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/lit/ - Literature

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9847068 No.9847068 [Reply] [Original]

> go on r/writing
> just a bunch of shitty fantasy writers
> ask if there are people writing literary
> get called pretentious

Goddamn wtf is wrong with that sub. The critic threads are so pathetic they keep patting each other on the back foe shitty writing. How do they expect to improve

>> No.9847085

Go back

>> No.9847095

>visiting reddit
>posting about it on 4chan
How the mighty have fallen

>> No.9847172

Link that thread.
If you can't, screen it.

>> No.9848773
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It's pathetic and yet in a way also self-aware.
Just leave them be desu

>> No.9848786

>go on r/-


>> No.9849073

But you are pretentious

Writing literally stuff in this day and age is silly. The time of literature is over. Just write some fantasy genre fiction to make some quick cash you wannabe

>> No.9849092

Why are you talking about faggotland here? Go back and stay, faggot.


>> No.9849097

>> just a bunch of shitty fantasy writers

and...what do you think is on here?

>> No.9849116

in fairness there's a few delusional weirdos who write really really bad literary fiction on here, but yeah it's mostly delusional weirdos who write really really bad fantasy.

>> No.9849119

Superior intellectuals working on their very own spiritual successors to Lolita.

>> No.9849122
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what did you expect from....reddit writers?

>> No.9849124

If you truly write literary shit, why the fuck would you even begin to care about it? You are a pretentious faggot for pretending that the trash you write is any better than the trash they write. At least they accepted that they are genre writers.

>> No.9849143

>write 10,000 words per day of genre pulp
>love every minute of it
>get published and enjoy praise and recognition from a niche audience
>write 1,000 words per week and hate every single one of them
>writing is stressful and filled with self hatred and neurotic insecurity
>publishers use your manuscript in their inside jokes with colleagues, assuming you're a pretentious high school kid with a thesaurus
>the only people who read your shitty writing are anons who shitpost in critique threads and slush pile editors who discount it outright
It's a tough life, being a patrician.

>> No.9849329

I would sincerely prefer the later

>> No.9849341

post a screencap

>> No.9849456

Why? Either way what you're writing is bad

>> No.9849654

prove it

>> No.9849672

not that faggot but I find the idea interesting. To embrace the fact that it's all shit and love it anyways, yet still rejecting the path that would have him believe that it's not.