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/lit/ - Literature

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9844740 No.9844740 [Reply] [Original]

How do you call this architectural feature?

>> No.9844745

A Heinz protrusion

>> No.9844794

Are there books that features characters that are in love with inanimate objects or people who do not exist? Kind of like a waifu

>> No.9844928
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The Mongols made a giant hole in The Great Wall of China?

>> No.9844942

check out Robbe-Grillet, both OP and (You)

>> No.9844948

I need to find a book by the cover.
The cover was brown / yellow-ish; a man stood on a bridge or a roof in front of what I think was a night time city.
I saw it on /tv/ more than half a year ago in a "books that need a film adaptation" thread or some shit, thought it looked interesting but didn't write the title down
I'm pretty sure it was a recent book, or at least not older than 20 years. Might have been sci-fi

>> No.9846256

Does the Theogony has the same content that Hamilton's Mythology or should I read the later to get a better understanding?

>> No.9846260

bay window

>> No.9846271

One is written by a literal Greek farmer who has primary experience with the myths and how they played into society, economy, religion etc. while the other is some girl who studied them 3000 years later and scantily summarizes classics that you should read yourself

>> No.9846360

Breton - Nadja
Nerval - Aurelia
Luca - Passive Vampire
Leiris - Aurora

>> No.9846364

oh and The Invention of Morel

>> No.9846960
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That was it

thank you anon you're a real nigger

>> No.9847010

I was told about a book that is perhaps around 300-400 or more pages(I'm really just guessing. The person said its large, so I imagine 300-400 pages is large since most books I've read end near 300 or in the 300s )

And the entire book animated is actually just 2 seconds in real life.

Would anyone happen to know about the book I'm looking for?

>> No.9847130

Perec's La vie mode d'emploi takes place the second after a character dies and describes the the lives, loves and deaths of the other tenants in the same building he lived in (although Perec proceeds to describe stories, histories and events that have taken place in the novel's past, essentially rendering it unremarkable from certain point of view--like if Ulysses had been written with Heart of Darkness' framing device).

>> No.9847527

Is there a good ebook reader for windows that's free? If so, can you give a brother a link?

>> No.9847719

comes with a reader

>> No.9847946
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Would you still use gay in your novel in the sense of happy and gleefull eventhough it had been very much hijacked by homosexuals?

>> No.9847962

Is The Trial of Socrates philosophical? Or is it just a historical account?

>> No.9847997

Great recs, though they weren't inanimate nor non-existant.

>> No.9848005

Yes. Queer and faggot as well. I read books all the time where gay means happy, queer means odd and a fag is a cigarette, and I want things to get back to that.

>> No.9849292

I think it's time to write a book about a man who loves his waifu and his desperate quest to find her embrace.

>> No.9849304

Soon I will begin university at the age of 23 and I am anxious about it.

My favourite authors are Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Plato, Ernst August Winkler, Oliver Hilmes, Joyce, Proust, Nabokov, Baudelaire, Dante, Ovid, & Homer.

How do I get over my anxiety?

>> No.9849334

post diary

>> No.9850316
File: 92 KB, 825x1000, Hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any book recommendations on Meta-Ethics?

>> No.9850923

whats better? comfort or exploration

>> No.9850932

What podcasts do you guys listen to?

>> No.9850935

While writing in a physical notepad/notebook, do you use both sides of the page?

I find it easier to fill a page, flip over and carry on writing on the right side. Writing on the left side seems uncomfortable to me. Only downside being the wasting of serviceable paper, but in my case I barely write enough physically for that to be a problem.

>> No.9850939

/comfy/ exploration obviously. But really, why must they be mutually exclusive?

>> No.9850948

What is a "thot," please?

>> No.9850989
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There are many Yale literary lectures - and lectures from other schools and presentations - uploaded to youtube.

I've dipped into several of these, and have found them for the most part competent, but not particularly inspiring.

Can anyone recommend any first-rate lit-related lectures?

I note that I have enjoyed listening to a number of Paul Cantor's Shakespeare and Politics lectures, e.g., this talk on Coriolanus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-76VX0q-Eo4

Also, on the non-/lit/ tip, if anyone is interested in the Reconstruction period in US history, David Blight gives a great series of lectures on the subject here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXXp1bHd6gI&list=PLE449CAB006D0E21B

>> No.9851002

female whore
a woman that has an extremely lively social life both IRL and in the internet, she probably rotates his partner very often if he has any, since she could very well get lots of one night stands.

I try to say this in the most neutral way possible.

>> No.9851077


Ive been a fan of the Corbettreport for as long as i can remember for weekly red pill doses.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4RHUZ-e3cM link related.
The Joe Budden podcast is funny for those interested in hip-hop.

>> No.9851134

This. Reading Hamilton as a brief treat after reading the Oddysey. Just read the real sources because Hamilton's summarizations, prose, and notes are mostly shit.

>> No.9851175

>Paul Cantor's Shakespeare and Politics lectures
Thanks for this, I've been looking for a good lecture series for my reread of Shakespeare's oeuvre. He even reminds me of my old advisor from university.

>> No.9851187

this, also, "A bay window supported by a corbel, bracket or similar is called an oriel window."

>> No.9851190

bret easton ellis podcast, also other good stuff but in french.

meta-ethics? Do you consider Hume as "meta-ethics" ?

>> No.9851196

wes cecil

>> No.9851197

Looking for a site dedicated to analysis of the illiad. It was probably a university page and had a teal background. Any other web references are appreciated

>> No.9851199

For a series of lectures that is on music but depends heavily on literary analogies to explain and support its theses and other ideas, check out Leonard Bernstein's The Unanswered Question. Though Bernstein can be pretty "elitist" or "pretentious", the lectures are very much worthwhile, imho.

Here's a link to the wiki article, all the lectures are posted in their entirety on youtube.


>> No.9851293

I'm undecided on how i should end a short story that i'm writing. Here's the plot:
>Tribesmen finish their daily hunt and head to their village.
>Then comes some men from the civilized world and capture them all.
>The tribesmen are taken to a ship and then to the civilized men's country.
>During the trip, the tribesmen experience harsh conditions and some die.
>The survivors are put in a zoo as an attraction.
>One of the tribesmen, initially brken down mentally like his peers, starts to find joy in the attention and popularity he gets from the crowds that come to see them.
Now, i can end it one of these two ways:
>The tribesmen start a revolution in the zoo
>The one that was happy doesn't want this and starts to fight his peers and defending his fans.
>The other tribesmen see him as a traitor and murder him.
>The zoo loses popularity over time
>The owners are pressured by their government to close the zoo and send the tribesmen back to their land
>They close the zoo but ignore the last petition.
>The tribesmen are brought out of their cages and shot in the head.
What do you guys think?

>> No.9851448

Can you recommend more french speaking podcasters?

>Je veux apprendre le francais

>> No.9851456
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How do I go about torrenting this?

>> No.9851470

among others I listen to the podcasts of an equivalent of NPR (but not too bad), France Culture, namely "Concordance des Temps" (tries to draw parallels between current events and past events, for example after the terror attacks in Paris they spoke about the anarchist attacks of the late 19th century) and "La Fabrique de L'histoire" (one of the last I listened to was about polish domestics sent to France in the early XXth, how alone some of these girls felt, isolated workers in a foreign country, milking cows, part of a series on the history of domestics)

>> No.9852792

should I buy william whartons birdy or the illiad? havent read either

>> No.9853926

Should I buy milk and honey or Infinite Jest? Please suggest only one, I don't have money for both.