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9855707 No.9855707 [Reply] [Original]

What's your no.2 book in christian lit. Why?

Mine is pic related.

>> No.9855738
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This one, of course. assuming you mean the one you keep for perusal in the loo

>> No.9855886
File: 24 KB, 238x345, simoneweil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity and Grace, made me convert to Catholicism desu

>pic related my spiritual waifu

>> No.9855904
File: 44 KB, 332x499, 511GWdbVEZL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some actually innovative thinkers like pic related?

>> No.9855930


>> No.9855982

Good thread anon. Bump out of interest.

>> No.9856021

>Pajeeb terminology


>> No.9856047

Not a semitic demon worshipper, but The Cloud of Unknowing, lad.

>> No.9856245

The Imitation of Christ is a basic overview of Sklavemoral written by a cuckold loser in the 15th century, you should only read it ironically.

>> No.9856260

Oh look, it's the german Deschner Fedora getting triggered once again.

>> No.9856289
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Will there ever be a more based autobiography? Probably not.

>> No.9856297

>"lol are you triggered bruh?"
>is triggered himself or else he wouldn't have bothered
Why so hypocritical my nigger?

>> No.9856301

>calling every reply triggered
Your comments are just borderline retarded in every single christian thread. Why do you bother commenting on something you obviously know nothing about?

>> No.9856401

>know nothing about
Bitch, you don't know me. I was raised as a JW. Bible study was mandatory. And not just once a week. More like everyday. I know the Scriptures backwards and forwards. This religion ruined my life. This is why I bother replying in every Christian thread. Because I want you guys to be free from the shackles of religion. /lit/ is the only reason I'm alive, I thought I owe you as much.

>> No.9856422

I just finished The Power and The Glory, and while The Brothers K has some great ideas about God and what it means to be a Christian, I felt that TPaTG was a more concise, personal book. I loved how the ending was ambiguous, and that the Priest was redeemed despite his shortcomings throughout the novel. I think that it is essential reading for any Christian.

>> No.9856458

Being raised a JW, does not give you real insight into Christianity. I know this from experience.

>> No.9856480

You suck at reading comprehension.
>does not give you real insight
Dude, we literally studied the Bible from cover to cover. In depth. I got a better grasp of Christianity than you'llever have.

>> No.9856490

My ex brother in law was a JW, and the guy you're replying to is right. They take bible study very seriously.

Oh and nice spooks, fucking nerds.

>> No.9856517

You suck at reading comprehension. I was raised a JW too, I know the seriousness of Bible study. I read the Bible cover to cover a couple of times growing up. I read all the books, Daniel's Prophecy, the Revelation one, etc (the list could go on). Reading the Bible while a JW is like taking a guided tour through NYC. You'll never truly understand the city with the guide. The governing body twists the words in the bible. The NWT has been modified to suit their doctrine.

Wow, great, your brother in law, ex at that, was a JW, I'm sure you understand the religion more than someone who was actually raised a witness.

There is a common theme among JWs and ExJWs alike. The have a huge ego, they think they're smarter than other people. Current JWs look down on both non JWs and ExJWs, thinking how could they not see that this is "the truth". ExJWs look down on current JWs and anyone who is religious, the think, how could they fall for this BS, I'm much smarter than they are.

>> No.9856538

>The have a huge ego, they think they're smarter than other people
The fucking irony here, coming from the sardonic little ex-JW who thinks he's got Christianity figured out better than everyone else, including all the other ex-JWs, who are all just bitter.

>> No.9856545

quo vadis

>> No.9856547

>the Governing Body twists the Scriptures
Ok, tell me, oh Enlightened One, what interpretation is the (((right))) one? Because let me tell you, no matter who interprets the Bible there's always gonna be mistakes and inconsistencies.

Time to admit that maybe the Source book is at fault.

>> No.9856552

Lol this

>> No.9856553

Would The Divine Comedy count?

>> No.9856554


The ones with Apostolic succession, dumbo.

>> No.9856564

Hahahahahahaha good one
Didn't know you were a CathoCuck. That explains everything.

>> No.9856567

Listen "Bitch", I'm a european Catholic, we have nothing to do with your heresy so fuck of and keep your saltyness to yourself and stop beeing such a rethorical hemorhide. We get it, you're mad at your parents for giving you such a bad impression of christianity but going around and pestering your retarded views on everyone else will not make that any better. Sort yourself out.

>> No.9856588

Bitch, the Catholic Church is pedophile pestered monstrosity. How about you sort yourself out?

>> No.9856636

>can't even think off anythink else than the normie accusation
You already outed yourself to be an angry teenager which thinks his experiences are everything there is. Go grow out of your feelings and come back to it ince your hormones have settled.

>> No.9856649

Why do you feed the retards with attention in these threads?
Why not talk about the actual topic?
I've been going through the Church Fathers this year, Athanasius is really interesting. Essential reading of course against Aryans and why the Trinity is necessary for a correct reading of the scripture. Justin Martyr is also the first Christian exeget to my knowledge and his Dialogue with Typhro (not sure what the exact name was, read translation into a Slav language) sets up both how the Old Testament builds into the New and how we should treat the Jews, something which Nostra Aetate wrecked and will need to be recovered.

>> No.9856656

Yeah, why not?

>> No.9856709

>"This criticism is often brought up, therefore it's irrelevant"
Neck yourself, you abhorrent and filthy Catholic whore. The only reason why Catholicism is still relevant is because of shitty third world countries where people are still too poor to be properly educated. Look at the first world. The more educated a given populace, the less religious it is. Also, answer me one thing: was or was not Peter the first Pope?

>> No.9856724

You act like a Pavlovian dog with conditioned respones to the word 'Catholic'.

>> No.9856734

You didn't even come up with an argument based on what I said. I win.

>> No.9856758


pick one

>> No.9857523

Ironic considering that christians are the reason we have "Start with the Greeks" due to their autistic faszination with translating everything ancient.

>> No.9857527

It isn't nice to bully newfie's Anon.

>> No.9857530

I think he put no.2 because it's implied the Bible is the first one...

So what's your first favorite Christian book then that's even better than the Bible, sinner?

>> No.9857679
File: 70 KB, 612x612, 1b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no.2 clearly refers to longer business on the toilet bowl, such as benefits from the availability of a book

>> No.9857827

>Ironic considering that christians are the reason we have "Start with the Greeks" due to their autistic faszination with translating everything ancient.

and what has been the use of that, exactly? translations of what has been superseded pretty much ever since, i mean? would the world really collapse under its own weight if we were to decide to burn all greek lit? just lol

it sure takes more than that

>> No.9857909

>and what has been the use of that, exactly? translations of what has been superseded pretty much ever since, i mean? would the world really collapse under its own weight if we were to decide to burn all greek lit? just lol
Oh, it's retarded. :(

Sure what's the use of natural philosophy as the base for the renaissance.
What's the use of Aristotle beeing so highly approved that going against him was seen as going against the orthodoxy and therefore paving the ground for you being able to shitpost on a taiwanese dakimakura collecting fan forum?
Let's just clearly show that you haven't any clue on medieval culture and just larp "muh dark ages" and supposed supression and burning because you've seen it on muh based black science man althought it never had anything to do with scientific thought.

Plebs these days...What's next, telling us that they believed the earth was flat?

>> No.9858154

Dante's Divine Comedy

>> No.9858162

You're replying to bait friend

>> No.9858170

How come religion f@&$ up your life?

>> No.9858179

Nope, the Bible is part of the tradition. Christianity is not the Bible

>> No.9858196
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>Ok, tell me, oh Enlightened One, what interpretation is the (((right))) one? Because let me tell you, no matter who interprets the Bible there's always gonna be mistakes and inconsistencies.

Christ have you literally never heard of hermeneutics?

>> No.9858204
File: 61 KB, 480x270, Non-crotch-satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Milton

Paradise Lost, you plebs

>> No.9858250

Personal fav: Pilgrim's Progress. Best: Confessions of Augustine

>> No.9859584

>falling for Milton's shit tier bible fan fiction as actual literature
Whew lad

>> No.9859588

The Recognitions.

>> No.9860192

I know someone who's a JW and as an ex-Catholic now a non-believer, JWs interpretation of the Bible is wrong.

>> No.9860228

JW is basically a shitty christian pyramid scheme, right?