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/lit/ - Literature

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984701 No.984701 [Reply] [Original]

How do you respond to people saying reading is useless or as one friend put it, "A lost art"?

>> No.984707

cool story, bro

>> No.984709

Stop hanging around stupid people.

>> No.984711
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>> No.984712

>implying i ever talk to people

>> No.984713

"Ignorance is bliss."

>> No.984714

I think it's a lesser art than /mu/sic since the artist can't force you to read every line, you put it away & pick it back up later, etc.

It's more of an art than film though which is even more of an art than /v/idya (god-tier entertainment)

>> No.984728
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>> No.984731
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problem? everything I posted is fact

>> No.984732


>literature is more of an art than film but less of an art than music
>I'm a stupid faggot making broad, sweeping, nonsensical value judgements about things for no reason

>> No.984736
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Attacks the speaker rather than the statement. Ah, how very enlightening!

>> No.984739

I laugh.


>> No.984742


Your mp3 player doesn't have volume control or a pause button? That's terrible, you should get a refund.

>> No.984751

What an idiot. And the worst part is that I bet you have terrible taste in music.
Show me your last.fm and I'll point out the flaws; don't worry, I won't laugh if you have more than 10 NMH listens.

>> No.984757


>> No.984760

I respect the difference in our opinions, albeit not without some resignation. I remind myself that any arguing is almost definitely going to be useless. I also remind myself that an opinion contrary to my own does not jeopardize my identity or the legitimacy of my feelings. Then I go about enjoying my day.

>> No.984762

No, there are arguments for music being superior to literature (see TBOT by Nietszche) but, your argument is lazy and bad.

>> No.984765

No one has ever said this to me.

People have commented that I must be smart since I read so much.

>> No.984770

This, specially when you mention videogames (using chantalk, even), and call it "god tier entertainment".
You're in /lit/, we abide to different rules here, and we value intelligence. Not the pretension of knowledge, no, intelligence.

>> No.984773
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By design the average novel cannot be finished in one sitting. Your reading speed varies, the author has no control over which side of the book (left/right) a page appears on, etc.

Where as with music the artist has much more control over your experience.

Go ahead, I'm pretty much perfect. I'm giving you it on the condition you give me an, at the least, amusing reply not just >[band name] HURR.

Jesus you guys get really butthurt, I'm not saying music > literature they're too different for that. Just be open to the fact that your favourite hobby might not be as pure an art as another.

>> No.984789

>more control by the artist=more ''artistic''
care to back it up? I know that there may be an argument for this, but i doubt you are up to it. Either way, the pretense is false, if you consider intersubjectivity in art. But I doubt you consider such things before you vomit your half-baked concepts all over our /lit/

>> No.984793
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I apologize. I thought the c/lit/eratti could differentiate between art & entertainment, obviously not.

I'd consider if you brought up another type of "game" like Chess for competition for better entertainment but the Arts are better at emotional gratification, not fun.

>> No.984794

your musical taste isn't bad so much as unbearably pretentious

also you are annoying

pee pee doo doo

>> No.984800

>Your musical compatibility with TotenFaschist is Very High
>Music you have in common includes Faust, Slint, Joanna Newsom, Can and Björk.
I hate you. And the worst part is that I already know who you are, not because we've crossed paths, but because you're friends with a tripfag friend of mine.

You're not even remotely perfect though (Radiohead, R.E.M., The Mars Volta, Panda Bear, Muse, ATDI), but I'll let it pass since we're Very High. Undeservedly, though.

>> No.984801

>Jesus you guys get really butthurt, this is some really easy trolling
I know, right? /lit/ is easy mode for trolls.

>> No.984803

>Captain Beefheart

Confirmed for pretentious assdicker.

>> No.984808

Captain Beefheart is good, but hey, let's not get all /mu/ in here. If you don't get Captain Beefheart it's because it's not for you. They're as unpretentious as they can get.

>> No.984822
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>your musical taste isn't bad so much as unbearably pretentious
Damn, I don't think it is. I have shit like The Smiths for god's sake.

I laughed hard. Don't tell me it's CLT?
>You're not even remotely perfect though
I don't try to be.

I'm not a troll. My original statement only blew out of proportion because people get insecure if you slight their only interest.

I disagree. That's more fitting for his good friend Zappa.

>> No.984825


>By design the average novel cannot be finished in one sitting.

Most literature is not a novel, many operas can't be finished in a single sitting

>the author has no control over which side of the book (left/right) a page appears on, etc.

Yes he does, lots of novels make use of this

>> No.984827

Gross, no. I'm a tripfag there though, and I've been longer than him. /much/ longer.
Oh and
>Go ahead, I'm pretty much perfect.
Eat your own words.

>> No.984831

Hey, you just made a statement that was out of place. music is superior to literature because the artist can control the audience's experience more directly. it was a really bad argument, and it was denigrating to literature which is kind of offensive i guess. even though, i was personally more offended at the lazy ass reasoning you used. i have heard this point argued in a decent way, but you just failed at it. any way, i'm through. my captcha is ''overdone offended''

>> No.984838


Zappa was a musician. Beefheart was a retarded child who banged on pots and pans. The only reason anyone would seriously listen to him is if they wanted to play the 2deep4u card, which is exactly what you've done here.

>> No.984840

>being one of the primary influences of noise-rock, punk, and avantgarde blues
>just banging on pots and pans
This is why some people should stay away from criticizing music.

>> No.984844

christ, you people. NO pop music is worth listening to. Listen to some erik satie or prokofiev ffs and stop filling your heads with rehased teen angst.

>> No.984846

captain beefheart influenced exactly ZERO punk bands worth listening to.

>> No.984848

Oh look, this anon is the music equivalent of a randroid.

>> No.984850

>I'm not a troll. My original statement only blew out of proportion because people get insecure if you slight their only interest.
o rly?
>has nothing to do with reading being useless or "a lost art"
>implying music is better than literature on a literature board
>calling video games "god-tier"
>comes off as a complete douchebag who is easily hated
>goes on to contribute to a growing shitstorm rather the just shutting the fuck up
Riiiiight. I totally wouldn't do this shit if I was trolling.

Embrace your inner troll, man.

>> No.984856

So all of them? And I'm not saying Beefheart influenced punk bands, I'm saying it influenced the punk movement as a whole. Notice the difference. The music style and the overall random, simplistic patterns were primordial in the creation of punk. And that's only in the case of that subgenre.

>> No.984862

Nah, see, because no matter how "influential" he was, captain beefheart's music (his own, that he made, not the music of those who came after) is quite simply unlistenable. By assuming otherwise you have once again proven yourself a pretentious tool.

>> No.984868

No, they were ''influenced'' by previous bands they weren't doing the influencing. "punk" goes all the way back to Dionysus. Dont give a shit band credit where obviously none is due.

>> No.984874

How is that? Ayn Rand had no aesthetic sensitivity.

>> No.984875

Unlistenable? What the hell do you listen to all day, Lady Gaga? Beefheart is easy-listening, although maybe it's just that I'm acustomated to experimental music.

>> No.984876

Sure is /lit/ in here...

>> No.984894
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>Go ahead, I'm pretty much perfect.
>I am
>I don't try to be
learn2logic. hmm, is the friend Worthy Captain? I'd like to know who you are though, if you're not too insecure about it?

>music is superior to literature
You're miss-quoting me so I'm not even going to give you the pleasure of continuing the argument.

>The only reason anyone would seriously listen to him is if they wanted to play the 2deep4u card, which is exactly what you've done here.
I laughed again. Actually to be honest my first listen of Zappa went over my head. Beefheart I genuinely like. But I think that's because I have more Blues exposure than Classical at present.

>I didn't say music is better.
>I called vidya better *entertainment* I'll stop the explanation here as it's clearly beyond you.
>comes off as a complete douchebag who is easily hated
Not really? I just poked fun at how amazed I was by the responses I got from a simple statement of opinion.
>goes on to contribute to a growing shitstorm rather the just shutting the fuck up
Fair enough, I'm just trying to defend my position I guess.

If I really was trolling I'd take up a fucking tripcode after this shitstorm. You guys get riled over nothing. That's the type of posters I hate who complain about boards getting ruined, they are solely responsible, like the masses who complain about the politicians that they themselves voted in.

>> No.984896

>easy listening

You sure we're listening to the same Captain Beefheart, bro? This stuff grates on the psyche. Its the closest any music has ever come to making me want to stick a fork in my ear.

And no, I don't listen to lady gaga.

>> No.984898

reported. this troll thread got off page 0 and you had to bring it back.

>> No.984910
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If you don't read you miss out on all the good books. You can't just watch the movie, because the movie is has always cut something, made changes, and it does all the imagining for you. You get see the movie, you get one experience, you read the book, you get another. You don't read books, you miss all those experiences.

>> No.984911

I am giddy that you responded. I knew you were a fellow troll.

You really don't have to pretend you aren't, it's not like anyone here is smart enough to stop your from derailing the thread even if they know you're a troll.

>> No.984921
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Your immaturity or ignorance amuses me.

You contribute nothing to the argument. Also this was more of an /adv/ thread for the OP I'm guessing before the likes of you got severely butthurt.

>> No.984937
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You think you're above everyone here? This is probably the most intelligent board on 4chan, though though it's clearly lacking (as shown here) in some ways.

Just tell me your lastfm FFS. I'm sure we could put this behind us, & I need some /lit/ friends :(

>> No.984954

>You think you're above everyone here?
I troll on 4chan to alleviate boredom. How does that make me better than anyone? Just saying, you can troll and put "I AM A TROLL" in your troll post and still be successful. Trollbait is to 4channers as chum is to sharks.
>This is probably the most intelligent board on 4chan
Tee hee.
>Just tell me your lastfm
I do not have one.

>> No.984982

>I do not have one.
sorry confused you for another poster (they came at me like hordes).

My first question was in response to,
>it's not like anyone here is smart enough
I hope you can see why I asked you the question.

>> No.984989

>I think it's a lesser art than /mu/sic since the artist can't force you to read every line
Musician here: you're wrong.

The emotion behind music is mostly subjective, especially in modern music. The better composers can portray a particular feeling better, but a listener can still interpret it many ways. What a composer is trying to get across is sometimes obscured, especially amongst casual listeners (inb4 2deep4u).

With literature, the writers use of metaphors and adjectives can more adequately portray what the writer is trying to get across. Analysis of literature is less subjective than music, the message behind literature is more obvious, it's therefore a more refined art.

Sometimes I wish I had an interest in writing books than writing music.

>> No.984998

i don't lol. don't have friends who are that proud of being retards.

>> No.984999

So is it at all possible to get this thread back on the rails?

>> No.985015

It should be if you stop attacking him.

>> No.985022

Thanks man, good to know we can't get back to the original topic.

>> No.985026

>the blame lies on others

>> No.985097

I don't really say anything, since I read for my own enjoyment and not to impress others. Whether someone thinks it's a lost art or not has no effect on works I consider art.

>> No.985208


>> No.985346

Sup bro? :)