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File: 394 KB, 554x499, Calibre_logo_2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9855143 No.9855143 [Reply] [Original]

>digital library of over 4,000 ebooks
>read none of them

anyone else know this feel?

>> No.9855163
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>Buying digital goods when you can buy them in physical version
You know you don't truly own anything digitally right? they can always take it back from you with some bullshit law in their contract if they really want to

Also books are more pleasurable when you touch them

>> No.9855231


he probably meant just pirating ebooks. why would someone buy 4000 ebooks?

also that's retarded. that's something someone who views books as a fashion statement would say

can you recommend me ur top 10 coffee table books, mr thinkgeek?

>> No.9855240

No I don't.

>own 3 bookshelves full of books.
>reading in front of them gives me the slight push I need to read that extra page or two per sitting
>feel my brain reward itself after placing a read book neatly back on the shelf
>everyone compliments my bookshelf and checks it out
>ohh I've read this one! What did you think anon?
>go into lengthy literary discussion over coffee and pastries

Ebooks are a meme

>> No.9855253
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>> No.9855497

That feel

>> No.9855508
File: 56 KB, 645x773, average litizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being so poor in the biblical sense of the word, you don't even spend money for a hobby that cultivates your soul, mind and even public image

>> No.9855524

>digital library of over 10,000 ebooks
>read a few hundred of them

I guess? If you just like to hoard, then better do this than pin butterflies. You need to do some exercise though.

>> No.9855525

>thinking cowering under a consumerist culture is something to be proud of

>> No.9855535

i have way more than that and hope to have all books with 100+ ratings on goodreads eventually. just out of convenience and because it gets me really hard to know i have all this 'culture' on one tiny fucking drive. i'm doing the same for music, pictures, games, and one day film (i have a decent collection but at 8gb minimum per rip i'm not starting anything serious until drives catch up)

i read about one book per week, and that's okay. it'd be ridiculous to feel bad about not reading them all, or even most of them. i see a lot of people share your sentiment, specially on music communities - as if the best way to spend time is always to carefully plan it on as hermetical net of rational decisions made to enhance your pleasure, that you gotta blame yourself for relistening an album you aren't 'getting' for the 5th time instead of trying something new, "think of all my favorite books that i'll never read!", etc. it's just adolescent. you're not on a race against anyone. just do you. carpe diem my man.

to me this is mostly a rather unjustifiable feeling of ownership, but what can i say, it feels good. and again, it's convenient.

also if any hot hacker is reading this please create a calibre killer. the ui is atrocious.

>> No.9855538
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Do you have the magical nostalgia as well, touching and smelling the already read ones? I love to just side and go through them while remembering where it has accompanied me.

Ecucks will never know that feel.

>> No.9855545

>calibre killer. the ui is atrocious.
It's very customisable, you must be lazy

>> No.9855551
File: 33 KB, 600x578, 1473257967324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you recommend me ur top 10 coffee table books, mr thinkgeek?

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information x10

t. pseud

>> No.9855561

What If I dont have money to buy books?

>t.white midlle class man

>> No.9855581

>created by "xxxx yyyy" at the bottom bar
the golden standard!

>> No.9855954

>Not printing and binding your own books from the ebooks

>> No.9856000
File: 310 KB, 726x1096, 1489225601125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What If I dont have money to buy books?

>> No.9856026

No, I don't.
I made that mistake with picture from 4chan. I have a folder with so many interesting, cute or funny pictures, that I can't find anything and as a result I never look at it.

So when it comes to films, TV shows, books or even movies (I don't watch flicks), I only download what I intend to read one day. I have a couple hundred ebooks, about half of them unread (I delete read books that I don't think I will ever want to re-read too to keep the archive clean).

Calibre's UI is ugly, but it's perfectly functional.

>> No.9856083

I hoard digital music. I have somewhere between 4 and 5000 albums in my library, 90% of it is jazz. I've probably only listened to about half of them. But I like having them there when I want something new to listen to.

But no, I like to own physical books. I only download ebooks for things like cookbooks, textbooks or things like that.

>> No.9856091

if you can't drop like $15 a week on a book (way less if you buy used) then you are either not middle class or you have made some really fucking stupid financial decisions.

>> No.9856111

if you download them and put them into calibre it is the same as reading. this is what bloom does

>> No.9856144
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A backlog for video games is autistic; a backlog for books is necessary.

Tfw never be able to finish all the books I want to read before I die.

>> No.9856148

Yeah get rid of your faggot Netflix and hulu accounts and buy books instead.

>> No.9856156

I like how you nostalgia retards seem to be under the impression that people who use e readers don't have libraries too. I have the same amount of analog books as I do ebooks. How does it feel to know that your high horse is completely imagined.

>> No.9856173
File: 70 KB, 600x800, edstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books: physical
Music: spotify premium
Film/TV: ???

I have some physical dvds, some blu-rays, a few digital purchases on google play and a few on amazon video.

What is the Patrician's Choice when it comes to film and television, lads?

>> No.9856400

>What is the Patrician's Choice when it comes to film and television, lads?
Avoid it

>> No.9856654

>I have books too
Yeah, that's nice. I prefer to have them all physically in my bookcase, that's all. My preference doesn't make it a "high horse" but it does tell about your own feelings of insecurity on this issues that you have to describe it to others.

>> No.9856721

YIFY rips

>> No.9856738

Torrenting doesn't strike me as the Patrician's Choice, anon. Wouldn't the Patrician feel obliged to support the artists from whose work he derives enjoyment?

>> No.9856815

Why would I spend money if I can avoid it?
You sound pretty stupid in the dictionary sense.

>> No.9857016

this, we just have the advantage of taking our library wherever we go!

>avoid it
obviously you've never seen a good film like Persona, Face of Another or Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors

>> No.9857030

>all books with 100+ ratings on goodreads
enjoy your library filled with hundreds of thousands of romance and bad fantasy novels

>> No.9857035

Are the shelves with your fedora collection right next to your books?

>> No.9857174

Criterion Collection

>> No.9857310
