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9842344 No.9842344 [Reply] [Original]

Currently reading The Sound Of Waves. Yukio Mishima is the most based writer of all time.

>> No.9842348
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I'm glad you're enjoying it!

>> No.9842357

And how does it make you feel? Do you feel good now? Have you communicated this yet?

>> No.9842360

tell me about yukio
why do he wear the diaper?

>> No.9842372

because his dress fell off

>> No.9842709
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Considering reading The Temple of the Golden Pavilion. How is it?

>> No.9842768

His fake persona was not based. I read Confessions of a Mask and the guy was a hair trigger away from being the Asian Jeffrey Dahmer

>> No.9843085

A masterpiece

>> No.9843517

Wow I'll have to read that one next. Though I have some doubts about what you say about the Jeffrey Dahmer thing.

>> No.9843542

I'm reading it too. It's enjoyable but I don't really see what's supposed to set this guy apart. His setting is certainly excellent and I assume the translation does a good job of preserving the imagery, but there's nothing unusual about the story or the way it's told.

>> No.9843620

the sound of waves is a fairly straightforward story about love and class tho
it's basically japanese jane austen

>> No.9843644

i loved spring snow but struggled to get through temple of the golden pavilion

what else should i read from him?

>> No.9844113

I agree OP.

>> No.9845070

How is Death in Midsummer, and is it a good entry point? I prefer trying writers' short stories before committing to longer works.

>> No.9845613

From what I recall The Sound of Waves came about because Mishima wanted to give his own rendition of a classic love story. It's extremely well written but not really representative of his other works. And in my opinion it's actually his least impressive book.

I would definitely recommend The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea. It was my first experience with Mishima and left a strong impression. In terms of tone it's somewhere right between Spring Snow and Golden Pavillion.

>> No.9845654

its excellent, onagatta is my favorite storie

>> No.9845671

what's the best book to start w/ him?