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9850164 No.9850164 [Reply] [Original]

Does a fantasy novel mostly focused on abuse of legilative, executive and judiciary abuse with a mix of policies and state maintenance sounds interesting /lit/?

>> No.9850242

Yes and no. The deal with fantasy is that most people read it purely to self insert or for dragons and shit. Politics usually has to be simplified to work in those settings. If you get too far into it then the readers lose interest fast. A better way to approach it would be an exploration of alternative political systems in a fantastic world and the implications of such. Even then, fantasy politics have been so played out by now that the market has already been saturated with books about ancap dwarves and socialist elves.

>> No.9850322
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Dear lord, how I gonna sell my writtings?
I have been messing with the idea over a fanfic site, under the tag originals, and I was planning to expand the universe and try selling it. Tho isen't a major topic of the novel, the policies and stuff related have a bigger space in the expanded universe.
Tho I didn't put taxes...Yet...

>> No.9850346
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yes. hugely

fuck, just set it in some kind of tottering neoliberal world (the world of today) *or* as one of complex dynastic/monarchical politics (arguably also the world of today).

sooner or later somebody is going to write a great NRx-inspired fantasy world and it is going to be dope as fuck to read. can you put snobby aristocratic ultra-rich elves in it? they're still elves, they still think they're good - and they are - but off the top of my head here, if you wrote a story about Elf Politics or whatever and had Upstart Humans - or the reverse, i guess...for sure, i'd check that out.

NRx has all kinds of neat stuff to write about. what happens when Elves fall in love with money? backstabbing? intrigue? what happens when Elves and Humans don't get along and they're both supposed to be good guys?

don't have to make it as decadent and weird as elric or anything. but yeah, i mean, abuse of power stuff is always interesting. very human.

power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely...could be wicked fun. no need to copy game of thrones, how about a French Revolution-inspired fantasy? decadent nobles, trying to hold on to power...redpilled elves, redpilled humans, bluepilled elves, bluepilled humans...politics, love and money...

would read OP. or, if you prefer, take all of that and flush it. i don't know. but yeah. cool stuff.

>> No.9850374

If I can make any comparisons to real world events, this story would be closet to some modern-days dictatorship.
It's less about magic and shiet and more about holding power and keeping the stability and integrity of the state, using every dirty method in the book; the favorite one being changing legislation everytime to something more and more despotic, until a handfull of few people have absolute power actualy are the ones able to legislate, judge and execute such judgements.
Pretty despotic at some points.

>> No.9850383

And taking into consideration that the mais character actualy is one of the "bad" ones, them the pages would be filmes with some wicked shit from time to time.

>> No.9850391

Filled with*
Hate my auto-correct, stop correcting english into portuguese son of a bitch.

>> No.9850416
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i mean it sounds cool to me. and i'm not as NRx these days as perhaps i once was.

still tho. to my mind the way to go is to start with inequality. despotism is always fun to see, naked power grabs &c. it is fun. and the more complex the political system is the cooler it will be, i think, to see.

if you're a natural born savant like howard ofc you don't have to worry about it too much. just Do You and it will all be awesome. hell, if you had that kind of talent *and* a fucking wicked political clusterfuck to write about too that would be awesome no doubt.

despotism & dictatorship is indeed awesome to read about. intrigue & politics & all that.

have you read any james ellroy? american tabloid? stuff like this? i mean if your fantasy state is essentially a humongous version of an entirely corrupt LAPD & full of shenanigans - tho staffed with barbarians, or knights, or necromancers, or whatever else you're thinking about...hey man. sounds pretty good. write that shit homeboy. get that paper

maybe check out ellroy. i don't know. feels like your world could have some Bad Cops doing Bad Shit for the Right Reasons and be fun & grim & so on. maybe like a pirate kingdom? exploring the world? gotta love privateers...controlling those spice routes, fucking up local princes...

all good

>> No.9850480

Thanks for your comments op. I sometimes strugge knowing if a concept sounds good or not. I will try to get the strenght to start working hard on the book, and seeing that the book is foward in the future in relation to the short story I am writting in the fanfic site, I will be able to start from scratch.

>james ellroy

Never heard of him. Any suggestions to start?

>> No.9850512
File: 58 KB, 313x499, 6162WwTkg+L._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of my absolute favorite novels. the sequel is just as good (part 3, eh...)

he's also the author of LA Confidental, which is a pretty good film also. but this is better. for despotism & dirty tricks it's hard to beat J Edgar Hoover or the assassination of JFK. the characters are all balls-deep in corruption, crime, the FBI, the CIA, all of it. ellroy is an incredible writer and his style is super-punchy. lots of violence, crime, mayhem. but all of it really well-researched too.

seriously if you had a fantasy version of this it would be pretty cool. this is all about power & control & other stuff. the mob is tied up with the CIA, who is tied up with the president...all this.

it's just a thought of course. you gotta write what you want to write. i do think that there is also a lot of cool stuff going on with a seafaring kingdom too, handing out rewards & bounties, colonizing the world, fighting with rival powers back home, everybody trying to pull in money, pirates, all of that...too good. pirate stories always are.

sometimes you can't really know how a story is going to sound until you try it out. imho you just need one really good villain who can say all the shit that makes you crazy about the world. but what i do know, i never published anything...

hope this helps anon. good luck

>> No.9850527

Thank anon, much appreciated.

>> No.9850549

I'll only read it if it includes modernist elements in it. Anything else and I would rather read nonfiction on the same topic

>> No.9851315

Yes, books and shows involving all of that are very popular right now.

>> No.9851691

Why the tumblr nose?

>> No.9851693

depends entirely on how well you write it

>> No.9853135

Just do what you feel to write or quit writing