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/lit/ - Literature

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9854653 No.9854653 [Reply] [Original]

>favorite book
>favorite book when a hot girl asks you

>> No.9854660

Why wouldn't you just be honest about what your favorite book is

>> No.9854670


>> No.9854676

>favorite book
The Talented Mr. Ripley

>when a hot girl asks
War and Peace

>when /lit/ asks

>> No.9854690

There's no point to lying OP. "There can never be such a thing as a conflict between expediency and moral rectitude." - Cicero

>> No.9854692

>favorite book
None. I don't get people who have a favorite book/album/movie. Writer/artist, sure but a book is generally too limited at some point.

>favorite book when a hot girl asks you
Depending on the girl, either Les Miserables, Girl with a Dragon Tattoo or The Little Prince. Always followed by something from Hemingway because bitches love Hemingway. Sometimes I even answer honestly.

>> No.9854700

>Hegel-Lectures on the Philosophy of History
>" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

>> No.9854709

girls get WET for loli

>> No.9854735

>favorite book
Finnegans Wake
>favorite book when a hot girl asks you
IDK, I don't really read! :D:D:D
(Although, I did recently give my beloved copy of Mason & Dixon to a chick)

>> No.9854741

>IDK, I don't really read! :D:D:D
Man, growing up in Murica must really suck.

>> No.9854752

damn, this thread isn't really much good

>> No.9854753
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Meh, it's a little bit of that, but it's also kind of fun. The greatest is when someone mentions a book that you've read, but you tell them you haven't read it. Continue to have the conversation and have it travel a little bit out of context and then start reaching towards themes from the book and wonder if they catch on.

>> No.9854766

This anon gets it. Bitches love Les Mis for some reason

>> No.9854777

Just go off the assumption they've seen the movie and may or may not have read the book. If they've only seen the movie don't go full Hugo-explaining-sewer-systems on them.

>> No.9854879


>> No.9854890

The Threepenny Novel
the Kama Sutra ;^D

>> No.9854899

Gravity's Rainbow for both.

But the truth is it's Ulysses :^)

>> No.9854920

>None. I don't get people who have a favorite book/album/movie. Writer/artist, sure but a book is generally too limited at some point.
Everyone is sick of this kind of posturing and can see right through it.

>> No.9854937

>favorite book
Catch 22
>when wicked hot slash asks me
the sun also rises

>> No.9855099

I don't understand this.

>> No.9855122

Because being honest with a woman is the easiest way to become a cuck

>> No.9855127

How many hot girls are asking you people what your favorite books are

That's never happened once in my life

>> No.9855135

>compromising your own authenticity for a hoe
that sounds pretty cuck-like to me

>> No.9856365

The Stranger
Talking to people? Hah good one.

>> No.9856390
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>> No.9856392


>favorite book


>favorite book when a hot girl asks you

"Erm, that's a good question. What the hell is my favourite book? Let me think about it."

*Stares into space for 20 seconds while holding hand against head and squinting eyes*

"Probably... The Crying of Lot 49"

>> No.9856412

>alice's adventures in wonderland

>> No.9856421
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ever heard of the term middlebrow?

>> No.9856430

>Favorite book
The Complete Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
>When a girl asks
Crime and Punishment
>When /lit/ asks
Petersburg by Andrei Bely

>> No.9856488

>favorite book
>when a girl asks
Idk, maybe some Dostoyevsky.
Do girls like Dostoyevsky?
>when /lit/ asks
Nobodaddy's Kinder

>> No.9856505

>Infinite Jest
>Infinite Jest
Actually though:
>Freedom by Franzen
>Freedom by Franzen
Got my gf a copy for her birthday--she loved it. We're both from the Midwest and Franzen really hit the nail on the upper-middle-class-liberal-suburban-existence-under-Bush head

>> No.9856526
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I can't pick a favorite book.

If a girl asks me what my favorite book is, my answer depends on how much I know her, and what kind of reader I think she is.

I know a lot of Catholic women for some odd reason, so to them, I'd say Paradise Lost or The Divine Comedy.

To a woman that I know to be an English major, I'd say Canterbury Tales or Much Ado (virtually anything by Shakespeare that isn't Hamlet or R&J would be just as good).

To someone that likes YA or genre fiction, I'd say Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice.

To anyone else, I'd say that I couldn't choose.

>> No.9856542
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>favourite book
Main Currents of Marxisms (no joke)
>when a girl asks
Probably 1984 or some Dostoevsky

>> No.9856568

D-Do girls like Dostoyevsky?
Pls respond.

>> No.9856577

my sister does

>> No.9856586

Why would they? Every female depicted in Dosto is subsumed by the madonna/whore complex. What woman would wanna read Notes from Underground? Smh all these people. If you wanna impress a girl tell them you read like Zadie Smith or Roxanne Gay.

>> No.9856599

I don't have a favourite book. The answer depends on the context but better just pick a title, any title, rather than worry about honest answers. People aren't that interested.

"I don't know maybe Fathers and Sons haha"

>> No.9856615

I don't think I want to impress girls who like anglo feminists.

>> No.9856619

Is she qt?

>> No.9856628

not really i guess

>> No.9856631

>Oh man, I don't know. I like a whole bunch of different books and it depends, I guess. I really enjoyed...

>Oh man, I don't know. I like a whole bunch of different books and it depends, I guess. I really enjoyed...

>> No.9856632

>I don't know I just watch netflix with the bros, don't have time to read haha i just wanna make money nah what I mean haha

>> No.9856635

>Crime and Punishment
>Anon... that's kinky ;^)

>> No.9856639

All of the women in Dostoevsky's books were roastie whores. Women probably don't dig that.

>> No.9856648

literally me

>> No.9856662

They're also often portrayed as suffering and lacking maternal love/guidance.
I don't think it's so black and white.

>> No.9856666

grils are used to identify with male character anyway

>> No.9856685


>> No.9856690
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>> No.9856744

It's autism awareness month, have you been checked?

>> No.9856747

dude... that's autistic and some might even see it as a little underhanded lol

>> No.9856750

>None. I don't get people who have a favorite book/album/movie. Writer/artist, sure but a book is generally too limited at some point.

>> No.9856792
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I never get bored in conversations!

>t. boring conversationalist

>> No.9856873

the way of the samurai
breaking bad

>> No.9856911

>>favorite book
The Brothers Karamazov
>>favorite book when a hot girl asks you
Anna Karenina

I love me some good russians

>> No.9856916
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>favourite book
The Holy Bible
>favourite book when a hot girl asks
Sea of Fertility series

I just want to be comfortable with being a holy man of God

>> No.9856929

probably Labyrinths atm

>when a girl asks
Harry Potter

>when /lit/ asks
Harry Potter :^)

>> No.9856942

Really makes me think.

>> No.9856959

Extinction by Bernhard

Mrs Dolloway by Woolf

>> No.9856982

>Norwegian wood
>Norwegian wood

>> No.9856983


Just be yourself, ya silly goose!

>> No.9856986

I wish bernhard had a collection. I guess i'll just have to stick with kindle editions since i'm a poorfag. he just has so many. i really enjoyed the loser.

>> No.9856996

>favorite book
The Man Without Qualities
>favorite book when a hot girl asks you
In Search of Lost Time

>> No.9856998
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The Book of the New Sun

>when a girl asks
The Book of the New Sun

>when /lit/ asks
The Book of the New Sun

>> No.9857007

yeah im a huge bernard fan, but Ive read most on my kindle as well.

i know most of his novels are printed by pic related but you don't bernhard lying around in used bookstores

I recommend Gargoyles next then Extinction

Loser is amazing, and his debut novel, Frost, was really tough but rewarding

>> No.9857008
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forgot pic

>> No.9857206
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>>favorite book
The Memoirs of Richard M. Nixon
>>favorite book when a hot girl asks you
The Art of the Deal

>> No.9857218

I saw that netflix documentary too

>> No.9857219

good man.

>> No.9857221

>favorite book
Gravity's Rainbow
>favorite book when a girl asks me
Gravity's Rainbow. I'm married, and my wife is the only girl that asks me about books. No use lying at this point, she sees me pick it up every day and read my favorite passages.

>> No.9857229


>> No.9857238

Just wanted to chime in on this Bernhard convo and say that Woodcutters is my personal favorite of the five or so I've read. Don't sleep on Correction either. Also you can get many of his books on libgen fyi.

Bernhard is fucking amazing and quickly becoming my favorite author.

>> No.9857257


>> No.9857327

>favorite book
The Iliad
>favorite book when a girl asks me
Harry Potter, since that will give us something to talk about and I actually read it when I was learning Spanish

>> No.9857329

>My Immortal
>My Immortal

>> No.9857332


>> No.9857357

please stop posting this. What does rick and morty have to do with /lit/?

>> No.9857358


>> No.9857406

>Homage to Catalonia
>Gothic Tales of the Marquis de Sade

>> No.9857423

me: Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
qt: Morrissey's Autobiography

>> No.9857462

underrated post

>> No.9857471

Implying that a girl will ever ask you what is your favourite book.

>> No.9857873

pickle rick is gunna have a good time

>> No.9857901


Yeah well maybe if you weren't rectifying all the time you'd still have your head attached to your shoulders.

Did you ever think of that, smart guy?

>> No.9857930

Silmarillion , the Sun Also Rises

>> No.9858081
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>favorite book
>favorite book when a hot girl asks you

>> No.9858084

I'm not attracted to ('matured') women.

>> No.9858103


>> No.9858106

it's just a pedo
ignore it

>> No.9858110

lol pedo

>> No.9858116

a 'pedo' wouldn't use the word 'woman' at all. I like adolescents, you twerps.

>> No.9858713

I've noticed many jewesses like Dosto.
So if you wanna sacrifice your DNA for the purpose of lowering inbreeding and tay sachs among jews then say Dosto.

>> No.9858761

>the last samurai

>> No.9858766

is it good? i hear good tings

>> No.9858780

>favorite book
the bible, unironically

>when a hot girl asks
for whom the bell tolls or anna keranina probably

>> No.9858787

Reading that right now, for being >genreshit it is quite nice

>> No.9858802

>In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
>"this 7-volume series written by a man who shot another man for outing him as gay, it's French and very romantic"

>> No.9858825

Favorite: Dangling Man (Bellow) or Demian (Hesse)
Public Favorite: East of Eden

>> No.9858859

its been my favourite book for a couple of years now. if you like kurosawa and get anxious over how smart or educated you are then it's a book that'll keep on giving. also stylistically interesting.

>> No.9858871

shot at. he didn't hit him. and it wasn't an outing, it was a suggestion. and i don't think many people who'd read - or at least understood, the two often fail to go together - would choose romantic as one of its prime characteristics.

>> No.9858881

I don't have a favourite book. And if a girl (or anyone), I just say the Greeks.

>> No.9858887

The count of Monte Cristo
The count of Monte Cristo

>> No.9859084


I'm fully aware of the inaccuracies and do not expect any woman on the planet who is considered "hot" to call me out on this.

>> No.9859395


> little prince

I get it but do you really want to fuck chicks this basic?

>> No.9859476

Montaigne's Essais.

>> No.9859493

Y-you mean multi-page discussions of changing street layouts in Paris isn’t panty-drenching?

>> No.9859511

Not him, but I don't feel like it's posturing. When someone asks my favorite book/movie, I feel like I'm lying to satisfy them when I just choose something recently that I liked or something I've read a few times. I want to put thought into that kind of question because I feel like it deserves an actual answer.

>> No.9859520

jesus christ anon don't kill me

>> No.9859752

>Reading that right now, for being >genreshit it is quite nice

I wouldn't class it as genre fiction because it stands on its own literary merit. It is certainly not genre tropes that drive the plot.

>> No.9859755

>girl asks you
Milk and honey. Easiest question of my life. She'll think I'll pity her if she gets raped, like only those who get raped deserve pity. Like a girl cannot also tie up a guy, shove a club in his anus and take it out from his mouth.

>> No.9859761

>Anna Karenina overrated public mainstream

>> No.9859792

Why the fuck did I not get any replies when I posted a Hemingway redpill request thread? Fuck you /lit/.
OK, honestly, you don't trigger me. Dalloway is a true feminist literature, which is the exact reason why no hot girl has even heard of it.

>> No.9859807

Because unironically using "redpill" makes you sound like a lost cause.

>> No.9859814

Not him, but what's wrong with it?

>> No.9859819

It is a fucking love drama for 40 y.o housewives though

>> No.9859820


Get out of my way you unter women literally lunge at me out of pheromone induced ecstasy. I have to keep a taser on me at all times just to keep them at bay.

>> No.9859882

Unironically using the word "unironically" makes you sound like a lost cause too.

>> No.9859893


Its babbys first philosophy book.
Maybe it was just my school but around 9th or 10th grade all the girls started reading it and were acting all deep an sophisticated all of a sudden.
I mean “facebook wallpaper with le petit prince quotes“-deep.
Its a cute book but thats it.

I guess if a chick says its her favorite because its cute, thats fine. But all the girls I met treat it like some deeply spiritual piece of philosophical writing.

>> No.9859904

>>favorite book
>>favorite book when a hot girl asks you
good literature can evoke emotions, you've read le petite prince?

>> No.9859906

Sure it is, mate. Maybe if I hadn't read Ivan Ilych too I would believe that Tolstoy is a hack who just magically got in the list of classic writers.

Working towards finding a decent translation of War and Piece by the way.

>> No.9859958

Maybe it was not just your school, but it definitely wasn't mine too.

It's pretty sad, but when I think about it, no book was ever started to be read by girls in my school, nor by boys, except harry potter maybe.

>> No.9860009

>Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.9860197


>> No.9860734
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>> No.9861041

>hot girl asking me about something I'm interested in

U wat m8

>> No.9861050

>buying the brothers karamazov at bookstore
>hipster sjw chick working the checkout
>throw book on counter
>i say with an ironic and malicious smile, "Every read this?"
>she looks at me a bit perplexed and responds: "a couple times, i think it has one of the best portrayals of the Devil.
>i stare at her in shock and barely get out: "haha ya that scene was intense"
>take book and immediately leave

who was in the wrong here?

>> No.9861121

You were, evidently; (ironically)ironically judging a book by its cover in a bookstore.

>> No.9861164

>"Every read this"

>> No.9861170

But what about that sweet Ashkenazi brain power?

>> No.9861199
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>that moment when you realize you're no longer "in" with the group

>> No.9861205
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>implying hot girls ask me things
>implying average girls ask me things
>implying any girls say anything to me ever
>implying I don't just read in my garage in my underwear

>> No.9861241
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>The Grapes of Wrath

>> No.9861396

>Wittgenstein's Tractatus
>The concept of a book (or any work of art for that matter) as an isolated, independent object is a useful, albeit over-simplified and intellectually immature fiction perpetuated by the dominant phallogocentric epistemology of western civilization and its associated socio-cultural power-structures. Metaphysically and historically speaking a "novel" or any other "book" does not exist as a discrete entity at any point in some presupposed physico-material space-time (in fact, another entity whose presupposition should be seriously questioned in any legitimate intellectual discussion) nor at preeminent location in the phenomenological world-history of dasein. Rather, something like "a book" should be viewed as a disconnected structure or network that erupts on the historico-ontological plane in a single genetic act simultaneously characterized by both diffusion in, and absorption of, what one might call the prevailing socio-cultural 'solution'. It's not unlike how early scientific investigations into the thermodynamic character of fluid mixtures revealed that nature of the time-dependent evolution of the degree of heat in a mixture of miscible liquids (or to say the same, it's degree of entropy) cannot accurately be described in terms of the dominance of one discrete or distinct entity or substance over another, but must rather be viewed as the emergence of a reciprocal interdependence between distinct yet homogeneous solutions. As one might guess, I cannot therefore say that I have a "favorite" book, although I am rather partial to the Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.9861482
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>Temple of The Golden Pavillion
>Harry Potter

>> No.9861536

>Because being honest with a woman is the easiest way to become a cuck

Yeah, if you honestly want to be a cuck

>> No.9861819

>showing your power level

>> No.9862283

>The Great Gatsby
>The Great Gatsby

Hot girls don't talk to me tho.

>> No.9862314

>showing your analytical power level to a girl
Better show her abs.
I respect the hidden Tractatus though

>> No.9862407

Harry potter and the deathly Hallows

>hot girl
Love in the time of cholera, Wuthering heights

>> No.9862415

In /lit/, everybody is above the middle of the brow.

>> No.9862417

Hot girls don't read.

>> No.9862452

Post her feet, m8

>> No.9862473

spondee iamb iamb

>> No.9862479

Harry Potter
Harry Potter

>> No.9862734

Nobody said that Tolstoy is a hack you goddamn maniac. Women like Anna Karenina, if they aren't retarded.

>> No.9863153

>favorite book
gooseberry park, a childrens book

>when a hot girl asks
go away lady

>when /lit/ asks
some meme, like timmy pinecone or ulysses

>> No.9863736


The War Amongst the Angels

The War Amongst the Angels

>> No.9863862

>Gravitys Rainbow
>Infinite Jest

>> No.9863873

The Wind In The Willows.

Favourite book whoever is asking.

>> No.9864179

>if a hot girl asks you
>Hemingway, Hemingway, Hemingway, Hemingway, Hemingway

>implying Crime and Punishment isn't more read by pseud chicks than any Hemingway novel

>> No.9864183

>Blood Meridian

>> No.9864197

>favorite book
Moby Dick

>when a hot girl asks
Moby Dick/The Count of Monte Cristo.
Depends how I'm feeling.

>when /lit/ asks
Moby Dick

A girl once told me the easiest way for a guy to get into her pants was to have read To Kill a Mockingbird.

>> No.9864891

Shouldn't you switch places?

>> No.9864937

>girl with dragon tattoo
Top cuck

>> No.9864964

>The Art of the Deal

>> No.9864992

yeah, just give her the D

In both cases Beyond good and evil by Nietzsche

>> No.9864994

>hot girls wouldn't like you reading a lesbian

>> No.9865010

I like to impress women by showing my knowledge of George Orwell, the greatest novelist in this history of the English language. I like to inform her that 1984, although a magnificent novel, was not supposed to be an instruction manual. After mutual guffawing she admires the wit and intelligence of such an original and thought provoking statement and offers her body to me.

>> No.9865013

Six four by hideo yokoyama
Kafka on the shore
White noise

>> No.9865017

>favorite book
Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets

>what I tell girls
War and peace

>> No.9865031

Dreamy... So what is it Anon?

>> No.9865034

Third and eighth ones are way better

>> No.9865043

Why do people ask for advice about women on Virginity.org?

>> No.9865045


>> No.9865108

never heard that one before, pretty good, stealing it.

>> No.9865337

no, but you have

>> No.9865900

Favorite book:
When a hot girl asks:
Still Stoner
When /lit/ asks:
It's still Stoner

I feel that though; IMO girls love Hemingway. My ex went nuts for the Sun Also Rises and FWTBT and every girl I've talked to has had the same reaction. It's weird because the female roles portrayed in said books are fucking degenerate
>Hurt durr time to manipulate and cuck everyone I meet because I can't control my emotions
>I-is this what love is like, America-kun?
Pilar was a dope character though

>> No.9866071

>Wow anon, your favorite book is about a guy who smokes weed?

>> No.9866185

American psycho
American psycho

>> No.9866421

>Hurt durr time to manipulate and cuck everyone I meet because I can't control my emotions
So your average anti-hero?

>> No.9866454



>when hot girl asks

Pale Fire

>> No.9866635

But her reasoning is so stupid for it

:>Hur dur my boyfriend shit himself to death so now I'm going to ride the dick train around Europe cucking the only man who cares about me

>> No.9866646

Only ever gotten that once desu. I said that it wasn't about that and we carried on talking about books. It was nice.

I'm surprised. For all of it's praise on /lit/ and other book forums, Stoner is completely under the radar; even to avid readers

>> No.9866754

I was in the background of the netflix documentary.

>> No.9867138

In Search of Lost Time for both.

>> No.9867323

Good goy

>> No.9867375

>Men Are Better Than Women
>Women and Men
Hopefully they isn't realise that I've only read the first.

>> No.9867556

>favorite book
I don't really have favourites.

>favorite book when a hot girl asks you

>> No.9867581

y'all motherfuckers better have read Agapē Agape by Gaddis
the entire thing is an homage to Bernhard

>> No.9867928

>War and Peace
if you know anything about the war of 1812 and napoleon's push into russia, the original maudes' translation is very good—far better than P&V.

i also like Oxford World Classics' version, which is a slight revision of the maudes' work published in 2006 or so. it makes it more accessible for those who don't know the history and—my favorite—it keeps the french passages in french.

>> No.9867943

>implying that the american public school system doesn't make you read "the old man and the sea" with its limpid prose over dostoyevsky.

>to kill a mockingbird
i literally read that when i was 5 y/o. also, didn't harper lee die twice? my wife and i both remember hearing about her death on NPR—once in 2016, but also a few years prior. i thought she died in 2013, '14 or something.

>> No.9867962

My favorite:
Oblivion, DFW

When a grill asks:
Orientation, Daniel Orozco
Here Beneath Low Flying Planes, Merill Feitell
Interpreter of Maladies, Jhumpa Lahiri

Bitches love short stories, and they're easier to summarize when they ask about them.

>> No.9867963

it's not a brilliant book. is it overlooked by the majority of american readers? yes, and that's criminal. my father-in-law is a renowned english professor and hadn't read stoner until i gifted it to him.

the implication that edith was raped by her father was masterfully done IMO. i only got it on the second time around, and only after my wife pointed it out. still, stoner lacks the frenzied brilliance and the spiritual thrust of a book like, say, the brothers karamazov—rather, it carries a quiet american reflectiveness. i think it's great at saying what it wants to say, but the issue that what it wants to say doesn't have a lasting, universal message as great literature does.

>> No.9868056


grow some nutz, kiddz

>> No.9868080

give me her number faggot

>> No.9868086

It would look bad next to your dubdubs.

>> No.9868305

>Faust, Part Two
>Faust, Part One

>> No.9868309

they like to imagine that theyre still young and desirable instead of old and busted. they also want to be handled

>> No.9868356
File: 110 KB, 960x726, 69493d0d-a758-4c48-8b09-d1511df67fb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9868567

You fucking pwned him xD ;) Good job mayn