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9845118 No.9845118 [Reply] [Original]

i dont "get" poetry

ok, i get homer and milton and dante and shakespeare

but most "poetry" seems to me like mostly gibberish with a few pretty phrases that evoke things. i guess there are themes in word choice but overall it seems like gibberish to me. song lyrics too, anywhere outside of the mainstream the lyrics seem like they just wrote whatever came to them. is that poetry? how can anyone have the same experience of a poetry, seems like pure chance. we widely accept that poetry has no fixed meaning but what part is fixed? i think i'm too autismal.

>> No.9845123



>> No.9845125

are you a women?

>> No.9845126

Most poetry loses substance when translated.
For example, there's like none of the Persian poets who can be understood in any language but Persian.

>> No.9845130

Honestly, some poetry imo is garbage others are amazing. I really like Rudyard Kipling


And no it doesn't have a fixed meaning unless you'd know exactly what the author meant.
Myself, I really like lyrics and ever since I was young I did my best to try and figure out what songs mean, especially the 60's and 70's.
I think you just haven't read enough poetry(?)

>> No.9845133

i just don't get the artform. how can you read and appreciate something as personal as poetry. how can someone be a poetry critic???

>> No.9845143

poetry is music
but you had your eyes scooped out

>> No.9845144


>> No.9845158
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>but most "poetry" seems to me like mostly gibberish

A lot of poetry has a very obvious message and themes to it.

Here's an accessible one:

>Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
>Is hung with bloom along the bough,
>And stands about the woodland ride
>Wearing white for Eastertide.

>Now, of my threescore years and ten,
>Twenty will not come again,
>And take from seventy springs a score,
>It only leaves me fifty more.

>And since to look at things in bloom
>Fifty springs are little room,
>About the woodlands I will go
>To see the cherry hung with snow.

Another one:

>A noiseless patient spider,
>I mark’d where on a little promontory it stood isolated,
>Mark’d how to explore the vacant vast surrounding,
>It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself,
>Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them.

>And you O my soul where you stand,
>Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space,
>Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing, seeking the spheres to connect them,
>Till the bridge you will need be form’d, till the ductile anchor hold,
>Till the gossamer thread you fling catch somewhere, O my soul.

If you think these are gibberish, pic related might be you.

>> No.9845167

poetry is for patricians
but you
a pleb

>> No.9845168

Read them twice.
Or thrice.

>> No.9845183

I began to enjoy poems when I learned them by heart. Paying attention to the rhythm, playing with the tempo and tone of the reciting, it makes you appreciate all the little details that make great poems.
It's also a pretty fun feeling when you start reciting something like "Do not go gentle into that good night" and, before you know it, the words are just coming out by themselves and you can pay attention to the bigger picture.

>> No.9845214

That's because all the hard working and talented people have lost interest in poetry and it is colonised by attention seeking, lazy, and talentless women and non whites. lit is unable to say this because they believe anything the academia-media-publishing industrial complex tells them.

>> No.9845367


Shine, shine, the light of good works shine
The watch before the city gates depicted in their prime
That golden light all grimy now
Three hundred years have passed
The worthy Captain and his squad of troopers standing fast

The artist knew their faces well
The husbands of his lady friends
His creditors and councillors
In armour bright, the merchant men

Official moments of the guild
In poses keen from bygone days
The city fathers frozen there
Upon the canvas dark with age


git gud op

>> No.9845474

Huge meh

>> No.9845481

I'm such a brainlet that if the poem is good, I last at least 30 mins understanding it. Put more effort in it.

>> No.9845484

>implying women aren't the overwhelming majority of the cancer infesting modern poetry and demeaning it to the point that OP doesn't "get it"

>> No.9845514

If you have read lots of prose or nothing at all, chances are that you are not giving the right importance to each individual world, their organization, the rhythms, the forms, the rhymes and so on.
Are you sure you know how to analyze a poem? Because if you don't, you're missing 99% of it: at that point it's basically like reading for the plot.

>> No.9845515

said poem was too good, it 404d a thread

>> No.9845520
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>> No.9845529

Because poetry has it's own historical development. You need to know that in order to appreciate it more deeply.
Classical greek poems had a very important cultural and social meaning. It was part of their basic education.
Golden age of hispanic literature (and many other so called golden ages) had less cryptic poems and were personal and/or descriptive. Rethoric forms were used also with mastery, but in very schematic and evident ways.

>> No.9846037

I make it hard?
I make it right.
I make it wet,
I make it tight.

>> No.9846049


Here's one thing that I have found helpful, both for poetry and philosophy: the whole point of writing in these discourses is not to "say what they mean," but rather, that what they mean requires new language to be said.

>> No.9846057

>hard working and talented people
>talentless women and non whites


>> No.9846059

Anyone know a lot of Percy Shelley can tell me what the FUCK is going on in the 'Triumph of Life'?

>> No.9846177

I didn't get poetry either OP. You just have to reread and reread. I'm reminded of the scene in Farhenheit when Guy Montag doesn't understand what he's reading and spends the entire night rereading the same segment. Poetry is kinda like that.

>> No.9846196


>> No.9846255
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I dont think there is a definitive "getting" of poetry (or any art ftm)

I think people use/ like it for different reasons. I read poetry originally because i liked the sounds of the words (Keats particularly) and usually left interpretation to the end/side. Some people are the opposite, some like it because they are obsessed with communication and language. Poets like Hoelderlin or Stevens let you refine (and rethink) thought with their poems

So there isn't any pressure. Unless you're an english major in which case the "getting" is the syllabus :)

>> No.9846263

You don't get poetry if you don't read the original language typically.
In order to get translated poetry the poetry has to be shit.
You didn't get Dante, it wasn't shit.
You might have get the rest.