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/lit/ - Literature

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9852949 No.9852949 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about Russia that inspires such incredible writers? Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Solzhenitsyn, Nabokov, Gogol, Chekov...I think the only country that can compare in terms of sheer literary talent is the United Kingdom but they had every amenity and the highest institutions of learning in the world available to them, not to mention incalculable resources and a quarter of the world's population under their control. Meanwhile Russia was a starved, frozen tundra barely out of the clutches of feudalism that then got thrown into 80 years of Soviet Communism.

>> No.9852971

>Literary talent


>> No.9852982

If you're talking about England/Britian they seriously suck ass with the exception of a handful of poets. Ireland on the other hand, is a country that can compete with Russia

>> No.9852983

Living in Russia is suffering and the turbulence makes a great setting.

>> No.9852988

Are you retarded?

>> No.9852989

I am russian and for us Western cultur is death long time ego (poland and baltics to )it was died after the roman sacrum romanum empire become east and west and the roman emperor (katexan who was orthdox not cucktolic jew ) died and Karl come to power by Help of vatikan jews with his shity kings heretic nordcuck who sick jews dick and germans goths Dicks Tribs he try to merry sofia she had real roman emoeror blood in her she run to moscow back Then and Sofia was gorgeous she Get merry to a russian master race slav the shity german subhuman Carl was realy angry about thet he know he can't never take the real byzantinian blood tron and Sofia said no to him and stayd in moscow and died there so Carl the german fag send a jew kardinal to russia but he Get killed by russians in his way and died there on the cold snow so Then Karl made a new plan a union with his anemys the hungarians and the osman turks to take our beloved constantinopol after one weekend byzantina Get seigh from the place whan the byzantinian gurds filld woter they Get sniched by a shity jew kardinal from rome thet there is a place whan the gurds brining wother to the castele after thet he come back to Roma and with a turk and all the jew Europian union help they sieghd constantinopolis and same Hapend to the russian empire we olmost take byzantina back but the fucking Franch and britashhhhhhh fags come to Help the turks so we back down from take in our constantinopol back russian empire was Gona just bcoz we cared about our slavic greek Serbian bulgarian makedonian orthdox brothers in all there Balkan wars !but we Get crym back and slowly slowly the jews hate ir thet they are becoming weak on russia so After the russian empire fall the rad baltic jews take control on russia and Then killed ussr thet some say was great and some say bad but no one know all i know thet pepole was smarter and look beter Then Then now with no order whan evrey one is free

Russian slavs are the original slavs

We killed all our westeners enemys and thet why west hate us :) and its good

Stalin said if the west hate us thets mean we doing great :)

Pic releted the agly weak degeneret west now no cultur no dignety no order nothing full of homosexsuals pedos transeksuals boys who wona be girls kids thet dont act like kids any more girls thet wana be boys womens thet fuck women with hairbroshes guys who fuck guys in the ass thet we the russian need to nuke evrey one of you westeners to the sky

Thet why you hate us :) you are not us and will never ve your western empire is death so you try to bring the last empire thet still strong and powerfull down

News for you we have nukes :) a realy big now we have china and North Korea backing our backs :)

Hahaha you think we fall bcoz you sanctions but its only make us stronger and stronger and more national just like germania was evrey one had order evrey one know what his Job :)

Come at us westeners scums we the russians stand like a Dicks for ever !!!

>> No.9853000

my how standards have fallen for what passes as incredible these days. giants among toadstools. communism fractured the soul of russia and not even fragments of literature remain.
>inb4 b-but i liked master and margarita
you sure did, sonny jim. you sure did.

>> No.9853002

>Anything like Russia in terms of literary prowess


>> No.9853007
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>tfw you realize he doesn't know anything

>> No.9853014

America is the current home of literary genius, soon it will pass its torch as it has before, to south america at large.

>> No.9853021

Harsh places make people experience a lot of things other people won't ever get to. Gives them a different perspective on things and it shows in their writing.

>> No.9853028

if that were true, africa would hold ten thousand shakespeares.
>inb4 they're just not literate

>> No.9853033

They're just not literate. Hunter-gatherer culture also dissuaded them from settling down, which then allow the creation of civilization and literate culture etc

>> No.9853047

He said people.

>> No.9853059

bah, then go and teach your africans, invest in your shakespeare like so many have done before you. i'm off to latin america where the women are hot, and so too the knife in my back.

goat trainers would get better results in masses of pebbles. better than training blacks.

>> No.9853072

I assure you the latinas will be all over you for a green card.

>> No.9853090

i'll be looking for literary inspiration and stuff. will be leading a very ascetic life, full of moonlit guitar and frustrated masturbation. you wouldn't understand the literary lifestyle.

>> No.9853155

Tolstoy was pretty naive.
Bethink Yourself! was pretty sad to read.

>> No.9853159

Are you implying Solzhenitsyn was a marxist?

>> No.9853161

i've sort of always believed that pain and suffering creates beauty sort of like how karma works. like how in the ghetto they produce really passionate music, also like early black blues singers started rock etc etc there was a lot of "debauchery" (he snickered and finally resulted in stamping his foot twice indignantly) in Russia ( glug glug ) so there was also great beauty spawned from those dark corners that they romanticized to us and made to come alive in our hearts.

>> No.9853173
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>communism fractured the soul of russia
I think you're right. Modern Russian identity seems to be slightly insecure LARPing that had to be memed into existence

>> No.9853188


>> No.9853192

Ivan easy on the vodka

>> No.9853233

lmao never seen this pasta

>> No.9853241

Always thought it was funny how they have this paradoxical hatred of themselves yet a fierce love of their country

>> No.9853243

they suffered

>> No.9853244

Regardless of your baiting, there really are too few good soviet/postsoviet writers. Maybe also Yerofeev.

>> No.9853257
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>80 years of Soviet Communism
Reminder that communism is jewish and that when jews took over Russia in 1917 they killed tens of millions of Russians.

>> No.9853261

A lot of Russia's best men were murdered by jews, so there has of course been a major drop off.

>> No.9853321

pretty much this

>> No.9853439

Their greatest writers, at least from my admittedly limited reading, seem to have a preoccupation with things like depression, existential crises, etc. which are often necessary to producing a type of genuine emotional response from literature.

>> No.9853511

daily reminer
Russian /lit/ before communism > Russian /lit/ after communism
stay salty leftist

>> No.9854075

You have to realize how Autocratic Imperial Russia was. Most opinions that the Government did not like were silenced, so the only way to really discuss important issues was indirectly via literature. The conflict between Slavophiles and those that wanted westernization in Russia, along with the conflict between the radicals of the 19th century and the moderates/liberals/conservatives that culminated with the revolution gave a lot to discuss. This is what authors like Turgenev and Dostoevsky were writing about, not "russia is so sad". What inspired the likes of Pushkin and Lermontov, which were before all of this ideological stuff I believe, was probably a unique situation where all of the nobility were highly educated and torn between traditional Russian culture and trying to emulate France/Britain/Germany, along with their military experience or career in public service which gave them a lot to write about.

But then again I'm not a historian so I might be wrong in everything I said.

>> No.9854218


Africa is not a harsh place to live. It's always warm, there is tons of plant-based food and animal-based food as far as the eye can see.

Compare that to Europe where it's frequently cold or snowy, and the animals are smaller and spend a lot of time in hiding. Clearly Africa is the easier of the two environments to live in.

Your proof is the ingenuity of Westerners vs the simplicity and stagnation seen in most African cultures. Life is easy for them, so they never were pressed to evolve.

>> No.9854249

You're forgetting about the constant aids and ebola outbreaks, anon.

>> No.9854260

>the UK
why do the British think all the Irish writers wanted to be British?

>> No.9854269

>fucking lions and tigers and tsetse flies, rampaging elephonts, warring tribes, overwhelming heat, little medical infrastructure, little infrastructure in general, etc

>> No.9854273
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>> No.9855462

Hihi fascism

>> No.9855478


But I'll also add that the semi-Westernisation happened at quite a late point in Western history (romanticism, realism etc). So Russians were fulfilling their potential at quite a late, urban stage of the game. Poetry quickly became the prose they are more known for outside Russia.

The tsar/aristostocrat environ. helped with refinement, too.

>> No.9855483

Aristocrat, even.

>> No.9855502

Bulgakov is not that good, Dostoevsky and Solzenitsyn are puffed up, bombastic abusers of melodrama. Westerners like them because they think that's that DEEP SLAVIC SOUL MAAAAHN. You could have at least mentioned Bely and Khodasevich instead.

>> No.9855514

Indeed. When people hear of English language they immediately think of England. England is such a fraud country actually, but I'm not in a mood of talking shit about it now.

Did the Russians really suffer that much? The skeleton kids in Africa who don't know how to write don't suffer at all then? Before pitying someone else maybe you should check how much you suffer yourself.

I think this is what's wrong with the world today. People think that it's all about money, but most importantly, they think it's all about information and education and knowledge, and the talent of putting words together in an appealing manner with which they express their so called suffering, makes them look as if they "suffer"

Can't believe "art is the refuge of the lonely" actually becomes cliche.

"Fear no more the heat o' the sun
nor the furious winter's rages"

>Fear no more the heat o' the sun
>Africa is the easier of the two environments to live in
>it's always warm
>too warm is not bad

Damn, thanks for making me realize Shakespeare is an autist - he writes unnecessary verses.

>> No.9855999

Solzhenitsyn is a puffed up bombastic abuser of melodrama

Pleb tier idiot

>> No.9856011
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What is weirder is that China has an incalculably larger history and tradition of literacy than Russia but has very little in terms of literary treasure. Their "Four Great Novels" are nothing special, their philosophers are like stultified sub-Aristotles and their "poetry" is simplistic and lame (99% is basically "Moon is high, Emperor's peach garden is in bloom, I think of my friend Xiao who left on journey"). YAWN. There is no Chinese equivalent to Tolstoy after 5000 years lmao.

>> No.9856017

>"Moon is high, Emperor's peach garden is in bloom, I think of my friend Xiao who left on journey


>> No.9856036

>What is it about Russia that inspires such incredible writers?

>> No.9856043

nigga whut

>> No.9856060

Things like Shakespeare aren't made without hundreds of years of literate culture for one to build on and tropes to manipulate, classics to reference, general erudition to have, etc.

I mean, look at Homer, even while we admit its poetic beauty, we gloss over the fact that it's primitive and violence-filled with not very deep characters, a remnant of early civilization based mostly on oral tales of wars and violence and great heroes; there's no nuance, everything is larger than life, and mythology/fantasy is mixed crudely with attempts at psychological realism; not only that, but it's admitted that it wasn't even likely entirely written by one person and there's no official version of it, what we have may have been a product of the collective consciousness and different scribes marking it down using the memories of different bards. Homer after all was blind and was reputed to have been the first bard to have SUNG the tales, not the person to have afterwards written down the Iliad or Odyssey.

And Africa DOES have a rich oral tradition, which, if they had settled down to agricultural civilization, may very well have led to the writing down of the works of someone like Homer, who could very well have birthed an entirely different and great literary culture.

>> No.9856071

lol. both are these guys were anti-communist. did you just comment on writers you haven't read?

>> No.9856076

>What is weirder is that China has an incalculably larger history and tradition of literacy than Russia but has very little in terms of literary treasure.

You cant read even half of it accurately you stupid fuck.

>> No.9856141

the russian writers were not starved nor did they live in a frozen tundra

one explanation is that for russian orthodox: art = theology

they have no systematic/philosophic theology

thus inherently skeptical of not only stodgy british memers but also the german memers

weird obsession with land

Nabokov is an American writer.

>> No.9856183

Yes, and if Africans had dug out harbors from their cliffs, they could have had a grand sea-faring tradition.
Except they dindu that either.

>> No.9856187

Nabokov was ULTIMATELY an American writer.

>> No.9856202

Good critique of Iliad/Odyssey man. I liked it a lot as a teenager.

>> No.9856231

t. Chang
And by the way, I don't need to read "half of" Chinese literature. I've read their masterpieces, as decided by critics and time itself - which indeed can be judged even in translation. They suck.

>> No.9856243

Same lmao. It could easily pass for a Tu Fu translation.

>> No.9857330

That's exactly what i mean. it's kind of ridiculous and unfair to blame the Africans for what they didn't do/not meeting Western standards when the climate of Africa was against settling down to agricultural civilization leading to subsequent focus on literacy and then literate art.

You might know with the modicum of historical knowledge we have that the Ancient Greeks were great seafarers because they lived on islands and shipbuilding was thus important. You may as well call other civilizations inferior for not having developed shipbuilding to the same extent because they didn't have the same need to.

Finally, criticizing Africans for not having a literate culture is ultimately proof of an excessive and artificial glorification of literature culture and the intellect. Really, in a lot of books, you don't get anything that edifying. A guy can read Dante and Homer and Dostoevsky and still not know what to do with his life and ultimately end up killing himself; a person can be very literate but also weak-willed, petty, mean, incompetent, bitter, nasty, bored, vain, easily depressed etc. Whereas at least hunter-gatherer tribes don't suffer from such histrionics and mental illnesses to the same extent people in civilizations do, and are content to sit for hours looking around at nature. Something many of a high level of civilization would be hard-pressed to be able to do.

>> No.9857369

Not to mention that the western way of life is hilariously unsustainable and destructive.

There are certainly good aspects of western culture that even the Africans can and do benefit from, but this whole cultural superiorty thing is just pitiful.

>> No.9858424

the forced contrarian opinion

>> No.9858793

Napoleon. At least for Dostoevsky and Tolstoy.

>> No.9858816

I agree. But could you elaborate on why you think they suck?

>> No.9858830
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>the only country that can compare (...) is the United Kingdom

>> No.9858834

Happened with Communist Russia too. Shalamov, Platonov, etc.

>> No.9858863

>Did the Russians really suffer that much?

>> No.9859736

Wow, so you know how much someone else had suffered. You know what he has been through, you know what passes through his mind. I'll be honest and tell you that you should never delude yourself, of knowing. The Russians could've suffered less than you think, could've suffered more than you think.

>> No.9859757

>What is it about Russia that inspires such incredible writers

Something that didn't exist prior to the mid 1800s and when it was there lasted about 50 years

>> No.9859794

Shakespeare is worth every russian combined, most russians concur

>> No.9859806

Your mind has been colonized, anglo. Realize that the orient will forever be beyond you

>> No.9859812

Can you think of any post-WW2 identity that isn't LARPing?

>> No.9860723

UK is England, Wales, Scotland and N.I. The Republic is a seperate country. FFS just google it you tard

>> No.9860733

The country with the richest and underappraciated literary canon is Iran. persian poetry is peerless and good in translation.

>> No.9860909

>communism fractured the soul of russia

>> No.9860976

You are dumb.

>> No.9860987

Redpill me on Persian poetry.

>> No.9861126
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Spain had its Golden Age with great writers, poets and dramaturgs, but Spain is always out of the scope of everyone for historic reasons. If you want to be a true patrician, have a look at that period of time.

>> No.9861149

>muh wine
>muh beloved one
>muh hidden Sufic meanings
It's actually pretty good and more meaningful in its mysticism than most Western poetry, just read it

>> No.9861160

fuck off Dominic

>> No.9861934

90% of good irish writers are anglo blood you idiot