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984697 No.984697 [Reply] [Original]

Niggers what's a good CYBERPUNK book I like the game Deus EX

>> No.984703
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>> No.984717

What specifically did you like about Deus EX?

>> No.984721


Also, read George Alec Effinger's "When Gravity Fails" and also Neuromancer.

>> No.984729

The human soul shit
politics are not that important
I like the future fantasy shit too

but mostly the whole human nature aspect, the interpersonal, introspective and society part of a dystopian technological future
also I like the god from machine and ai stuff but that I feel is another book request on its own

>> No.984730

thx Ill give them teh look

>> No.984738


Oh then you like >>984729 said, you'll probably love neuromancer. I'd recommend you read the ghost in the shell graphic novels also. I'm not sure how you feel about graphic novels but ghost in the shell dealt heavily with the soul, AI, Government, society, and the effects of technology on individuals/the masses. I'd also recommend you check out the anime too, but this is a book board. So far I've yet to read a book or see any other film that went in as deep as GITS.

>> No.984754

I love anime and I watched GITS but it felt too self-absorbed and pretentious. Kind of like the matrix sequel.

I'm into eastern philosophy so I think I'll start with neuromancer
and then read the man who was thursday

>> No.984761

how can you like anime? It's pedobait.

>> No.984766

Bruce Sterling, William Gibson, Pat Cadigan, John Shirley

The OG Cyberpunk crew, yall. Everyone else is biters or haters.

okay maybe like joan vinge is pretty original too, but most authors after these guys / gal are either more traditional sf writers incorporating cyberpunk, or authors looking at the ethos in a different way, parodying it or in some other way having a complicated relationship with it (notably stephenson and morgan).

In general, I would strongly encourage OP to read Gibson, Shirley, Cadigan, and Sterling, since all of them deal with the themes he's talking about to some extent + they're all awesome.

>> No.984787
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have some dark art in return

>> No.984799

jesus christ, i'm fucking sorry i helped you now that you showed me that

>> No.984802
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m(_ _)m

>> No.984806
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I got more :)))

>> No.984809
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>> No.984826

hi-res pr GTFO

>> No.984858

>The Wachowski brothers, makers of the The Matrix trilogy, have commented on the influence of the first Ghost in the Shell film, directed by Mamoru Oshii, on The Matrix.[6] Producer Joel Silver also stated in an interview on the The Animatrix DVD that he was shown the Ghost in the Shell movie during a pitch from the Wachowski brothers to indicate the style and look of the film they wanted for The Matrix.
The Matrix kind of being a sequel to GITS is more correct in my opinion.

>> No.984880

the matrix essentially jump jacked a bunch of anime and made a live-action version on the down low. ghost in the shell, megazone 23, a couple others.