wide anus

>> No.9856922

Oh just shut up. God is real. Can't we just start banning atheists?

>> No.9856923
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>thinking you've figured it all out
This is always funny to see on literature boards

>> No.9856935


>> No.9856943

>God is real
Do not laugh, do not laugh, do not laugh ...

>> No.9856946

Actually, if you believe in the "lie" that is your worldview, it could grant you purpose just as much as religion would.

>> No.9856952

>evolutionary reality for individual
>not a social conception
Have you faggots forsaken Zarathutsra now?

Also lol to that one guy who linked WL Craig's blog/faith-based pyramid scheme in. At least toss us some Archbishops if you want us to buy into your Christfag meme.

>> No.9856976

Who said this?

>> No.9857254


He's not a petersonfag
That's a middleschool tier realization my dude

>> No.9857258

>he failed kant
LMFAO @ ur "life"

>> No.9857354
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>tfw can't get past your own pitiful ego and accept God

>> No.9858477

Honestly I don't know if God exists, and I don't think I ever will. And the attempt to materialize God, put his concept on paper is probably not the best thing to do. Maybe the Holy Bible (and the rest) is the most fraud representation of God yet. But still, I can't just let myself think that there just isn't one, keeping in mind the fact that after thousands of years the human race and science doesn't have the slightest explanation of what the universe is and how big it is. Even if one day we define how huge the universe is, that still won't answer anything, considering the fact that the so called boundaries of universe aren't the real limit. Boundary is just a line between TWO "places". Well, what's the other place, then?

If it is somehow scientifically proven that God does exist, and we come in a direct contact with him, what if we hear him saying "Well, I doubt myself if there is something beyond the boundaries of my godly world, just like you doubted once".

Dostoevsky at some point in his life defined God as conscience. Because, go kill a cat in the street by strangling it, and you'll see if there is no "objective morality". One day you might punish yourself for killing that creature, even if the others don't know what you are punishing yourself for.

Hitler went crazy and shot himself in the end. "B-but Hitler-senpai faked his suicide". Yeah, and how do you know that isn't just another attention-seeking "conspiracy" theory.

Maybe I'm wrong about this, but I don't think we'll ever find out.

>> No.9858487


>God is nothing but a subconscious hierarchy of morals imposed upon us by society

How can you say this isn't an actual ethereal entity? Can you argue that we know enough about particle physics to state with certainty that this gestalt is not sentient?

There's you're pitfall. Welcome to square one, with the rest of us.

>> No.9858505

>What do I do now?
graduate high school

>> No.9858529

Congrats on actually changing you're views! You haven't "reached the end game," but don't listen to the abnormal number of dismissive comments ITT. If you're curious about this stuff, there's a lot of legit theology out there that begs to be taken seriously, as well as the likes of Deleuze's plane of immanence and Jung's discussion of symbols, that might greatly interest you.

>> No.9858911

Stop being a faithlet.

>> No.9858929

that's literally, one hundred percent, absolutely the exact opposite of what Peterson says

>> No.9858950

There is an underlying, objective morality though, and God is real. He's just not outside the universe. He's you.

>> No.9858957

>Can you argue that we know enough about particle physics to state with certainty that this gestalt is not sentient?

The point is that nothing we know about particles point in that direction (also I'm really hoping you're not going with the "particle are sentient cause of QM" bullshit).
If you think that particles may be sentient because we our knowledge of physics is incomplete, then every other possible theory must look the same to you.
I'll choose to be reasonable, and I'll avoid making preposterous claims such as yours as long as nothing in the sciences suggests that the theory being examined is true.
This means that YOU have to go back to the square one with us, where no proof of God is available (unless you are Spinoza).

>> No.9858961
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>yfw you realize that there is nothing but morality, that the very idea of existence contains within it a moral imperative, that morality is the substrate of social activity

>> No.9858972

If God is me, then my definition of God must be wrong.

Pretty much, or, at least, everything you've heard about God is just the prosuct of thousands of years of people pushing their own moralities on each other. As far as you, religion is nothing more than that (you certainly have no proof of God).
Don't let this paralyze you, there's nothing more pathetic than a man who waste his own life only because he was unsure about meaning.
If the lack of foundations for meaning and knowledge troubles you, always eemember that this reaction of yours (despair when confronted with the meaninglessness) is arbitrary itself. If the worls is meaningless, there is really no reason for you to be sad, other than to feel sad.

>> No.9858977
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>tfw you realize that literally every aspect of society depends on the mode of production, especially morality, ethics ans metaphysics

>> No.9858980

>4 years to study plato
>Thinks finding morals subjective is the end game

>> No.9858986

It took you 4 years to realize something you would from the wiki page on nihilism?

>> No.9858993

Very nice

>> No.9859006

Dam probably the worst advice ever

>> No.9859009
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>Plato, Aristotle, Epictetus, and The Holy Bible

>> No.9859023
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>When you moralize aesthetics as virtue applied to the realized plane

>> No.9859026

It is impossible for humans to know anything about an objective moral system because the world is perceived subjectively by each individual which prevents all individuals from experiencing an objective moral system. I think of this position as the one Kant would have taken if he had applied transcendental idealism to morality instead of confining it to metaphysics (which was foolish of him).

>> No.9859027

Read The Outsider by Colin Wilson and realize you've barely started you pleb.

>> No.9859030


>> No.9859050


>t. Nietzsche

>> No.9859060

God, it's such a terrible show

>> No.9859070


Keep telling yourself that, Christcuck. It has a top tier 9.3 rating on IMDB (the most popular tv/film ratings site) which means most people enjoy it very much.

>> No.9859075

Yeah, i know people enjoy it, that's not what i said.

>> No.9859093

>whether something is good or not is based on its popularity

>> No.9859101

fucking idiot

>> No.9859122

You feel woke without a sense of profound mystical unity with all of existence.
Sure thing bud.

>> No.9859126
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i dream about summer glau

>> No.9859141
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>tfw you realize there's no return if you don't try to leave

>> No.9859152
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I'm jelly, dude. You get to have a full-on Nietzsche orgasm now.

Hint: it doesn't end there.....

>> No.9859643

I remember being 14
Did you really only read a handful of books in 4 years?

>> No.9859683

t. butthurt christfag who can't even discuss the interesting topic OP brought up without going full sperg with "muh G-God is uhnnndoubtadly r-real"

>> No.9859699

That's an interesting point, but if it was true wouldn't all the other important ideas become sentient as well? If the complex of ideas and morals who make "God" are sentient, why shouldn't "War" or "Love" be sentient as well?

>> No.9859706


>> No.9859742

God exists. The theology is settled.

>> No.9859776

>tfw started where you are without reading anything
>start reading and go the other way
God is necessary

>> No.9860153

The idea of "God" is only necessary if we have to establish ethics and morals, we don't need God as the creator of the world

>> No.9860437

Shut the fuck up you retarded tripfaggo

>> No.9860709


Are you trying to sound like an SJW?

>finally feel free

Good for you but I'd advise you to be suspicious of this feeling; time and time again I felt "free" only to descend into another crisis. One must always be rethinking their biases and assumptions, even the ones that seem to be liberating.

Also, I hope you don't think you're special. This is nihilism 101. You've got a long way to go.

>> No.9860718

>Also, I hope you don't think you're special. This is nihilism 101. You've got a long way to go.
The difference is that I came to this conclusion on my own, whereas you probably read a wikipedia page on nihilism

>> No.9860721

You should study some metaethics and actually learn something

>> No.9860749

Backpacking off this thread:
Should I read Neoplatonists before studying the bible?

>> No.9860754
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>noncognitivist spotted

get on somewhere.

>> No.9862102

>thinks he's free of illusions
>post screams ressentiment

You have to experience an emotional and spiritual crisis to grow in any capacity, which for me occurred when I finally understood all of my coping mechanisms for what they were: self-delusions. So no, I didn't reach this "on my own" and neither did you, because you clearly had to read some things before the thought arose. Do you seriously thinks your conclusions are novel? As others ITT have said, these are angsty middle-school ideas. The real work is attempting to build something new once you've destroyed the old illusions.