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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 87 KB, 493x500, The_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9854072 No.9854072 [Reply] [Original]

Books you enjoyed in middle school and high school thread?
> pic related

>> No.9854092

im not ready for the shitstorm but uhhh I liked John Green novels in middle school

>> No.9854109

shitstorm? why?

>> No.9854134
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>> No.9854145

We all did dumb shit in middle school

>> No.9854155
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Really enjoyed the imagery of the short fiction.

>> No.9854162

The Iliad

>> No.9854175
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Reading this was pretty shocking when I read it in middle school. Like the cool cigarette smoking cousin of the fantasy books I loved previously

>> No.9854208

>Implying anybody actually read the Bible from cover to cover in middle or high school.

>> No.9854212

>reading lemony snicket in middle or high school

>> No.9854215

>some bootleged ninja turtles books from Russia, where they team up with Batman and shit like that
>Japanese myths
>Humiliated and Insulted
>Harry Potter (a chick basically locked me up in her room when her parents were gone and forced me to watch the second movie, then traded the books for my ninja turtles shit ... though I did enjoy them)
>Das Kapital
>War and Peace
>some stuff from Ballsack I don't recall anymore
>The Hobbit and LOTR
And obviously couple simple science-y books, mostly about space or the Interwebz when it was still something new and cool. (I am from an East-European shithole)

Though it was mostly middle school, didn't do much reading in my last years of HS before I wanted to become a writer.

>not reading it in primary school

>> No.9854222

Depends on the version.

>> No.9854252
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Middle School

>> No.9854265
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>> No.9854496

It's weird looking back on this as my first dystopian book.

>> No.9854502
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>> No.9854521

I read alot of Michael Crichton in middle school. Sphere and Prey were my favorites.

>> No.9854540

people on here fucking despise john green

>> No.9854559
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>> No.9854578

fight club, a clockwork orange and moby dick. i haven't been able to elevate myself above this level of reading for lack of superficial motivation.

>> No.9854597

i don't remember what i read in middle school really, but i listened to shit like burzum and watched a clockwork orange superficially

high school i found /lit/ so i've been trying to read what was cool here ever since.

>> No.9854602


i did when i was 12. i have a religious family so was pretty natural.

>> No.9854605
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Stopped reading because of the theological errors.

>> No.9854613

You were in the target audience, don't be ashamed.

>> No.9854621

Murakami was pretty good. To anyone who is "18" (aka under 18), he's a very good author to interest young nerdy girls into /lit/ shit, even if they're not really readers. Something like Sputnik Sweetheart or Norwegian Wood.

>> No.9854659

I got in-school-suspension for reading Michael Crichton aloud to other kids at recess in third grade. I would only ever read the gory death scenes or the spares erotic ones.

>> No.9854671
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I'd be more curious about elementary school series instead. But either way. I'll post a ton of my re-reads. Redwall books. I have 5 or 6 I will never tire of reading. I read them almost every year. Enders Game and Ender's Shadow. Also, Harry Potter books.

To be fair though, I just turned 28, so things might be a bit different.

Crichton was another guy I read a lot of. Him and some King. Not quite as edgy and awesome as this dude.

Gonna have to re-read Redwall again.... Hot diggity.

>> No.9854685

Not really middle school, and I know I'm going to get a lot of shit for this, but I liked the Harry Potter books when I was ten/eleven years old.

>> No.9854744
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>he didn't browse /lit/ in highschool
Lmao did y'all have gf's or something?

>> No.9854847

That's not too bad anon. I read the entire Twilight saga in middle school.

>> No.9854850

came here to post this

>> No.9854851

Whats wrong with that?

>> No.9854860

Nah that's normal. Those books were fun to read when I was younger. I read the whole series like 5 or 7 times when I got grounded.

>> No.9854934

I certainly didn't.

>tfw lugging around a beaten up copy of IJ wherever I went

>> No.9854947

went to a private Christian school K-12, I've read it cover to cover more times than I can count