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9855221 No.9855221 [Reply] [Original]

The purpose of exploring for deeper truths is to eventually develop the means with which to create a greater meta-narrative for life, and thus raise life, for truth itself is cold and does not empower anything.

>> No.9855228

Decision makers who value safety will find it advantageous to protect each other and not harm each other, since one would lose very little and gain safety and much more when one cooperates with others. This is a secular basis for ethics.

>> No.9855233

If the world turned to face me, it would break.

>> No.9855248

I am No ones bloody keeper

>> No.9855257

Give me a secular yet absolute reason to value safety

checkmate atheists

>> No.9855260

know xirself

>> No.9855265

That's not all too original, just implied. It's been said many times that without God or purpose there is no reason to live.

>> No.9855276

Authenticity to oneself is the root of happiness and wellbeing, it only strengthens the purpose that one has in life. He who denies his true self to his soul, spirit and body is just trying to live up to the expectations of the false voices inside him. It's because of this that most modern men lives in depression, searching for something that isn't there.

I suppose most have figured it out and it isn't exactly new.

>> No.9855279

no reason to die prematurely either, since:

1: you're going to die anyway
2: post-death is unknowable, so you don't know whether you'll be better or worse off by offing yourself

therefore unless 1 or 2 changes (immortality becomes feasible or we acquire knowledge of what happens after you die), the rational thing to do is to hang around

>> No.9856069
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A bird in the hand is nice.