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984168 No.984168 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. Name every Stephen King book you've ever read.

I'll start:

The Stand
The Entire Dark Tower Series
'Salem's Lot
1409 (counts, doesn't it?)
And Eyes of the Dragon is pending.

>> No.984172

oh, and Lisey's Story. Forgot about that one.

>> No.984173

The Green Mile, Hearts in Atlantis, Bag of Bones, Insomnia. . . . I legitimately like Hearts in Atlantis. Took a break on his stuff will get back to him eventually.

>> No.984175

the gunslinger

is that it am i done with this thread

>> No.984177
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The Stand
The Shining
The TommyKnockers
Bag of Bones
Dark tower 1-4
Bits of all his short story collections

King of Trolls.

>> No.984188

Insomnia (preferred)
Salem's Lot

And soon I'll start with The Gunslinger.

>> No.984208
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>mfw Gerald's Game never gets mentioned in Stephen King threads.

>> No.984211

"Oh, so you've grown emotionally attached to this character and feel genuine concern for his current predicament? You think he's going to get out alive? Nope! *explosion* And guess what? There's still 20 more chapters to read!"

>> No.984225

oh, and the long walk

was really big into king for a while, but he was never exactly what I'd call a "deep" novelist

>> No.984233


>> No.984242

Make sure you read the revised edition, or your mind will melt in boredom. Also, if you get bored anyway, trudge on /lit/erary gentleman, as you won't regret it by the time you get to The Drawing of the Three!

>> No.984257

I have never read Stephen King.

Which is better: Fire Starter or The Stand?

>> No.984259

Wait, how do I know if it's the revised version or not?
I have a spanish edition (I don't think I need to explain why), so I wouldn't know. It's thinner than most of his books though.

>> No.984253

Stephen King's a fucking troll and kills off characters expectantly, and sometimes trolls you so hard he'll even tell you it's going to happen, like, 5 chapters before it does, but I still love the man enough to continue reading his stuff.

>> No.984279

It should tell you on the book that it's the special revised edition, which was first published in 2003 if you still have doubts.

>> No.984315

Well, it says that it was first published in 2008 and this edition is from this year, so it's probably the revised edition you're talking about.
All it has in the back is a small review of Damon Lindelof... WTF.

>> No.984332

Err...The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger? Yours should be revised if it's from 2008...but whaa?

>> No.984395

I know, kind of a retarded edition if you ask me. And delayed as fuck too, but I guess that's normal with translations.

>frivolity constantly

>> No.984401
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ITT: People who have actually wasted their time reading Stephen King

>> No.984416


Gunslinger sucks no matter how you spin it.

Drawing of the Three I begrudgingly started after finishing it and got my mind blown away.

Now sudden-death ruffs is probably my favorite capcha

>> No.984421

Everything before Cell, with the exception of the Dark Tower series.

>> No.984425
File: 225 KB, 1593x647, The Dark Tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Stand (Uncut)
There was nothing else that interested me at that moment at the library, so I took this HUGE and HEAVY book and got literally glued to it (fate determined that I should come across it when media had scared half the world with the Swine Flu stuff)
It was fucking awesome, I didn't mind the end that much.

Then I read (in no particular order)
*Dreamscapes&Nightmares (short stories)
*The Dark Tower series (see pic)
*The Dead Zone.

Somehow I got used to the "enjoy the ride, don't expect a nice, wrapped with a ribbon, as thrilling as the first 3/4 of the text ending"

>> No.984589

pet cemetery
dark tower 1, 2, 3
the shining
the stand *audio
duma key